十月秋色 ~ 小巴黎 P.6-7 (click to enlarge) |
Mount Fuji - Toilet Paper roll
Yeah! here it is...the knowledge you should know about the famous Mount Fuji, isn't it amazing ?!
Arigatōgozaimashita !
唔經唔覺已經去到九月,短短幾個月離開咗室內設計師嘅行頭,除咗上堂教書嘅時候之外,慢慢都識得當自己係一個獨立作者(indie author),書架上嘅室內設計資料亦都慢慢下架,變成各式各樣同寫作、繪畫、攝影相關嘅嘢。
為咗講得出做得到,係收山後再次推咗三個室內設計工作(應該係最終回啦),終於第一次夏天唔洗落地盤,尤其唔洗帶住口罩係地盤"濕洗同乾蒸",真係舒服好多。以前成日坐係部大電腦面前用Autocad畫圖,用photoshop執sample board, 用word打文件;見客,傾電話,出電郵,落地盤,見師傅,傾電話,出地盤指引⋯ 而家就係另外一張工作檯用兩部細 iPad 寫書,搵資料;一大堆水彩顏料畫公仔,同埋幾本字典查生字;再返去大電腦度執相,執位,出版,網絡宣傳發送⋯
最大分別嘅係冇乜電話,可以全日好靜,如果冇開住音樂,有時由坐低直至第一次離開工作枱 (因為對眼開始攰或者肚餓,又或者口渴 :p )原來已經六個幾鐘。如果唔係要上堂同返教會,其實我真係唔多知道今日係星期幾?又或者係乜嘢節日假期。如果儲夠糧食,可以五日唔出門口,日寫夜寫,幾時瞓都得⋯生活上嘅改變都真係唔少;初時唔多適應,覺得仲攰過做設計工程,我諗,係因為冇"時限"嘅關係。
Obsess to the voice of Stacey Kent
Autumn Breeze Sale 2021
"Summer Cool Sale" of Book 2 Entrée Sortie is coming to an end after a few more days up to 31 August 2021 (date included). So, I think it may be nice to have an "Autumn Breeze Sale" before our Winter come for Book 3 Chat Noir, what do you think?
39% reduce in price from 1 to 30 September 2021
SQUARE in Tsim Sha Tsui East
今天早上,心裏仍然不安,手機已經傳來弟兄轉發在當地婦女的一個 IG Post, 述說她的絕望。接着,在Times 看到一篇曾經是當地駐軍的退役美軍細説這麼多年究竟在當地發生什麼事,為何美軍對阿富汗政府軍的訓練和所付出的會如此不堪一擊⋯⋯
前幾天,仍在繼續看奧巴馬的書 A Promise Land, 回想書中提及過他要做一個十分艱難的決定:應該增加阿富汗駐軍,還是定下撤離時限?當中要考慮的因素實在太多…
以往會認為始終是遠方的內政,離我們很遠,也很難做到些什麼,所以不會太上心;只是自從香港社運,地球暖化不能逆轉及Covid-19 之後,我感到正在其他國家發生中的事,已經和我們緊緊相連着,只要是地球人便不能幸免,至少,我們的心會被牽動,為當地人民著急!
Jan 2021 Hong Kong
Right after, I would walk towards Central to take the MTR way home. Before that, I must walked through the narrow streets "up & down" in Sheung Wan; which was enjoyable if you had "strength" and love the old stuff, like this.
Well, we can still see this kind of stalls in some other old districts like Sham Shui Po, but always a bit different here, may be due to the sloped narrow streets and the "fainted" color of shops nearby. You would get the feeling of returning to the 70's - 80's liked travelling in time machine.
I loved the kind of "slow" motion, the aroma of livelihood, the tranquil moment while most of the people were still sleeping after the crazy night on the New Year's Eve... as well as the antique color that could always be captured.
I took this photo simply by my "ancient" iphone SE, as my usual practice, the lighting & color to be reflected as real at that moment as possible, that's the moment of us!
Summer Cool Sale
The Tapestry Poem
智者、旅人 The Wise man said...
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Hide and Seek
Be my guest
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Tower Eiffel...do you hear me?
Wow! Tower Eiffel! What it means to you?! I’m standing right now is near the Jardin du Trocadéro, Av des Nations in front of the Pont d’léna, one of the best viewing angle to Tower Eiffel. Why am I here instead of up up on the tower?...It’s not in my itinerary, besides, if you still remember, I’ve finished my apple there, at the foot of the tower, good enough this time :P
Back to the question and what is your answer? An icon of France? A romantic spot for lovers? A must go in a life time tourist spot?....you name it. One of my friend told me that when she traveled to Paris with her husband years ago, in her memory after returned to Hong Kong, Eiffel, Eiffel, Eiffel...almost every corner in Paris could see...a bit “tired” of it’s existing, everywhere, every minute.
She was right, you’ll never miss Eiffel, day or night, there is always a trace to discover it in my photos. But it’s also amazing when you see how it “interact” to the surrounding, a lot more rather than simply an icon.
When I took this picture, just because of a very straight forward desire to capture the chaotic elements all appear in the same frame. I didn't recognize there was a man somewhere “resting? or...”at the bottom of the bridge, another element in the photo, that’s all.
But when I’ve
returned Hong Kong, to zoom in each photos as my usual practice to explore
more, the contrast of “flourishing” above
vs the “hollowness “ below in this photo, I was engaged. It reminds me the
other day early in the morning, a “yellow spot” drawn my attention...
He was working silently, full of concentration without any facial expression, as usual without being aware by any passengers who were hurrying to work. I stared at this scenario for a while, splash of rain falling onto my face...the exact feeling on the bridge...
When I arrived Paris on the first day, I asked my hotel driver wasn't she happy to live here, so she could visit the Louvre, Tower Eiffel, Jardins...,etc at any time she want? She told me, it’s because you are a tourist, I am not, I’ve never visited the Louvre, too much to do for a living, for my family...the exact feeling at the fountain...
Tower Eiffel, what it really means to us?!
Four Seasons
Rotunda is very common in Paris, some are in the park, on the square or around the corner of the street; most of them are near the famous tourist spot, such as Hôtel de Ville, Tower Eiffel...,etc. You can imagine how wonderful the scenery will be under star night, blossom of cherry in Spring, Autumn burst golden leaves or in the soft white snow of Christmas...post card shot, right?
It’s also enjoyable to watch those lovely kids riding with interesting facial expressions, some are excited, a little bit scare while the turn is moving away from their parents, but a sudden burst of smile when they are once appear in front of them; they all become prince & princess within minutes living happily ever after...
I still remember when I was some where at Saint-Paul, after a long walk without having any lunch, I quickly grab a lemon pie & espresso from a boulangerie, eating in front of a rotunda at the street corner; the weather is cloudy & cold, but with it’s vintage colour decorative light bulb, pinkish apple like smiling faces on pastel wooden horses, I feel so warm, what an unforgettable moment.
a more familiar name in my childhood, time flies...
There are numerous messages delivered from graffiti, poster or sticker found on the street here, in Paris. I am sure there will be some trace of the “yellow vest” - mouvement des gilets jaunes; a chaos agitated by the increase of fuel tax. My new friend Li, who studied & working here for over 18 years, she told me that actually the amount increased was minimal, but demonstration/ protest/ strike whatever we call are frequently happen in France, i.e.: they get used to & nothing to be afraid of.
Liberté (Freedom),
Égalité (Equality), Fraternité (fraternity / brotherhood), ou la mort (or
death*) - is the “national motto” of France. There may be still argument of
whether the Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen on 26 August
1789 should include all of them in exact wordings, especially the last one; but no matter how, it’s
originated in the French Revolution. The Tricolor flag of France are embodying
all the principle of the Revolution- Liberté (Blue), Égalité (white) and
Fraternité (Red).
So, who is
Komitas? A statue that I’ve seen in Jardin d’Erevan. I don’t know who he was? But the
form of statue clearly tells me it is not a display of an art piece, something
serious,... to remember.
“ en Hommage a
Comositeur, musicologue
et aus
1500000 victimes
du génocide arménien de 1915
perpetre dans L‘empire ottoman“
If we are thinking of the War Crime, Holocaust- Jewish was the first comes into our mind; but there is another one, Genocide- Armenian.
Komitas was the survivor in this genocide, he was an Armenian priest, composer, a super talented musicologist, founder of the Armenian national school of music. If he didn’t collected & transcribed over 3000 pieces of Armenian folk music during his work in life time, the cultural heritage of Armenia will be vanished together with the genocide, no one will even remember the existing of this history.
To Komitas, although he could survive after released from concentrate camp, the shadow of death together with his fear of losing his lifetime work in Armenian music that finally drove him nuts, he was transferred to stay in Paris where his friend was there... but weakness & insane were the only melody left in his last years, who died in 1935.
I have to
admit that I am quite lost & depress while preparing this post, when I’ve
watched the film online “Music to Madness (The Story of Komitas)” , in order to
find who he was? The unfold of history was intolerable, up to this moment, I can’t
find an “excuse” for “human” to expel/ destroy a nation and I am not intend to
find one.
- Armenia was the First Nations to adopt Christianity as a state religion, it’s roots go backs to 1st century AD. (Wiki data)