
Summer Cool Sale

Hey, pal,

Sorry again it seems I do forget to tell you there is a "Summer Cool Sale" 
for Book 2 Entrée Sortie of 39% reduce in price from 1 to 31 August 2021
Book cover of Entrée Sortie
click to enlarge
Meaning, you can purchase in 
$1.99 (US) from Apple Books 
or $15.46 (HK) from Google Books

Enjoy! together with the forever free 
Book One : Pont Neuf of Petit Paris series.

Oiseau Distrait



The Tapestry Poem

I would like to share this with you, a wonderful poem selected by Pauline, our team member of "pastor Au + 7 pebbles" for a special study group  in our church.

"The Tapestry Poem"was originally written by Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950)
Then being shared by writer Corrie Ten Boom(1892-1983) in the title of "The Weaver".
This poem is so meaningful, being loved & broadly shared many many times; 
and I'm pleased to share it again in my blog, wish you like it, tooMy life is but a weaving

My life is but a weaving       我的生命
Between my God and me      是主與我編織的掛毯
I cannot choose the colors    我不能選擇顔色
He wealth steadily              主在編織引領
oft''times He weaveth the sorrow
Oft' times He weaveth the sorrow;    主常常編織悲傷;
And I in foolish pride                    我愚昧驕傲
Forget He sees the upper                 忘了主看到正面
And I the underside                      而我只看到底面
not til the loom is silent
Not til the loom is silent         直到織機無聲
And the shuttles cease to fly   機梭停止穿梭
Will God unroll the canvas    主會打開掛毯
And reveal the reason why     展現讓我明白看見
the dark threads are as needful
The dark threads are as needful      按照主的設計
 In the  weaver's skilful hand         深黑色的線
 As the threads of gold and silver    在熟練織工的手中
 In the pattern He has planned       和金銀線同讓需要
he knows, he loves, he cares
He knows, He loves, He cares;    主知道, 主愛, 主在乎;
Nothing this truth can dim.      這個真理從沒變.
He gives the very best to those   誰願順服祂主權
Who leave the choice to Him     主為誰留美好賞賜

P.S. - thanks Pauline for the beautiful translation so we can share with more others :D



智者、旅人 The Wise man said...

The Wiseman said

A tourist who was visiting a small village approached the house of a well-known wise man, and he was surprised to see that he lived in a small, humble room filled with books. The only pieces of furniture were a bed, a table, and a chair.

 “Where is the rest of your furniture?” the tourist asked.
 “And where is yours?” the wise man answered back. 
“Mine?” responded the tourist, surprised. “I’m only here for a short time.”
“Me too,” said the wise man.


從信仰的角度,智慧源於我們信靠的神~敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明!(箴言九章10節)人的智慧實在沒法與創造我們的神相比,這是合理不過的; 能夠認識並信靠神,自然能尋到智慧的根源,這也是我們的福氣。那麼,在還沒有認識神之前,是否也可以活得智慧一些而不是愚妄地渡日呢? 







Listening_Hear Me watercolor painting
click to enlarge

I will say this is Part Two of "Hide and Seek", when I was thinking of what to draw in the center page for Book Six - Hear Me, lots & lots of images flash into my mind, they may be real or, are only some wishes that I would like to see someday. Both hide & seek/ hear me & listening would not exist without someone to act, problems remain if nobody care. 

I've always said that "melancholy" happen not only in Paris, but everywhere in the world, we can just ignore them if we think they are the norm, or begin to act bit by bit starting from peoples around us and therefore, this is not merely "wishes" !

Covid-19 pandemic may further increase the distance between us, but a lesson that we've all learnt - to treasure those around you in your life, the bonding of human beings always last wherever we are. 

So, at the end, I make use of the gramophone to deliver the message knowing that there is always someone who is willing to listen as well as to assist. May God bless our planet!


Hide and Seek

Hide and seek pencil sketch
Most of my drawing starts with a pencil sketch, the first line is the most difficult one, especially on a clean white paper...a curse, may be :) but once you've overcome this, the time of joy follows!

Although I can draw base on memory, photo reference can help to enhance the details. If you remember, once I've told you that I didn't plan to write Petit Paris in the early beginning of my journey, so all photos took were for pleasure only, i.e.: not recording for future reference. I was glad to be this because if it's for recording or some sort of research, all the joy would be gone. 

I love to draw in the early morning, the most "powerful" time of my day, ideas flows effectively with a spark. Continue with the coloring if it's not complicated or otherwise it has to be done in another day. 
Hide and Seek watercolor
"Hide and Seek" is the watercolor center page of Book Five- Point Zéro, it consist of some characters that I've met in Paris. Although the poems may lead you to think or concern a bit more to the relationships both in human nature & religious, sometimes sad or wordless; I do wish a happy ending, always and that's why it was reflected here, hopefully, you can feel it, too!


Be my guest

Be my guest_Jardins Secret
click to enlarge
Sorry sorry sorry...this is always the major problem of an indie writer...especially me, a forgetful bird. I remember to write my books, to prepare "behind the scene" blog posts and scheduled to upload; distribute to my reviewers as well as to other e-platforms...but forget the watercolor in center pages of each book, which is also one of the element that I would like to share with you.

Although Book Six - Hear Me has just released this month, it's better for me to carry on with the watercolor in Book Four - Jardins Secret.

"Be my Guest" is the title of this drawing, I don't actually own an apartment in Paris, of course...but dreaming of ;) Haussmann style is a Must !! with a balcony, near the river Seine...that's all; it seems not much criteria have to be fulfilled, it's not easy.

Same as Hong Kong, Paris is small & crowded with peoples, both local as well as immigrant & tourist, so the rent is super high unless you are willing to sacrifice the location & flat size. There is hopeless to live along the Seine at the 1 er or 5 er, but streets a little bit set back is fine, if I get one?! 

Haussmann style architecture is gorgeous but most of them don't have an elevator or air conditioning, for those include these two facilities...rare = higher rental per month. So, you can imagine what your daily life will be if you are living at 5th floor or the roof (usually with balcony); but on the other hand, I am sure you will look super fit within a months time.

I am fascinating with the Parisian balcony, it don't has to be a large one. The most attractive elements are always the wrought iron balustrade, raw plastering finishes wall & flooring, French windows, a bit narrow & long shape but good enough for a mini breakfast table/chair, plus, floral, floral, floral...together with a coffee & baguette every morning here, I am dying for!

Keep Dreaming & never quit :D



Tower Eiffel...do you hear me?


One of the best viewing angle to Tower Eiffel in Paris

Wow! Tower Eiffel! What it means to you?! I’m standing right now is near the Jardin du Trocadéro, Av des Nations in front of the Pont d’léna, one of the best viewing angle to Tower Eiffel. Why am I here instead of up up on the tower?...It’s not in my itinerary, besides, if you still remember, I’ve finished my apple there, at the foot of the tower, good enough this time :P

Back to the question and what is your answer? An icon of France? A romantic spot for lovers? A must go in a life time tourist spot?....you name it. One of my friend told me that when she traveled to Paris with her husband years ago, in her memory after returned to Hong Kong, Eiffel, Eiffel, Eiffel...almost every corner in Paris could see...a bit “tired” of it’s existing, everywhere, every minute.

She was right, you’ll never miss Eiffel, day or night, there is always a trace to discover it in my photos. But it’s also amazing when you see how it “interact” to the surrounding, a lot more rather than simply an icon.

Lonely man below the bridge of Paris

When I took this picture, just because of a very straight forward desire to capture the chaotic elements all appear in the same frame. I didn't recognize there was a man somewhere “resting? or...”at the bottom of the bridge, another element in the photo, that’s all.

But when I’ve returned Hong Kong, to zoom in each photos as my usual practice to explore more, the contrast of  “flourishing” above vs the “hollowness “ below in this photo, I was engaged. It reminds me the other day early in the morning, a “yellow spot” drawn my attention...

 Worker clean up city fountain routine in Paris

He was working silently, full of concentration without any facial expression, as usual without being aware by any passengers who were hurrying to work. I stared at this scenario for a while, splash of rain falling onto my face...the exact feeling on the bridge...

When I arrived Paris on the first day, I asked my hotel driver wasn't she happy to live here, so she could visit the Louvre, Tower Eiffel, Jardins...,etc at any time she want? She told me, it’s because you are a tourist, I am not, I’ve never visited the Louvre, too much to do for a living, for my family...the exact feeling at the fountain...

Tower Eiffel, what it really means to us?!