

A chinese poem with illustration & autumn leaf photo by Oiseau Distrait
十月秋色 ~ 小巴黎  P.6-7  (click to enlarge)


最近,因着朋友的特別需要,把 Oiseau Distrait 的 Petit Paris 系列中,即將在十月出版的 Palette October  翻譯成中文,似散文多一點點的內容,還只能勉強把原文交代;我想,日後還是要花多些時間學習學習罷!


節錄自 小巴黎 ~ 十月秋色(非賣品中文初稿) 忘記鳥作品





From: Palette October ~Petit Paris Series by Oiseau Distrait
I am off, falling off...
If it's time to let go
I still want to hold
a second or so...
But I'm lost
without force...
to hold any more
Let me fall
at least together
with them all
for a season
that's all
Don't upset
it's not the end
we will fly when the wind comes by
scatter across the ocean
shining in motion
let everybody knows...this generation


Mount Fuji - Toilet Paper roll


Japanese toilet paper roll, coffee sticks, cotton bags, handcream  souvenirs

What a wonderful sunny day in Hong Kong, and  Happy Friday as well, it's a good afternoon to write another post, I guess. O.K.,let's see what I've got in my photo library...A Fukubukuro !! (not include the small kitten behind :P)
Actually this is a mixture of souvenir selected by one of my best friend years before. I call it DIY Fukubukuro - in Japanese of a "lucky bag" 福袋. As you may know, every New Years or (any time of big sale) in Japan, department stores will prepare this kind of attractions to customers; of course, they may not know the content at all, say for a 3000 yen fukubukuro you paid, you will be in surprise of what you've got inside, most of the time the value is over 3000 yen, is it a lucky blessing to the start of a good year? 

Well, back to my lucky bag, they are wonderful and lovely, the one I would like to "present" is...Mount Fuji toilet paper roll!!! 
package of the toilet paper roll with fuji mountain presenter illustration

Let's start to unfold it, to see what's inside?

please continue to roll down.....

back side of the paper package with another cartoon illustration of the presenter walking up hill

the paper roll inside with printed data & illustration in roll form

Yeah! here it is...the knowledge you should know about the famous Mount Fuji, isn't it amazing ?!
unfold of the paper roll printed with illustration of 5 knowledges of fuji mount you should know
I know this post is going to be "long", because I tried to combine the 4 photos I've took as one to give the real face of the unfolded toilet paper roll. 
I don't know Japanese but base on the illustrations and "Kanji", the knowledge are mostly related to the type of volcano - an active one, the last eruption time; the shrines above in ancients time; lowest temperature on the mountain, and the temperature for the onsen (hot spring) which is suitable for you to prepare your delicious Cup noodle; also the sometimes there will be landslide...interesting!
Imagine having this toilet paper roll in you bathroom, so much fun while...:D
But I will absolutely place it in my living room for my guest as well as reserved one for this post.

Thank you to Jessie, always enjoy your souvenir,
Arigatōgozaimashita !




唔經唔覺已經去到九月,短短幾個月離開咗室內設計師嘅行頭,除咗上堂教書嘅時候之外,慢慢都識得當自己係一個獨立作者(indie author),書架上嘅室內設計資料亦都慢慢下架,變成各式各樣同寫作、繪畫、攝影相關嘅嘢。

為咗講得出做得到,係收山後再次推咗三個室內設計工作(應該係最終回啦),終於第一次夏天唔洗落地盤,尤其唔洗帶住口罩係地盤"濕洗同乾蒸",真係舒服好多。以前成日坐係部大電腦面前用Autocad畫圖,用photoshop執sample board, 用word打文件;見客,傾電話,出電郵,落地盤,見師傅,傾電話,出地盤指引⋯ 而家就係另外一張工作檯用兩部細 iPad 寫書,搵資料;一大堆水彩顏料畫公仔,同埋幾本字典查生字;再返去大電腦度執相,執位,出版,網絡宣傳發送⋯

最大分別嘅係冇乜電話,可以全日好靜,如果冇開住音樂,有時由坐低直至第一次離開工作枱 (因為對眼開始攰或者肚餓,又或者口渴 :p )原來已經六個幾鐘。如果唔係要上堂同返教會,其實我真係唔多知道今日係星期幾?又或者係乜嘢節日假期。如果儲夠糧食,可以五日唔出門口,日寫夜寫,幾時瞓都得⋯生活上嘅改變都真係唔少;初時唔多適應,覺得仲攰過做設計工程,我諗,係因為冇"時限"嘅關係。



Obsess to the voice of Stacey Kent


Stacey Kent candid moments album cover

I just can't stop listening all this week...Stacey Kent!
The first time I've heard her vocal was years before from a French online radio, a song call "C'est petit rien" in her "Breakfast on the morning tram" album. Then I started to aware of her unique voice, some people said it's the sleepy voice just after wake up...
A voice light as feather, sexy & emotional. Originally I thought she is French but actually she is an American Jazz singer. No matter what, I also started to write down some more songs title that attracted me such as "Que reste t'il de nos amours" & "It might as well be Spring", etc.

I know, I know, purchase online or listening on Youtube are the easier ways, but I am a bit old fashioned :P , so I try to find her CD...

Unfortunately, HMV was closed in Hong Kong since 2019, it's even more difficult to look for this "vanishing" CD product, I am afraid. And fortunately, on the other hand, I found a few from another store although it's not her French albums, it's a double CD set, Hurray x3 !!!
I can't explain but her voice keep me working in a peace of mind, so comfortable like a bird talk next to my ears...my obsession began, my pleasure :)


Autumn Breeze Sale 2021

Hey, pal,
"Summer Cool Sale" of Book 2 Entrée Sortie is coming to an end after a few more days up to   31 August 2021 (date included). So, I think it may be nice to have an "Autumn Breeze Sale" before our Winter come for Book 3 Chat Noir, what do you think?

39% reduce in price from 1 to 30 September 2021
click to enlarge

Meaning, you can purchase in 
$1.99 (US) from Apple Books 
or $15.46 (HK) from Google Books

Enjoy! together with the forever free 
Book One : Pont Neuf of Petit Paris series.

If you like my books, feel free to write a review after reading or rate by Star(s) as you like. 

Au revoir!
Oiseau Distrait


SQUARE in Tsim Sha Tsui East

It's been a while not going to the Tsim Sha Tsui East district, until recently I was having a gathering over there.  So I've decided to go earlier, buy some time, hanging around to see if there is any big changes.

Tsim Sha Tsui East commercial building viewing from footbridge

Actually not much, when I was standing on the footbridge looking towards this view, same feeling of the good old days as I was a student, still...a lot of "squares".  
Tsim Sha Tsui East is always a bit isolated and therefore even though it is a tourist + commercial zone, I feel more relax here compare with the Canton road section. 
A new high rise with rectangular windows in earth tone
Except this new building (to me) I've discovered near the harbour, I will say it looks nice to fit into the surrounding, subtle & decent; again square square square... 
Finally, I found "Square of the Day" in a dramatic colorway that attracted me. I thought the purplish shade was due to deterioration of the glass curtain material instead, but did create another unique scenario I love.

Square curtain walls of a hotel in purple shade

Looking into windows of the buildings from street in or after the twilight time is one of my "hobby", it's interesting, imaginative and even with surprise sometimes; I will always imagine the look of the peoples who live inside, what is his/ her job, what are they doing right now/ or waiting for someone may be...under the bright white or moody yellowish luminescent; weird thoughts, I know :P

close up of a room interior through curtain wall of a hotel

What do you think?





今天早上,心裏仍然不安,手機已經傳來弟兄轉發在當地婦女的一個 IG Post, 述說她的絕望。接着,在Times 看到一篇曾經是當地駐軍的退役美軍細説這麼多年究竟在當地發生什麼事,為何美軍對阿富汗政府軍的訓練和所付出的會如此不堪一擊⋯⋯

前幾天,仍在繼續看奧巴馬的書 A Promise Land, 回想書中提及過他要做一個十分艱難的決定:應該增加阿富汗駐軍,還是定下撤離時限?當中要考慮的因素實在太多…


以往會認為始終是遠方的內政,離我們很遠,也很難做到些什麼,所以不會太上心;只是自從香港社運,地球暖化不能逆轉及Covid-19 之後,我感到正在其他國家發生中的事,已經和我們緊緊相連着,只要是地球人便不能幸免,至少,我們的心會被牽動,為當地人民著急!



Jan 2021 Hong Kong

Colorful fruit stall along Sheung Wai
Today is 14 Aug 2021, 
 七夕 Qixi Festival in Hong Kong, but I am not going to write the story of it, instead, something about my yearly appointment on 1 January to Pok Fu Lam on the Hong Kong side.

Right after, I would walk towards Central to take the MTR way home. Before that, I must walked through the narrow streets "up & down" in Sheung Wan; which was enjoyable if you had "strength" and love the old stuff, like this. 

Well, we can still see this kind of stalls in some other old districts like Sham Shui Po, but always a bit different here, may be due to the sloped narrow streets and the "fainted" color of shops nearby. You would get the feeling of returning to the 70's - 80's liked travelling in time machine. 

I loved the kind of  "slow" motion, the aroma of livelihood, the tranquil moment while most of the people were still sleeping after the crazy night on the New Year's Eve... as well as the antique color that could always be captured.

I took this photo simply by my "ancient" iphone SE, as my usual practice, the lighting & color to be reflected as real at that moment as possible, that's the moment of us!

Actually there was the hawker inside, but I tried not to interrupt & therefore took this angle, which was fine provided my "models" were feeling comfortable :p


Before I left this district, one of my favorite spot, here...a very traditional Chinese sausage maker, I wished they would never replaced the incandescent light bulbs, never... the yellow tone that eventually vanishing !

Usually a lot more sausages will be hanging all along on those horizontal railings, by the end of January close to our Chinese New Year, imagine how spectacular it will be; the most happiest festival for Hong Konger, a few more months to go. 

I can't estimate what will going to happen in the coming months before my next visit in 2022, both the pandemic of Covid-19 or the political changes in Hong Kong, but I have confidence as always, hope in human nature...wish we & you all the best!



今天無意中得知有一些朋友已經在短時間內離開了香港,一家移居他方。雖然這也不是什麼奇事,但和大家道別一句也沒有,甚至連WhatsApp 通知也欠奉,感覺還是酸溜溜的;是因為未必會再見?又或是離去怱怱呢?!





Summer Cool Sale

Hey, pal,

Sorry again it seems I do forget to tell you there is a "Summer Cool Sale" 
for Book 2 Entrée Sortie of 39% reduce in price from 1 to 31 August 2021
Book cover of Entrée Sortie
click to enlarge
Meaning, you can purchase in 
$1.99 (US) from Apple Books 
or $15.46 (HK) from Google Books

Enjoy! together with the forever free 
Book One : Pont Neuf of Petit Paris series.

Oiseau Distrait



The Tapestry Poem

I would like to share this with you, a wonderful poem selected by Pauline, our team member of "pastor Au + 7 pebbles" for a special study group  in our church.

"The Tapestry Poem"was originally written by Grant Colfax Tullar (1869-1950)
Then being shared by writer Corrie Ten Boom(1892-1983) in the title of "The Weaver".
This poem is so meaningful, being loved & broadly shared many many times; 
and I'm pleased to share it again in my blog, wish you like it, tooMy life is but a weaving

My life is but a weaving       我的生命
Between my God and me      是主與我編織的掛毯
I cannot choose the colors    我不能選擇顔色
He wealth steadily              主在編織引領
oft''times He weaveth the sorrow
Oft' times He weaveth the sorrow;    主常常編織悲傷;
And I in foolish pride                    我愚昧驕傲
Forget He sees the upper                 忘了主看到正面
And I the underside                      而我只看到底面
not til the loom is silent
Not til the loom is silent         直到織機無聲
And the shuttles cease to fly   機梭停止穿梭
Will God unroll the canvas    主會打開掛毯
And reveal the reason why     展現讓我明白看見
the dark threads are as needful
The dark threads are as needful      按照主的設計
 In the  weaver's skilful hand         深黑色的線
 As the threads of gold and silver    在熟練織工的手中
 In the pattern He has planned       和金銀線同讓需要
he knows, he loves, he cares
He knows, He loves, He cares;    主知道, 主愛, 主在乎;
Nothing this truth can dim.      這個真理從沒變.
He gives the very best to those   誰願順服祂主權
Who leave the choice to Him     主為誰留美好賞賜

P.S. - thanks Pauline for the beautiful translation so we can share with more others :D



智者、旅人 The Wise man said...

The Wiseman said

A tourist who was visiting a small village approached the house of a well-known wise man, and he was surprised to see that he lived in a small, humble room filled with books. The only pieces of furniture were a bed, a table, and a chair.

 “Where is the rest of your furniture?” the tourist asked.
 “And where is yours?” the wise man answered back. 
“Mine?” responded the tourist, surprised. “I’m only here for a short time.”
“Me too,” said the wise man.


從信仰的角度,智慧源於我們信靠的神~敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明!(箴言九章10節)人的智慧實在沒法與創造我們的神相比,這是合理不過的; 能夠認識並信靠神,自然能尋到智慧的根源,這也是我們的福氣。那麼,在還沒有認識神之前,是否也可以活得智慧一些而不是愚妄地渡日呢? 







Listening_Hear Me watercolor painting
click to enlarge

I will say this is Part Two of "Hide and Seek", when I was thinking of what to draw in the center page for Book Six - Hear Me, lots & lots of images flash into my mind, they may be real or, are only some wishes that I would like to see someday. Both hide & seek/ hear me & listening would not exist without someone to act, problems remain if nobody care. 

I've always said that "melancholy" happen not only in Paris, but everywhere in the world, we can just ignore them if we think they are the norm, or begin to act bit by bit starting from peoples around us and therefore, this is not merely "wishes" !

Covid-19 pandemic may further increase the distance between us, but a lesson that we've all learnt - to treasure those around you in your life, the bonding of human beings always last wherever we are. 

So, at the end, I make use of the gramophone to deliver the message knowing that there is always someone who is willing to listen as well as to assist. May God bless our planet!


Hide and Seek

Hide and seek pencil sketch
Most of my drawing starts with a pencil sketch, the first line is the most difficult one, especially on a clean white paper...a curse, may be :) but once you've overcome this, the time of joy follows!

Although I can draw base on memory, photo reference can help to enhance the details. If you remember, once I've told you that I didn't plan to write Petit Paris in the early beginning of my journey, so all photos took were for pleasure only, i.e.: not recording for future reference. I was glad to be this because if it's for recording or some sort of research, all the joy would be gone. 

I love to draw in the early morning, the most "powerful" time of my day, ideas flows effectively with a spark. Continue with the coloring if it's not complicated or otherwise it has to be done in another day. 
Hide and Seek watercolor
"Hide and Seek" is the watercolor center page of Book Five- Point Zéro, it consist of some characters that I've met in Paris. Although the poems may lead you to think or concern a bit more to the relationships both in human nature & religious, sometimes sad or wordless; I do wish a happy ending, always and that's why it was reflected here, hopefully, you can feel it, too!


Be my guest

Be my guest_Jardins Secret
click to enlarge
Sorry sorry sorry...this is always the major problem of an indie writer...especially me, a forgetful bird. I remember to write my books, to prepare "behind the scene" blog posts and scheduled to upload; distribute to my reviewers as well as to other e-platforms...but forget the watercolor in center pages of each book, which is also one of the element that I would like to share with you.

Although Book Six - Hear Me has just released this month, it's better for me to carry on with the watercolor in Book Four - Jardins Secret.

"Be my Guest" is the title of this drawing, I don't actually own an apartment in Paris, of course...but dreaming of ;) Haussmann style is a Must !! with a balcony, near the river Seine...that's all; it seems not much criteria have to be fulfilled, it's not easy.

Same as Hong Kong, Paris is small & crowded with peoples, both local as well as immigrant & tourist, so the rent is super high unless you are willing to sacrifice the location & flat size. There is hopeless to live along the Seine at the 1 er or 5 er, but streets a little bit set back is fine, if I get one?! 

Haussmann style architecture is gorgeous but most of them don't have an elevator or air conditioning, for those include these two facilities...rare = higher rental per month. So, you can imagine what your daily life will be if you are living at 5th floor or the roof (usually with balcony); but on the other hand, I am sure you will look super fit within a months time.

I am fascinating with the Parisian balcony, it don't has to be a large one. The most attractive elements are always the wrought iron balustrade, raw plastering finishes wall & flooring, French windows, a bit narrow & long shape but good enough for a mini breakfast table/chair, plus, floral, floral, floral...together with a coffee & baguette every morning here, I am dying for!

Keep Dreaming & never quit :D



Tower Eiffel...do you hear me?


One of the best viewing angle to Tower Eiffel in Paris

Wow! Tower Eiffel! What it means to you?! I’m standing right now is near the Jardin du Trocadéro, Av des Nations in front of the Pont d’léna, one of the best viewing angle to Tower Eiffel. Why am I here instead of up up on the tower?...It’s not in my itinerary, besides, if you still remember, I’ve finished my apple there, at the foot of the tower, good enough this time :P

Back to the question and what is your answer? An icon of France? A romantic spot for lovers? A must go in a life time tourist spot?....you name it. One of my friend told me that when she traveled to Paris with her husband years ago, in her memory after returned to Hong Kong, Eiffel, Eiffel, Eiffel...almost every corner in Paris could see...a bit “tired” of it’s existing, everywhere, every minute.

She was right, you’ll never miss Eiffel, day or night, there is always a trace to discover it in my photos. But it’s also amazing when you see how it “interact” to the surrounding, a lot more rather than simply an icon.

Lonely man below the bridge of Paris

When I took this picture, just because of a very straight forward desire to capture the chaotic elements all appear in the same frame. I didn't recognize there was a man somewhere “resting? or...”at the bottom of the bridge, another element in the photo, that’s all.

But when I’ve returned Hong Kong, to zoom in each photos as my usual practice to explore more, the contrast of  “flourishing” above vs the “hollowness “ below in this photo, I was engaged. It reminds me the other day early in the morning, a “yellow spot” drawn my attention...

 Worker clean up city fountain routine in Paris

He was working silently, full of concentration without any facial expression, as usual without being aware by any passengers who were hurrying to work. I stared at this scenario for a while, splash of rain falling onto my face...the exact feeling on the bridge...

When I arrived Paris on the first day, I asked my hotel driver wasn't she happy to live here, so she could visit the Louvre, Tower Eiffel, Jardins...,etc at any time she want? She told me, it’s because you are a tourist, I am not, I’ve never visited the Louvre, too much to do for a living, for my family...the exact feeling at the fountain...

Tower Eiffel, what it really means to us?!


Four Seasons

Autumn ...
forest become silence
color begins to faint
air is dry
life is grey
open your eyes
something above
stretch your arms
a Gift to Receive

here & there in forest
everything in motion
wind that blows to deliver
signs of love encounter
open the gift for you
the always special you
any message to tell?
any breakthrough to act!

aroma of the forest
life of the triumph
ready for the blossom
can't stop the movement
fly to Explore
chase the light
you'll never know
if you don't go

it seems the end
forest back to death...again
it's a cycle of no control
we should only follow
 the seasons of nature
a Creator who rule
Embrace your life in Him
& you'll be free






Merry go round near Tower Eiffel in Paris

Rotunda is very common in Paris, some are in the park, on the square or around the corner of the street; most of them are near the famous tourist spot, such as Hôtel de Ville, Tower Eiffel...,etc. You can imagine how wonderful the scenery will be under star night, blossom of cherry in Spring, Autumn burst golden leaves or in the soft white snow of Christmas...post card shot, right?

Little girl riding horses in the rotunda of Paris

Guess what is my favourite? not difficult to know, street side rotunda. Don’t you think they just like a super huge toy right next to your apartment, everyone in the neighbourhood can share the joy whenever nearby, be my guest, isn’t that fun?

Little boy seating on a sea shell in rotunda near Tower Eiffel

It’s also enjoyable to watch those lovely kids riding with interesting facial expressions, some are excited, a little bit scare while the turn is moving away from their parents, but a sudden burst of smile when they are once appear in front of them; they all become prince & princess within minutes living happily ever after...

I still remember when I was some where at Saint-Paul, after a long walk without having any lunch, I quickly grab a lemon pie & espresso from a boulangerie, eating in front of a rotunda at the street corner;  the weather is cloudy & cold, but with it’s vintage colour decorative light bulb, pinkish apple like smiling faces on pastel wooden horses, I feel so warm, what an unforgettable moment. 

Merry-go-round, a more familiar name in my childhood, time flies...



There are numerous messages delivered from graffiti, poster or sticker found on the street here, in Paris. I am sure there will be some trace of the “yellow vest” - mouvement des gilets jaunes; a chaos agitated by the increase of fuel tax. My new friend Li, who studied & working here for over 18 years, she told me that actually the amount increased was minimal, but demonstration/ protest/ strike whatever we call are frequently happen in France, i.e.: they get used to & nothing to be afraid of.

Liberté (Freedom), Égalité (Equality), Fraternité (fraternity / brotherhood), ou la mort (or death*) - is the “national motto” of France. There may be still argument of whether the Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen on 26 August 1789 should include all of them in exact wordings, especially the last one;  but no matter how, it’s originated in the French Revolution. The Tricolor flag of France are embodying all the principle of the Revolution- Liberté (Blue), Égalité (white) and Fraternité (Red).

The memorial statue of Komitas in Paris

 Walking along, there is Mémorial de la Shoah - a memorial retraces the history of French Jews after the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, a sad history of 76,000 Jews deported from France. I didn’t visit even I’ve passing by twice, I am afraid there will be too “much” for my first trip, but it will be in my itinerary in the next visit.

So, who is Komitas? A statue that I’ve seen in Jardin d’Erevan. I don’t know who he was? But the form of statue clearly tells me it is not a display of an art piece, something serious,... to remember.


“ en Hommage a


Comositeur, musicologue

et aus

1500000 victimes

du génocide arménien de 1915

perpetre dans L‘empire ottoman“


Lettering on the stone base

If we are thinking of the War Crime, Holocaust- Jewish was the first comes into our mind; but there is another one, Genocide- Armenian. 

Komitas was the survivor in this genocide, he was an Armenian priest, composer, a super talented musicologist, founder of the Armenian national school of music. If he didn’t collected & transcribed over 3000 pieces of Armenian folk music during his work in life time, the cultural heritage of Armenia will be vanished together with the genocide, no one will even remember the existing of this history. 

To Komitas, although he could survive after released from concentrate camp, the shadow of death together with his fear of losing his lifetime work in Armenian music that finally drove him nuts, he was transferred to stay in Paris where his friend was there... but weakness & insane were the only melody left in his last years, who died in 1935.

I have to admit that I am quite lost & depress while preparing this post, when I’ve watched the film online “Music to Madness (The Story of Komitas)” , in order to find who he was? The unfold of history was intolerable, up to this moment, I can’t find an “excuse” for “human” to expel/ destroy a nation and I am not intend to find one.


-  Survivors of the Armenians “re-birth” and wide spread around the world.
- Armenia was the First Nations to adopt Christianity as a state religion, it’s roots go backs to 1st century AD. (Wiki data)