Showing posts sorted by relevance for query 七夕. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query 七夕. Sort by date Show all posts


Jan 2021 Hong Kong

Colorful fruit stall along Sheung Wai
Today is 14 Aug 2021, 
 七夕 Qixi Festival in Hong Kong, but I am not going to write the story of it, instead, something about my yearly appointment on 1 January to Pok Fu Lam on the Hong Kong side.

Right after, I would walk towards Central to take the MTR way home. Before that, I must walked through the narrow streets "up & down" in Sheung Wan; which was enjoyable if you had "strength" and love the old stuff, like this. 

Well, we can still see this kind of stalls in some other old districts like Sham Shui Po, but always a bit different here, may be due to the sloped narrow streets and the "fainted" color of shops nearby. You would get the feeling of returning to the 70's - 80's liked travelling in time machine. 

I loved the kind of  "slow" motion, the aroma of livelihood, the tranquil moment while most of the people were still sleeping after the crazy night on the New Year's Eve... as well as the antique color that could always be captured.

I took this photo simply by my "ancient" iphone SE, as my usual practice, the lighting & color to be reflected as real at that moment as possible, that's the moment of us!

Actually there was the hawker inside, but I tried not to interrupt & therefore took this angle, which was fine provided my "models" were feeling comfortable :p


Before I left this district, one of my favorite spot, here...a very traditional Chinese sausage maker, I wished they would never replaced the incandescent light bulbs, never... the yellow tone that eventually vanishing !

Usually a lot more sausages will be hanging all along on those horizontal railings, by the end of January close to our Chinese New Year, imagine how spectacular it will be; the most happiest festival for Hong Konger, a few more months to go. 

I can't estimate what will going to happen in the coming months before my next visit in 2022, both the pandemic of Covid-19 or the political changes in Hong Kong, but I have confidence as always, hope in human nature...wish we & you all the best!



秦觀 (鵲橋仙)

纖雲弄巧, 飛星傳恨, 銀漢迢迢暗度.
金風玉露ー相逢, 便勝卻人間無數.
柔情似水, 佳期如夢, 忍顧鵲橋歸路.
兩情若是久長時, 又豈在朝朝暮暮.

適逢今天是農暦七月初七,  七タ; 也即是傳説中牛郎織女相會的一天. 令我想起這首優美的宋詞. 總覺得古人有份優雅的情感, 簡簡單單56個字, 便把整個詩情畫意,離愁別緖的情懷表達出來. 除了是文學修養之外, 清閒淡雅的生活能使人有空間去感受. 

也許在今夜, 大家不妨暫且放下手機雜務, 與掛念的人相聚ー刻.