Cocoa - 可可, 一種我們既熟識又喜愛的飲料 : 熱朱古力或熱唂咕. 可可豆經過發酵及加工後又會變為女士們最喜愛的朱古力.這種代表著現今悠閒享受的食品,其實早在瑪雅時代已經出現, 並於十六世紀中期由西班牙人帶入歐洲, 加入糖調味後成為流行一時的美味飲品.大多數人都嚮往法國或意大利的生活文化, 有品味,高格調, 悠閒又瀟灑. 其實在香港生活的我們也一樣可以藉著學會欣賞設計及感受週遭事物, 從而獲得相同, 甚至更高的享受. 正如你在冬天拿著一柸熱辣辣的唂咕, 總能感受到那份溫暖和滿足一樣; 不須要在高級餐廳享用, 那管只是裝在一個舊瓷柸內, 那種窩心的體會是不會改變的.......這就是我們想藉這個網誌跟大家分享的生活態度了. Wikipedia :Kakaofrucht_mit_Kakaobohnen.jpg
Coffee diary 03
Hello cappuccino, what makes you so beautiful today? ah, the sun of Phuket, so warm, I can feel it, too.
It's really enjoyable to be with you in this small downtown cafe, look around to see people passing by, there is no rush here, not only tourist but local people as well; they are nice and leisure, I am sure this is the attractive elements of this country, right?
Similarly, early before, I don't know why the same cup of coffee like you will taste so differently in different places at different moment, of course the brewing technique and serving environment counts, but now I know the most important is the attitude of mind that I take while tasting you. I am sure you will will be so lovely today.
My Saturday morning
It is a sunny morning, wind breeze that wakes me up, soft and comfort...sometimes it is a bit lonely in this small house, but I love the tranquil, especially on Saturday morning.
No computer, no mobile call, the silent moment that cost not a penny, what we need to do is let it happen and "enjoy".