The History of Modern France
The History of Modern France |
Transparent Integrity
Whenever a sunny day, there is always a wonderful moment in the afternoon for light to play with shadow, they attracts me, so I stop working to join them for a while, usually not a while but long enough for me to think of something that we've missed like...transparent integrity!
I forget where have I learned these wordings from, a book may be; but they were written on a post-it which pinned on my notice board since 2016. The shadow play in this afternoon reminds me of it, the transparency that has to be as crystal clear as this, I think, as a person, a human being...
I wish I won't lost mine!
2021年4月18日,星期日,晴,11:00 a.m.
將最後一個地盤handover 俾客人,係最後一個,正式係我卅多年嘅室內設計生涯劃上一個句號!離開地盤嗰一刻實在有唔少感觸,不過同時又有D輕鬆、興奮同迷惘嘅感覺,心情都好複雜吓;畢竟係畢業之後第一份同唯一一份職業。
而第44th 呢?應該是因Covid-19 而取消了。 今年,HKIFF45雖然有實體場,我還是在網上購票觀看,也只選了這一套 Ghost Tropic (Director: Bas Devos);不知是否因為疫情關係,多少也影響了片源,能吸引我的不多;幸好沒有失手,又是一套好戲。
"行者無疆、始於足下" ~ 何等令人嚮往!
昨晚剛剛播完大結局的愛美麗狂想曲, 是一套整體上營造了一個"夢幻世界"而令人產生無限幻想的電視劇. 失婚婦人為生計重投社會工作, 認識了一班中產階級, 互相構建了一些理想和感情線. 中產公關、國際級CEO、, 富二代、畫家、作家… 咖啡店、畫廊、酒吧、甜品店…
不羈的"浪漫"最終, 主角由"師奶仔"脫變成旅遊攝影作家, 發揮潛能, 實現夢想!
已經好一段日子沒有值得我花時間追蹤的電視劇了, 四十五分鐘讓我稍為逃離現實, 帶我進入似乎認識卻又有點陌生的世界, 再折返人間. 我是一個可以很專注又投入劇情/電影情節的觀眾, 因為這樣才能嚐到劇中人物所感, 從而進入另外一個時空, 這是我享受的。
現實中, 全球處於不平衡的狀態之下, 先別說追夢, 單是求生, 在這一兩年變得格外困難. 不論是香港、緬甸、印度、美國、歐洲… 或許正因如此, 這套電視劇帶回一些久違了的"美好時光" - Belle Époque! 在每一個人心中, 總會有或曾經有憧憬, 應該會是美好的一面罷, 即使在此時此刻的現實中難以成就, 我想, 還是該先藏於心底, 誰知有一天不會如王麗美(劇中女主角)般"重生"呢?
雖然你或許會說王麗美之所以能重生, 畢竟在際遇上遇到兩位愛慕她的伯樂; 但不能否認的是在失意時, 她只是有限度地停留在傷痛和自憐的境况; 在沒有自信時接受朋友的鼓勵, 很快可以振作起來重新出發; 在迷惘時, 仍能理性地作出一些重要的決定… 改變現况, 始終離不開一些自強和樂觀面對的特質, 但願住在地球村的我們, 無論處於那一個國度, 面對着什麼困境, 仍能譜出屬於你的"狂想曲".
Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
I am in the Sacré-Cœur, walking around, admiring the grande architecture, huge organ above...then an “angel” voice awoke me....click to listen
Hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah....
(Sorry for the noise in the background, feel the volume of the interior...isn’t it amazing?)
Open my eyes in a panic mode, I am already trapped or better say I was buried by a crowded of tourist from my “motherland” simply because they squeeze for a glance to the priest who will start the mass quite soon. A few ladies notice my shock, although I’m sure I can see from their eyes, they are a bit of embarrass & feel sorry to interrupt but, my best viewing angle is absolutely un-replaceable, so I am totally “under-covered” within the next two minutes.
I am not sure whether I should force to escape but at the same time I do feel embarrassment, too, because Hong Kong had already returned to China, therefore.... you know what I mean :P , but miracle happens, I close my eyes, besides of
Hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah....
Nothing more but peace & joy, that’s all.
A moment that I’ll never forget, a gift from God! Hallelujah!
Back to the angel voice, I just can’t stop to hear more & more, one voice after the others...I was “trapped”! There is mass ready to be carried out, so I sit down on the bench nearby, bow down my head, close my eyes, listen to the lovely voice, so tranquil & peaceful...so...so...”Dark”!!! I am short of my breath...