
Latte 拿鐵

Type of Coffee poster

最近收到朋友轉寄給我的Coffee Chart,一看見便會心微笑,令我想起第一次與“拿鐵”相會在廣州.咖啡對我來說是西方玩意,所以沒有留意它們的中文/台灣名,直至有次在廣州一間Starbucks 尋找 Latte 的踪跡時,才發現它原來叫作拿鐵,真有趣!難得今次這張圖不單有齊各種譯名,更有清晰的製作份量,簡單的平面設計,實用之餘又有親切感,謝謝好朋友!

A friend of mine share a Coffee Chart to me recently, I saw an English version many years ago but not this, in a format with their Chinese name (actually I think there are Taiwanese translation). It reminds me the first time when I was looking for a cup of Latte in Starbucks at Guangzhou, if translate directly it called "carrying iron".......well well, of course it sounds in Chinese is good fit to match with the pronouncaton of "Latte", but nothing related to it's actual meaning. Same goes to Espresso Con Panna, no related meaning to it's 3 Chinese wording of "Health+treasure+blue". 

But no matter how, a simple graphic design which clearly indicates the proportion of different ingredients to make a cup of your favorite coffee...it's really a good idea and especially touchy in Chinese, thank you, my dear friend:)


Cafe e Nata, Macau

Cafe e Nata, Macau

When you want to have a cup of coffee, which cafe will you choose to enter, base on what? 
it's degree of well known?  interior atmosphere? no. of customers inside? coffee menu choices? price range? or...? aroma
This cafe is located in Macau, people's favor of...guess what, not coffee but their Portuguese egg tart.  The day when we were visited, very crowded, aroma of egg tart spreading in air, but the most attractive element was the shop itself and this signage, very vintage. Truly speaking it was not a fabulous design but it's eye catching, and created a perfect mood together with the tiny timber bench, stool and "tissue roll" setting in front. Well,  of course mosaic tile will always be the "green leaf" here in Macau.
It's interest to say that, people love coffee is more or less a bit sensational, even if this is not their usual act; but they are obsess to the feeling of freedom or wildness at that specific moment with a cup of coffee in hand. 
So, my conclusion and what actually did happen was, our internal sensation conquered the reality that leads us to seat down there, no coffee, just egg tart + watermelon juice ; no service, no atmosphere, no variety choice of coffee, no gimmick...but it's already free our mind as we were seating at the side walk cafe , enjoying our "special moment".


迷失於澳門凱悅 Lost in Hyatt Regency Resort

Veranda cafe of Hyatt Regency Resort
不知離開了多少個年頭, 每次重回舊地, 都會待在這裏好一陣子, 今次也不例外, 只是若有所失!

澳門急速的發展令這間位於氹仔, 一向以擁有太白渡假村為特色的凱悅酒店也靜靜地起了變化. 名稱巳變成麗景灣酒店, 入面太白渡假村面積縮少了, 我想, 有四分一罷, 周邊被高樓及其他以招呼賭客為首的酒店包圍着, 要看藍天白雲只得往某個特定方向望過去.

酒店內部翻新了, 大堂變得昏暗、中國化, 自助早餐不再有"陽光", 食物變成不中不西; 錫紙包裝的沐浴露不再散發着"渡假式"的清幽, 如果離開泳池旁邊這段長廊, 踏出了太白的範圍...真的, 我所熟識的渡假酒店巳在退變, 漸漸地消失.

從大堂的酒店發展模型可見, 為着成就新加入的賭埸設施, 眼前的一切將會再進一步改變, 這段富有萄葡牙及少少Art Deco 設計風格的建築還能保留多久呢?位於泳池邊, 已停止運作的水中酒吧仍能佔據所緊餘的空間嗎? 最愛的芥茉黄, 湖水綠, 松綠, 紅鶴粉紅...簡樸天然的素材...仍能看見嗎? 要留住這 一切, 似乎不可能, 只願, 仍有"惜花者".

Pool side bar
5 years. 10 years....I can't remember when was my previous visit, but every time, it's for sure I will stay as long as I can in this lovely veranda, relaxing and enjoy the wind breeze...but this time, I am "lost".

Regency Macau was originally named as Hyatt Regency located in Taipa island of Macau, it was a resort built in Portuguese style with a touch of Art Deco, you can see all the familiar color combinations of Flamingo red, Turquoise, pine green, mustard yellow + white, of course...with those natural interior materials. But, the truth is, how long can these elements been reserved? 

The rapid growth of "casino culture" in Macau is intruding into this hotel. It has been renovated not long before and it's not difficult to be identified the changes of it's dark interior in lobby, the greenery at pool side area was reduced in almost 1/4, what you've got around are high rise and casino oriented hotels; if you want to enjoy a bit of blue sky, please, fix your view angle and ignore the surrounding.

The "fast food style" buffet cuisine, the replacement of bath kits in sachet,  paper lantern instead of sun light as your breakfast companion, etc...all reminds you the resort is no longer exist. The transformation is still in progress, there will be a new casino facility in this "Taipa resort", you can imagine what's up?!  Hopefully, some one will remember this  forgettable pool bar which deserved and worth to be here.


Mess Mesh "聰明"網?

Drying net from Japan

抱歉相片有點矇, 正如我用這件產品時的感覺一樣, 又愛又恨再加點迷惘. 不得不承認沒有做家庭主婦的材料, 這種可摺合式的乾衣網,對不少主婦來說是一個好幫手. 要陰乾毛衣或織物時, 可打開把衣物平放,掛於浴簾通或懸空放在浴缸邊上, 防止纖幼的衣料因用衣架掛起時下墜變形, 不用時又可摺合收藏; 但我想...究竟有多少用家真的會這樣摺摺合合呢?

因為這個由細網變大網, 再由大網變細網 (約縮少1/2) 的戲法是靠扭曲一個鐵線圈造成的, 方法請參巧上圖三步曲. 但事實上, 運作起來又不是如比輕鬆, 每次總給"反彈"數次才可完成摺合, 結果, 我還是把它完整攤開備用, 省卻再摺來摺去的"手續".

令我想起設計師設計這件產品時, 原意是很理想的, 尤其適合香港和日本等居住環境較擠迫的用家; 但礙於成本限制, 為要令成品不會脫離消費羣可負担的現實, 物料上的選用往往成為首個犧牲的項目. 說到底, 一件十圓八塊的產品, 也不應有太多要求罷!

This blur image is exactly of what my feeling while using this product, I love it's idea, reasonable thought of usage but always with a bit of frustration and messy; although, I must confess that I don't have the talent of being a good housewife.

It is a foldable mesh for drying delicate clothing in a flat position, to avoid stretch of the fiber when hanging by a hanger vertically, meaning to keep the clothing in shape. You can hook it along the shower curtain rail or just place it flat above the bath tub edges; it can be folded up when not in use according to the 3 steps as indicated above, the size will be reduced almost 1/2 of it's original. Truly speaking, it is a good design especially suitable for people living in crowded city like Hong Kong and Japan...but...

...in reality, due to the cost control, I think; it's not as easy as just twist the hard metal ring around to fold it up each time after use, without rebounds several times. I always wonder how many user will repeat unfold and re-fold while doing their laundry? To me, I just hang it 365 days unfold as a result.

It will be great if the metal ring can be modified by using a more soft & flexible material with adequate support and waterproof...hey hey hey...should we ask for too much to a product that only cost a few bucks? what do you think?


Color of Nature 大自然的呼喚

Birds of the garden poster 1
很愛雀鳥 ,尤其是牠們身上的羽毛, 豐富的顏色及千變萬化的組合, 總令人驚歎大自然的創造者, 肯定是一個藝術家.

每個人都會有特別喜愛的顏色, 單從身上的服飾配搭便略知一二.  為什麽有些人在色彩配搭上總比別人出衆呢? 即使一身紅黄藍綠, 配襯出來的效果不單止沒有凌亂的感覺, 反而是出奇地舒服, 甚至有嘉年華會的熱情、喧燦.

事實上並不一定要有專業訓練才能有運用色彩的能力, 受過美術或設計訓練只是其中一個幫助提升這個能力的途徑, 讓我們對顏色世界有多一點認識. 但是如果你擁有一對富洞察力的眼睛, 便會從大自然當中學習到色彩運用的"祕技".

樹葉的深淺綠, 黄昏的紅橙黄, 日出前的透明魚肚白, 夜幕低垂的藍與黑. 花朵雀鳥、山脈雪地、星空北極光......說不盡的色調. 你所需的配色事典就在身邊, 不用花一分一亳, 我們能不向大自然致敬嗎?

Bird - especially their feather is always my favorite,
Birds of the garden poster 2what a million color combination, our creator must be an artist.

Everyone has his/ her own favorite color choice, it's easy to tell from what their wear or what they've pick in their product of daily living. But why can some one always make the right choice, presenting the color in such a gorgeous way; even though it seems they are melting in red, green, yellow, blue...still, so harmonize without a pitch of messy, but only the greeting of carnival. 

Truly speaking, there is not any secret training or professionalism that we must have to achieve this ability. But is for sure you will learn more in a wider and deeply sense of color technique by training as an artist or designer. To us, if only if you have a pair of open eyes and learn from the nature.

Shades of green from tree leaves, red yellow orange in the sunset, transparency white and all kinds of grey in dawn, the mysterious blue and black in the twilight zone. All those wonderful color mixing in flower & bird, valley & ice burg, star night & the northern light......this valuable "color guide" is here, free of charge, you can read from any moment at anywhere, salute to our nature? 101%


絢爛繁華的Art Deco

photo source

每年情人節總會令我想起這個畫面, 在 Sleepless in Seatle 這套電影入面, 帝國大廈的浪漫演譯, 隨之而來便是紐約的Art Deco 世界.

Rococo 洛可可之後, 第二個最想介紹的設計風格就是Art Deco.這個在1909年巴黎隨着一系列芭蕾舞的表演服飾所引發, 既華麗又不會過於沉重. 適逢當時人們對室內設計風格的追求, 渴望打破十八世紀流行的法式古典設計, Art Deco 便於1914年填補這個空隙了.

Art Deco (或 Jazz Moderne) 其實包含了不少原素如 Neo-classicism, Ballets Russes 的Orientalism 及 Exoticism, 當時埃及考古文物所帶來的影響, 新興的探戈舞蹈, 藝術畫界 Cubist 及 Fauvist 風格, 甚至非洲的服飾潮流.....全部都在一點一滴地把Art Deco 塑造起來.華麗雅緻的古典原素混合清簡背景; 又或是加上表現線條, 力量與速度的圖案從而帶出當時在先進工業科技上的成就......好一個有趣的組合. 我時常覺得Art Deco 是屬於男性, 而Art Nouveau 就較女性化, 也許這便是個中原因.

Chrysler building
Chrysler Building
Empire State Building
Empire State Building
在建築上, 最能代表這個設計風格的有位於紐約的帝國大厦 (Empire State Building) 及Chrysler Building, 兩者的外型各有不同, 但設計風格絕對是Art Deco 的代表作. 鑄鐵、雕刻黄銅工藝造出各式各樣精緻的圖案, 由大理石,石屎或紋理豐富的木料...等天然素材作為背景, 座落於大厦頂部, 入口, 大堂甚至電梯,欄杆, 信箱等室內佈置, 營造出絢爛豪華的效果.

要仔細欣賞這個風格, 非進入大廈內部不可, 由於篇幅關係, 誠意介紹一本十分藉得細閱的書籍, New York Art Deco Skycrapers BY A+U. 這本於1987年4月臨時增刋号當中介紹了很多關於在紐約區有Art Deco風格的摩天大樓, 圖庫極之精美, 是一本很值得珍藏的書藉.

其實Art Deco 之豐富及受不少設計師喜愛, 除了其個性鮮明, 圖案及層次感佷強之外, 其他衍生出的風格如 Tropical Deco 也是我的最愛, 也許下次我們一起去邁亞美感受一下罷.

最後讓大家欣賞一下Art Deco 的細緻演譯.

Lift lobby of Goelet Building
Lift lobby of Goelet Building

Chrysler Building Lift Panel
Chrysler Building Lift Panel

Chrysler Building Mail Box
Chrysler Building Mail Box

Empire State Building Shops
Empire State Building Shops

Chrysler Building Staircase Balustrade
Chrysler Building Staircase Balustrade

Photo reference : New York Art Deco Skyscapers by A+U
Content reference : Period Style by Mary Gilliatt


White Sakura

Sakura in Chongqing
February is going to end in a few more days, what follow is March, April......and the blooming of sakura.  I wrote a post before marshmallow-sakura in Coffeebreak, which was talking about the colorful marshmallow look sakura in Japan, this time, the one here is locate in Chongqing, China.

White on white, a totally different atmosphere, but was still amazing when I found it hidden in a residential area, just in the gap between two buildings.

Chongqing is a valley,  the weather is moist & cold in Winter, super hot in Summer. In February, it is still misty with rainy patches, when you walk on the street, you will see everything are covered by a veil, you will never know what is in front of you unless the mist is gone. So mysterious, uncertain and sometime "lost", "White on white" - can be easily out of our sight, but if you keep your sensor open, more surprise is waiting for you.