
Forgotten Chap - 01


The land of mine…

no one knows why

they were there

long long time ago

arrogant of a human nature

who dare 

The people of mine…

no one knows why

not from your womb

not being tied

nonsense of a human nature 

like you

Creation of God

that is the truth

the master who own

you, too



Oiseau Distrait
24 April 2022


Geisha - 超市中的藝伎



Geisha - 超市中的藝伎
有機"藝伎種"咖啡豆, 淺至中度烘培, 日曬乾燥

還記得幾年前參加一個咖啡活動時認識了Geisha 這個品種,當年的我完全不懂欣賞,也喝不出任何特色所在. 而且當年這個品種剛流入香港,由於產量少, 是有特色的衣索比亞 (Ethiopia)原生種, 售價相對較高,並要在特定的咖啡供應商才能買到。我從來認為生活享受,應該是任何人可以輕鬆享用的,所以也就把這件事放下了。


由於Geisha 屬於單品咖啡,所以打算用手冲方式,即使未磨,豆香已撲鼻:淡淡花香是特色之一,混雜著蜜糖般的甜、果實的香,在研磨之後仍然散發著,甚至有少少酒香。



用了98度,17.6g 冲泡,約兩分鐘內完成。
冲泡後的Geisha 仍能保留淡雅的茉莉花香,士多啤梨的果實
及蜜糖般的甜味。柔滑而且平𧗾,輕輕的回甘…不知是否屬於帶果漿日曬?(因為包裝只説明是日曬)這樣才能製造出這般自然的甜味,真的頗特別,跟耶卡雪夫(Ethiopia Yirgacheffe) 那種橘子花香不同,有另外一番風味。


Spring Shower - Point Zéro

Spring Shower - Point Zéro for Petit Paris by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge


Hi, hi! 

Spring is coming...already came? how about having a Spring Shower to read a free copy of Point Zéro , just for a limited period of time 15 to 22/4/2022. 

Simply go to my Oiseau Distrait page & grab from the book link, feel free to leave a comment or star, if you like it :D

Happy reading in Happy Easter!


Happy rainy days

Watercolor of walking in rainy day - La Rue of Petit Paris

Unexpectedly shower is the norm in Paris, locals told me “never leave home without an umbrella” and it’s absolutely true. They said the weather here may drive you nuts sometimes, the extreme cold & wet days in Winters continue for a whole week, it makes them feeling emotionally sad. That’s why whenever the sun comes out, everyone gather in the park, along the Seine & café . I did experience a few times here, a great hug by the warmth of the sun was wonderful, relaxing joy & laughter’s around the place, so enjoyable.
And if you know this norm, to explore under the rain on street is interesting, too. Unlike Hong Kong, due to the lower Haussmann building skyline here, I will always feeling there are more spacious even walking on a street or alley; if you are not in the busy office hours, the momentum is much slower, people rarely in their rush mode, except in metro station. So, I can enjoy the water color like scenery in rain…j’adore !
That’s why I choose to record this moment in my book, although the painting is not good enough as I think, I start to enjoy painting rainy day for its neon like color way , hopefully I can practice more & more to finally create my perfect rainy day.
In the meantime, wish you can walk with me with lots of imagination! :D


自由~ 我的…他的…他們的?

我想:除非我身處荒島, 否則我的言行決定, 總有機會影響到別人,

"我的自由,我的權利"也包括在其中; 昨天晚上反覆思想以下兩種地球人的反應 :

地球人 A

我怕沒有廁紙供應, 我怕沒有新鮮蔬菜吃, 我怕沒有必理痛應急, 所以我去搶購囤積

⋯ 我有資金, 我有自由運用, 我有權保障自已及家人的供應.

我怕疫苗有不良副作用, 我不信藥廠數據, 我不信政府, 反正打了疫苗也會被感染

⋯ 我沒有不適合接種疫苗的因素, 但我有自由決定自已健康的權利, 

我有資金可以買補健品排毒強身, 所以我決定不接種疫苗.


地球人 B

我知可能廁紙蔬菜會短缺, 或有需要用到必理痛應急, 即使我有資金, 我也只買所需份量, 讓他們也買到所需.並小心衡量, 不散播傳文, 以免不經意地製造了恐慌, 令物資分配不均, 更見短缺.

我知道疫苗也許會有未可預知的副作用, 但此刻我沒有不適合接種疫苗的因素.
更知可以為保護因身體有病或年齡限制, 願意卻不能接種的他們;
倘若這是我所能付出一點點我想, 這也是所為的公民責任, 所以我決定接種疫苗.

我在思想, 除了為維持生計的其中一個原因之外, 他們可有自由?



必需日以繼夜運作, 接觸及追蹤可能已確診者, 因為他們要與疫情擴散的時間競賽.


醫護~必需無休止地拯救生命, 因為人人平等, 也基於愛.


清潔員工~必需維持公共衞生日常, 否則可以衍生更多疫症.

我們可以視自已的自由權利為首, 正所謂"不自由無寧死"這也是民主精神之一, 


我們可以仍然視疫情為傷風感冒, 但事實已把他們拖跨.


在我們的"自由國度"之內, 如果可以把目光由"我"轉移向"他、他們",

此刻我應該要明白自由不是一個單獨的個體, 它必需與平等、博愛共存, 


包括免被壓力拖跨、免被感染、和生存的權利 ⋯ 這才是我認為值得持守價值!



來來去去 / To & From...where

Book cover of La Rue - Petit Paris by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge

我想,今次La Rue 的網誌,應該先用中文寫,因為這本書所涉及的內容,在今天,對身處香港的我們尤其切身。

兩年前去旅行的時候,完全沒有想過香港又再次出現移民潮(上次是1997年);如果你有看第六本書Hear Me, 也許會記得當我回來的時候,心繫巴黎的其中一件事,便是繁華背後,瑟縮在街頭巷尾的一班移民;其實我所眼見的也只是冰山一角,在不遠的市外,流浪著幾十萬的非法移民~這是昔日法國為着補充勞動人口而大開中門的後果。過多的移民突然衝擊着整個社會的結構,包括文化、經濟、生活配套、民生等等;但是,為什麼即使法國處於這個局面,仍有人離開故土而遷到這裏呢?





An Asian lady on the street in Paris

A local lady on the street of Paris

I think it’s better for me to write this blog post for La Rue in bilingual, because what this book addresses is emigration, a direct impact to us in Hong Kong even under the haunting of Covid since 2019. 

There was no clue for me to imagine the emigration wave appear once again in HK (last time was in 1997 & 2014) when I was returned from Paris, I did plan to include this topic in one of my book but simply for the scenario I saw in Paris, i.e.: of those who struggle to survive there…the uncontrollable result for the government of France to bear due to the drawn in of required working power…influx as a result which crashing the vulnerable society.

Actually what I had seen as mentioned in the book of “Hear Me” was only the tip of the iceberg, millions of immigrants are still scattered outside the boundary of Paris without any support behind a “hidden barrier”. But why people keep on leaving their homeland to somewhere which might not be their real “heaven”!

A chance for future of their own & the next generation, freedom, better living standard, to survive, escape from the mess of their own countries? all these could be the reasons to emigrants around the whole world, as well as in Hong Kong today; is it barely resigned or just a basic instinct of survival !

There is for sure more & more of my friends are going to leave in 2022, a huge decision they have to  make,  especially for those who are in their middle age ~ time of their harvesting period but now has to be started all over again somewhere. It’s hard but it has to keep moving forward by all means, I am pretty sure they will make it because they are “Hong Kongers”, the toughest to survive - a genetic code that we all have.





Drawing the Magic Moment

Magic Moment watercolor drawing in the book City Of Light

Twilight time is always my favor moment wherever I am, the mysterious blue is stunning and attractive, it's the perfect time to enjoy before dark.

During the trip, I rarely took photos at night. There are some reasons behind such as Tired - after walking a whole day long, sometimes without eating enough (to save time especially during visiting museums :P); it will killing me to bring along with a tri-pot for shooting night scene. Well, I can increase the ISO of course as an alternative, but I have to confess I am stubborn, I don't like the noise resulted of high speed. How about to use my light weight titanium tri-pot? it’s a bit small for my D300…the one that fits, my Manfrotto, sooooooo….heavy! I quit :P

Temperature - it’s quite cold at night, usually in single digit or even 1-2 degree only, it takes time to explore stunning scene, not knowing for how long to discover one, because my target are definitely not the tourist spots; so, the cozy and warm hotel room always win.

Safety - I should be pretty safe at night in the tourist zone such as 1er of where I stayed, and most others zones up to 8er. But photo shooting is not “safe” sometimes, the desire of chasing a perfect scene makes me lost of my way, it happens often in Hong Kong (but it’s never a problem because H.K. is small & familiar to me). 

An exhausted normal height Asian with a camera getting lost in the dark alley of an unfamiliar city…I guess I could be… or, if I am safe by luck, return late night by metro is not a good idea either; unless by taxi or…

Drawing the Magic Moment watercolor with photo reference
Am I having too many concerns? I think so. When I was writing this book, I did regret of not taking more night scene photos, I have to assist by recap of my memories with the help of online reference – not a perfect experience, feeling there are something missing… 

The watercolor drawing as well as the book cover are really my wishes to “be there at that moment”, not only in twilight time, but also at night on the roof top; hopefully someday, I shall return to Paris … together with my proper gear for a midnight walk.