
Tuesday - 7 in a week

Tuesday - 7 in a week

come on

add oil,
add oil !!! 



Monday - 7 in a week

Monday - 7 in a week

5 more minutes,please;
just another 
5 minutes...

what a long day... 

download card 


Sunday - 7 in a week

Sunday - 7 in a week

Tell me why???

so cosy in bed...

comfy 😴



Saturday_7 in a week

Saturday - 7 in a week


Wait Pal!


I am Free !!! 😂 




原本打算用點時間整理好手上的資料オ再重新投入寫網誌, 但今天早上, 仍是在忐忑不安的心情下醒了過來......

也許是為着明天遊行...又ー次為着我們所愛的香港, 不得不行出來的原故;
又或許是為着2014年, 黄雨傘運動, 相繼入獄, 承擔着沉重責任的ー班香港人的原故;
更或許是, 三十年前, 1989年6月4日, 天安門事件, 至今仍然連基本被悼念的權利也沒有, 的ー群愛國者及其家屬, 那種未能釋懷, 公義未能張顯的原故...心中確是沉重. 

六月份的電視媒體, 多番提問, 是我們已經漸漸把這些事情都淡化了, 遺忘了嗎? 只剩下一群"心懷不平"的參予者及家人繼續無止境地等待公義重臨的一天?

沒有! 我們並未忘記. 怎會忘記? 怎能忘記!

然而, 我們卻曾給予當權者時間, 去明白, 去反思, 去面對; 期望他們可以嘗試, 承認一點點, 補救一點點, 努力一點點, 愛人民多一點點...只此而矣.

三十年了, 不是ー個短時間, 歷史留下的一絲絲痕跡, 只會隨着時日加深. 
公平? 公義? 愛國? 造反? 和平抗爭? 暴亂?......難道我們的良知連這些也不懂分辨嗎?!


"不少人仍然相信有一天, 公義會重臨, 我們不用再為着言論/政見提心吊膽; 真正為愛國而犧牲的人終可得到平反及肯定. 

不少基督徒仍然為着當權者不停禱告, 求神賜予他/她們純正無私的心懷; 愛, 神所愛的人民."

我們何嘗不渇望可以坦然去愛我們的國家, 去為着她的進歩及成就而驕傲呢?
可惜! 當一切都不是建基於愛和公義之下, 沒有生命的強國又有何用呢!

P.S.: 如果因着這篇文章, 網誌被封; 明白, 接受, 不甘心卻不絶望 :D


Yojiya : aroma of Spring

Yojiya perfume

It's raining in Hong Kong, wet and cold = our early Spring!

The best moment to be surrounded by freshly grass or road side trees (H.K. convenience :P) ... that's what I've always love after rain, the "salad feel" aroma rejuvenate my body and soul.

There is another "aroma of Spring" which can also help to enhance this season, a little sweet flower perfume from Japan; nothing new, because lots of girls know and can purchase it online these day; or simply like myself,  grab one from Kyoto or Tokyo by the help of my frequent flying friends. 

Originally, I thought it is the note of cherry blossom,  not only because of the lovely petal tag, but the sweet pink color as well; but after searching online, it's a kind of not named petal with the combination of fruity scent. No matter what, just wear a little, you can jump into the poetic world of Spring through out all day long, so relax. 
Try one and start to embrace this season.

* The one in front is the famous oil plotting paper of the same brand, a souvenir from my brother.
   The mini version of perfume on top is from my friend, Jessie; love both and thanks all :D


tuesdays with Morrie

Book cover of Tuesday with Morrie
凌晨 05:43 的香港, 天空仍是漆黑ー片, 窗外很冷, 隠約聽見冷空氣在人煙飄渺的街道中迴蕩, 偶爾路經的車聲把我喚醒. 心中一直想着近期發生的人和事..., 還有...這本書,

相隔12年, 重看 tuesdays with Morrie, 是人長大了?! 經歷多了?! 又或是真的對死亡看得更通透了?!

作者Mitch與教授Morrie重遇, 展開一連14個星期二的人生課程: 他們談及 (We talk about...)
lesson 1:  the World
lesson 2: feeling sorry for yourself
lesson 3: regrets
lesson 4: death
lesson 5: family
lesson 6: emotions

lesson 7: the fear of aging
lesson 8: money
lesson 9: how love goes on
lesson 10: marriage
lesson 11: our culture
lesson 12: forgiveness
lesson 13: the perfect
lesson 14:to say goodbye  
(抱歉沒有把這14課譯中文, 因為我想, 從原文的字裡更傳神.)

面對不治之症和必死的事實, 教授可以處之泰然, 甚至能藉着僅餘的時間, 再次燃點他人的生命; 我想, 這並不是"臨別贈言" "正能量理論" 云云. 如果Morrie不是活著, 經歷, 學習, 感受, 實踐於他的歳月裏, 以上的一切只會是空談, 卻不能感動人心, 令我們再次反思生命.

重看這本書, 感受良多. 經過摯愛及親友離世的人, 要把握的不是"14個星期二", 而是毎一天, 毎一刻. 能接受自己機能上的衰敗, 用智慧去活到最後的一秒, 是送給自己一生最大的禮物.

He patted my hand weakly, keeping it on his chest. 
"This ...is how we say...good-bye..." 
(The Fourteenth Tuesday)

****Thank you, Morrie - A Teacher to the Last. ****