
A Whisper of May

wooden flamingo display inside a glass cabinet

"Hey, is that you, pink bird?"

"No, no."
"I 've heard someone talking; is that you?"
"We don't speak until dawn...well, if you are not asking!"

"Is that girl in front of us? what is the time now?... 9:30 already, she should be somewhere in the hotel spa or bar,or bed, why is she here?"
"It seems she miss us a lot ?!"

Almost 10 years, I've not been visited these little guys so long, I miss you all so much, how are you? Can still survive in this "last resort"? the last piece of tranquility in Macau? Please stay, don't give up even I know there will be a casino here very soon...Bye!

"Hey, she's left!"

"Can't anyone hear what she said?"

"No, no! but I know she will be back someday if only if we are still here."


PIXAR - 彼思動畫25年

Ticket of the Pixar exhibition
自從上次看完達文西展覽後, 巳經很久沒有吸引我們注目的展覽了. 直到有一次上facebook, 由朋友個wall post 上發現 PIXAR 在香港搞展覽, 即時令我們提起興趣, 不得不往沙田香港文化博物館走一轉.

老實說, 我對這個展覽館沒有什麽好感, 明明座落在一個環境優美的地段, 卻日久失修,昏昏暗暗, 每次也不明白為何一些好的展覽總不介意在這裡展出? 好了!廢話少講. 我們刻意避開半價日(星期三), 所以當天不算太多人, 加上今次對"到此一遊"的影友及"電話友"管理較嚴緊, 所以還是可以靜靜地把所有展品看完.

展品除了有模型, story board, 電影角色構思, 造型, 光暗埸景分析之外; 更有不少手稿由各式各樣的畫家, 動畫師, 建築師, 平面設計師等, 用他們各自專長的技巧, 如油晝, 水彩, 電腦繪圖, 手辨製作, 炭筆素描, 拼貼等; 把各個故事構思及研究表現出來......對! 是研究, 十分專業及仔細地從各方面搜集資料, 加上創作, 修飾, 再值着拍攝動畫技術才在銀幕上表現出來.

在此特別推介"五星級大鼠"的背景及"怪獸公司"阿Bu的角色造型創作. 記得預留時間到5號展館欣想一段動畫短片, 色彩感十分豐富. 其他你們喜愛的角色如巴斯光年, 大眼仔, Nemo...就留待你們自行慢慢欣賞了.

電腦科技從來都不應該是現今單一的技術, 要是沒被真正專業的畫家或設計師所應用, 它仍是一件沒有生命的科技垃圾.


本地高清Local HD


每次經過深水埗, 總會被這個招牌吸引, 我們常說: 這間店舖老闆一定是很用心經營, 至少他很認真設計自己店舖的門面; 與我們現在在街上常見的大幅大幅banner 招牌, 即噴繪布板= "走佬檔招牌"有很大分別.

清楚易睇色彩分明的凸字店名, 一看便知賣什麽的天線樣辨, 大方對稱構圖, 再加精緻彩色燈泡串作裝飾; 即使算不上一流設計, 我個人認為絕對是有本土特色及誠意之作. 如果大家有時間, 不妨入內參觀, 售賣的電視配件並不過時. 如果遇上未開店, 不要緊, 趟閘上也有傑作, 姑且待你們自行發掘.

A really interesting shop found in Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong, I use to stay for while whenever I pass by, not shopping inside but the shopfront first. 

You can simply told by it's local DIY design that TV antenna and related parts are selling here.   The 4 texts above meaning "High definition electrical appliances", 麗光 : the large red 3D fonts is it's name, whereas those tiny colorful light bulbs....yes, not LED, but very traditional light bulbs are the eye of attractive. We have to give an applause to the owner, everything here reflects his dedication to his shop, sincere and creative; what a big contrast to those laser print banner type signage all around shops in Hong Kong recently, we call them " Come & Go signage".

If you have a chance to be there, have a visit inside,too; it's not old fashion, the product sole are quite update & practical. Or even if it's not the right opening time, there is still some interest for you to be discovered on their sliding gate, keep searching and hope you will enjoy.


曾幾何時 Somewhere someday...

The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten

從牆上撕下貼到發黃的一幅影印...很喜歡這一幅"直切面圖", 是什麽地方?想不到罷?卻又有點熟悉?....The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten, 九龍城寨是也!

有趣的是這幅圖畫是由日本人畫的, 很細緻, 值着繪畫出室內環境, 反映當時居住在這裏的居民生活上的點點滴滴. 雖然我不是住在那裏, 卻也令我對它的消失有點懐念; 令我憶起香港六、七十年代市民辛勤工作為一家大少奮鬥的景象, 為着的就是一小片瓦頂...辛勞卻很温暖. 今日, 九龍城寨巳清拆, 人們生活改善, 豪宅會所隨處可見, 心靈上是否亦可隨之而安頓下來呢?!

This is one of my favourite drawing, which has already fade out when I took it down from the wall surface. A very lovely "vertical section" of an interior, where is it? not familiar? ...The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten : a place in Hong Kong, famous in it's crowed living environment. It's complicated building arrangement incorporated varies kind of neighbourhood, all were low expenses local service like "one man band" salon, Chinese herb + Chinese doctor clinic, food store, local coffee & cake shop,...etc.

But the most attractive thing is, this drawing was published by a Japanese, the content is fine and very detail, it reflects what I've missed so much, the daily living of people over there, especially in the 60's-70's, people worked so hard for only a small piece of land for their family to live, to survive...nothing more but "warmth". Today, there is no more Kowloon Walled City, what left behind is a park and continue developing of  club house and "grand" residential, the living standard of people are improving without doubt, and how about our soul? is there a place to settle yet?!

The Kowloon Walled City published by Iwanami Shoten full picture in photocopy

Full image of the drawing.


忙裹愉閒 Just have a minute


Finally  got a break, although it's a bit late, still want to say Hi to you all. We have to say it's really sorry for a sudden "disappear" for almost two months; well, nothing special, but some re-arrangement to our life only. It's always be too much unexpected issues even though we've well planned, is that enough  to follow step by step, hopefully all will be working in the right track?...No, never enough...may be this is life, never perfect but full of surprise....Anyway, thank you for your patience, it's for sure every thing will return to normal, see you in our next post :)


Super Moon?!

a girl & a sleepy cat under the super moon
Super moon = super power =  super disaster...do you believe? or like me, absolutely not!

Sometimes we blame a lot to others when we face difficulties, especially to the nature, but the fact is, most of the reasons are due to human ourselves; our desire of political power, money,  name of famous, power of conquer...what we built may not what we actually need. "Need", something required for survive only, is that so complicated? I doubt.

We can't stop the continue growth of technology, or the living quality that we are enjoying, but we can take a break, think and review again to see if we can start repairing the faults that  we've already made to our planet, and to our life. Take a break from our unlimited desire, that is never worth to be paid by our next generations.

There is no super power from the mysterious space but from us, the power to destroy everything within seconds if we don't control it.


真正財富 The Real Treasure of A Country

Japan citizen queue up to get recieve emergency supplied
日本地震引發海嘯的大災難, 相信不少人感到震驚. 短短在這幾天內, 我們從報紙丶新聞、網站所看到一張又一張的圖片, 除了驚歎海嘯的强大破壞力之外, 市民在當地要面對的各種各樣生活問題, 難過及悲痛, 一幕一幕地浮現在我們眼前. 但最令我印象深刻就是這一張, 巿民安靜守秩序地排隊, 輪候食水的照片.

我們常說國家如何如何强大, 如何富庶, 超級武器裝備如何先進, 人均收入及消費能力如何如何高...但一切也不能承受大自然的攕滅. 只有國民在危難中仍然堅守岡位, 不慌不亂地配合政府的救援工作. 沒有暴亂丶憤慨、指責、呼天搶地, 讓政府可專心進行搶救工作......也許, 這才是一個國家真正值得驕傲的事; 如此高質素的國民, 才是國家真正的財寶.

你或許會說: 這是因為日本巿民一向有危機訓練才會有如此表現. 我不完全認同, 尤其當一個要面對家園盡毁,痛失至親的人來說, 難道我們還能要求他如此理性嗎?


News of Japan earthquake are all around us, lots and lots of photo were posted on the newspaper, TV, blogs or webs. The power of nature destroy everything within minutes, what can citizen do? Cry? Anger? Shout? lost of control? blame the government? turning the place into chaos?......No, but calm, behave, temporary overcome their lost and sadness - be control, helping each others...so the government can concentrate to all the rescue stuff. This is what I felt when I was attracted by this photo.

We've always calculate the strength of a country by their wealth, power of army, how advance of their weapon, how great of the citizen's consuming power or income index..., etc, etc; but none of the above can withstand a strike from the nature, even only once. May be, the real treasure of a country that she could proud of, is having a group of high quality citizen.

Although you may say, Japanese can behave so in order is because they are well trained while they were kids. Well, yes but not totally agree because it's a matter of total lost, not only physically but mentally, the lost of beloved; not only one but unknown, this is not easy to be logical as they are human. We, as human also, should be proud of them.

May God's blessing be with them all.