center page in the book of Exquisite |
In the mean time, what I can do is to draw a nice picture of her, to share with you in my new book & hope you will like it, too. But this is not the end, see what I've discover...
center page in the book of Exquisite |
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Writing book is always for the public but at the same time also personal I shall say, and this is my own feeling during these few years, that’s why you may love it or not; but beautiful things created by artists, designers, architects, craftspeople …and the final piece are always dominated by commercial, religious or even political reasons in most of the time. Take it or leave it, getting rich or broke, being famous or no one ever knows…now or in the future!
My thought was complicated while writing “Exquisite”, there are tensions between beauty ~long lasting ~preserve ~transform ~handmade ~technology…too many want to incorporate, too little can be captured, cos’ Beauty always has two faces, exterior & interior.
I was a commercial interior designer, I knew the struggle inside to convert “the beautiful thing in your eyes” to the one in “their eyes”. It’s even harder for us to produce & complete them even we may not think it is good enough or even ugly…but it has to be done, no matter how. For the truly beautiful things can be demolished/ vanishing just by a simple decision from some powerful people/unit who knows nothing about beauty at all! Weird but it’s the reality.
I think this is the reason to explain my excitement when seeing beautiful things that were preserved so well in Paris. Which also lead me to think of those behind who created and made them long long time ago.
It seems the word Craftspeople is a bit old fashion nowadays, for everything takes time to complete may not suit in our new age, less and less youth are willing to take part in this sort of careers but not totally. Japan is a good example which did an excellent job in this field, recently in Hong Kong, there are also some young craftspeople who start to realize handmade items and to preserve rather than replace are valuable; furniture, book, glasses, cheongsam, leather goods, architecture…hopefully there will be a lot more in the future.
It’s quite simple in my theory, whenever people is willing to spend time into a certain thing, to make it nicer, to bring joy to someone, he/she has a kind heart, the beauty inside.
The land of mine…
no one knows why
they were there
long long time ago
arrogant of a human nature
who dare
The people of mine…
no one knows why
not from your womb
not being tied
nonsense of a human nature
like you
Creation of God
that is the truth
the master who own
you, too
有機"藝伎種"咖啡豆, 淺至中度烘培, 日曬乾燥 |
click to enlarge |
我想:除非我身處荒島, 否則我的言行決定, 總有機會影響到別人,
"我的自由,我的權利"也包括在其中; 昨天晚上反覆思想以下兩種地球人的反應 :
地球人 A
我怕沒有廁紙供應, 我怕沒有新鮮蔬菜吃, 我怕沒有必理痛應急, 所以我去搶購囤積
⋯ 我有資金, 我有自由運用, 我有權保障自已及家人的供應.
我怕疫苗有不良副作用, 我不信藥廠數據, 我不信政府, 反正打了疫苗也會被感染
⋯ 我沒有不適合接種疫苗的因素, 但我有自由決定自已健康的權利,
我有資金可以買補健品排毒強身, 所以我決定不接種疫苗.
地球人 B
我知可能廁紙蔬菜會短缺, 或有需要用到必理痛應急, 即使我有資金, 我也只買所需份量, 讓他們也買到所需.並小心衡量, 不散播傳文, 以免不經意地製造了恐慌, 令物資分配不均, 更見短缺.
我在思想, 除了為維持生計的其中一個原因之外, 他們可有自由?
必需日以繼夜運作, 接觸及追蹤可能已確診者, 因為他們要與疫情擴散的時間競賽.
醫護~必需無休止地拯救生命, 因為人人平等, 也基於愛.
清潔員工~必需維持公共衞生日常, 否則可以衍生更多疫症.
我們可以視自已的自由權利為首, 正所謂"不自由無寧死"這也是民主精神之一,
我們可以仍然視疫情為傷風感冒, 但事實已把他們拖跨.
在我們的"自由國度"之內, 如果可以把目光由"我"轉移向"他、他們",
此刻我應該要明白自由不是一個單獨的個體, 它必需與平等、博愛共存,
包括免被壓力拖跨、免被感染、和生存的權利 ⋯ 這才是我認為值得持守價值!