一連四週的星期四晚, 我會把工作停下來, 坐在電視前看港台31重播的一個特輯"宮崎駿的十年".
昨天晚上看完最後一集, 一如已往, 看畢, 還是坐着...良久...
喜歡宮崎駿的動畫早於(可能相對其他人來說也不算早)魔女宅急便, 接着印象較深刻的是千與千尋; 相信大部份忠實動畫迷必定看過. 除了享受故事和配樂之外, 動畫內的角色永遠擁有一份"宮崎駿式的純真", 令我覺得很清新, 很舒服.
多年前在三鷹之森參觀完之後, 更喜愛他的手稿, 相信他應該是一個十分享受動畫創作的人. 沒錯, 在特輯中不單反映着這一切, 還加上他的堅毅及令我羨慕的手繪技巧, 隨意幾筆, 已在分鏡圖中把人物情景生動地表達出來..."好靚!"
但令我思潮起伏的, 卻是每每見他在每一個樽頸位毫無頭緖, 獨自尋索的畫面. 眞的, 有些時候, 就只有作者明白不對勁之處, 卻又不知下一步可以做什麽?! 此刻也許他會在房中"行嚟行去",又或抓着白髮吸啜着口中的香煙, 喃喃自語...喝一口咖啡, 再吸一口香煙...反複着卻不一定找到出路...
"要拍我鐘意嘅嘢, 令人睇得開心嘅動畫...死都要完成佢..."
"要係自己生存嘅年代, 出盡全力, 過得有幾充實就幾充實..."
以上是配音員的翻譯, 也是我在特輯中最記得由宮崎駿這位動畫大師口中所說的話.
這不正是我們現今世代的人, 也應該在自已岡位上盡力去把握和堅持的理念嗎?
現實環境也許在短期內未能改變, 要不唉聲歎氣, 怨天尤人; 又或是在自己生存的年代, 出盡全力, 過得有幾充實就幾充實! 我選擇後者, 你呢?
The Mégisserie
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14 quai de la Mégisserie - Paris |
To publish the first book as a 100% amateur is hard as you know, especially for a beginner, a lot of time spending into research & technical stuffs instead of the content itself. What you need are family & friends!
Those who are willing to spend time to read your first draft seriously even though they don't even know you can publish successfully or not, they still comment and advise generously to help you think broader & deeper.
This watercolor drawing was not existed in my first draft but third revision in Book One: Pont Neuf. Because my original thought of this series has to be clean & simple, reflect everything of what I've seen in real, without unnecessary enhancing, including touch up of the photos; resulting "a pale look" overall or even more "un-professional".
Jessie, the first reader of mine always take time to hear and discuss with me of my dream of a solo trip to Paris and publishing, "if you can add a color drawing in the middle section of the book may create more interest" - her advice.
Truly speaking, I put my watercolor kit in my drawer for almost 15 years; when I was a design student yearsssss.....ago, I did worst in watercolor and that's why I really don't have confidence to produce one...but finally, I did.
I choose 14 quai de la Mégisserie because of it's magnificent door way of the architecture itself; it's not a kind of luxury but breathtaking, I will say, whenever you head up to the goddess sculpture.
It was located near to my hotel so every time I passes by, I told myself, it's just the beginning, there are a lot more to discover in this Petit Paris, and I am fully charged.
Hopefully this simple addition of interest can cheer you up,too.
Finally, once again, thank you Jessie!
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oiseau distrait
Apple books,
behind the scene,
bird talk,
fly fly away,
Google books,
My book,
oiseau distrait,
Petit Paris

Along the Seine
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Pont Neuf - The Seine - Paris Oct 2019 |
Imagine, you can walk along The Seine, every morning, in the afternoon or at night, what do you think? To me? dream...dream...dream...I wish I could!
Once you've been there, trust me, you'll never forget the aroma of the breeze, humidity of the air, warmth of the sun, tranquility of the surrounding, so relax...
But on the same sunny day, while you are enjoying the fascinated twilight moment, a sudden shower arrive without alarm, together with crazy wind in the dark, sometimes cold and sharp.
Watching people screaming with laughter to look for a shelter like myself, it's funny and still, lovely! Yes, this is a wonderful experience to live nearby, I did experience "Four seasons" in the same day, unforgettable and truly amazing.
My hotel was located on the Right Bank, if you love a more quiet place, you can choose those on the Left Bank, or even The Island in the middle; no matter where you are, simply Enjoy !
Posted by
oiseau distrait
Apple books,
behind the scene,
bird talk,
fly fly away,
Google books,
My book,
oiseau distrait,
Petit Paris,

Why this for Book One?
Hi, hi,
A forever love feature in Paris, it may be familiar with many of you, right?
Art Nouveau, one of my favorite style, beautiful ornate details, feminine, soft & stylish. You can find this everywhere in Paris, just locate at every metro entrance, this is the one at Pont Neuf near The Louvre. Besides this, any where at shops, apartments, signage,
posters, architecture...,etc.
I especially love the arrangement of this station...instantly at my first sight. I saw this quite a number of times in design book or traveler's guide before, but when I were actually there, right in front, the joy is speechless...
When I touched the metal balustrade, feeling the crafted details of the flower stem, how they were extended to the railing, embedded & "melt" into the base; how it hold tight to "Metropolitain", the "blood red" flower bud not yet light up and will then transform into "Moulin Rouge red" at night; four illuminate round "dots" lead you to the aged underground world... I think I should stop here :P
So when I returned to Hong Kong, decided to begin my Book One, it was used as my reference to draw the book cover.
I hope you like it ,too.
A forever love feature in Paris, it may be familiar with many of you, right?
Art Nouveau, one of my favorite style, beautiful ornate details, feminine, soft & stylish. You can find this everywhere in Paris, just locate at every metro entrance, this is the one at Pont Neuf near The Louvre. Besides this, any where at shops, apartments, signage,
posters, architecture...,etc.
I especially love the arrangement of this station...instantly at my first sight. I saw this quite a number of times in design book or traveler's guide before, but when I were actually there, right in front, the joy is speechless...
When I touched the metal balustrade, feeling the crafted details of the flower stem, how they were extended to the railing, embedded & "melt" into the base; how it hold tight to "Metropolitain", the "blood red" flower bud not yet light up and will then transform into "Moulin Rouge red" at night; four illuminate round "dots" lead you to the aged underground world... I think I should stop here :P
So when I returned to Hong Kong, decided to begin my Book One, it was used as my reference to draw the book cover.
I hope you like it ,too.
Posted by
oiseau distrait
Apple books,
behind the scene,
bird talk,
fly fly away,
Google books,
My book,
oiseau distrait,
Petit Paris,

Bird talk - First day in Paris
it’s only in mid October, the air was chilly; when we drove off from the
highway into the street...so quiet in the dark, everyone was in their sweet
dreams right now (it was not totally true when I was discovered something
later ).

was so nice that she drove me through Cour carrée of The Louvre for a quick glance before arriving hotel...I’d
loved to treat it as my first gift received in Paris, merci.
speaking, I did or at least should feel tired, and the checked in time was
1400, as scheduled, I had to stay outside for 5 hours, but...I did received my
second gift, early checked in at 1100, hurray!
about the third gift? I shared with you already Pont Neuf...fresh air ,breeze from the
Seine; warmth by the beautiful sun & rich aroma of my double espresso, be
my guest :)
chose Pont Neuf (1e : Les Halles) to stay because of it’s walk-able distance to
most of my favorite spots, to collect my museum pass from the Office de
Tourisme de Paris, I’ve already in the next arrondissement
4e : Le Marais. Metro, bus or cycling could bring you anywhere, but I preferred
walking, because Paris is one of the most beautiful & delicate city that
worth to take my time to explore in detail.
along the Seine was always amazing , seeing family & friends gathered for a
Sunday picnic, someone relaxing in the moment of his/ her own; photographers,
professional or amateur? who cares......tourist, of course, like me slowing
down our momentum to receive the sun bath, absolutely free!
fell quickly after twilight, to Parisian, it’s just the beginning of another
happy hour. But I needed a rest ......now in my cosy room with my late night
coffee at 2310, jazz music flowing in the air......
Posted by
oiseau distrait
Apple books,
behind the scene,
bird talk,
fly fly away,
Google books,
My book,
oiseau distrait,
Petit Paris