
Yojiya : aroma of Spring

Yojiya perfume

It's raining in Hong Kong, wet and cold = our early Spring!

The best moment to be surrounded by freshly grass or road side trees (H.K. convenience :P) ... that's what I've always love after rain, the "salad feel" aroma rejuvenate my body and soul.

There is another "aroma of Spring" which can also help to enhance this season, a little sweet flower perfume from Japan; nothing new, because lots of girls know and can purchase it online these day; or simply like myself,  grab one from Kyoto or Tokyo by the help of my frequent flying friends. 

Originally, I thought it is the note of cherry blossom,  not only because of the lovely petal tag, but the sweet pink color as well; but after searching online, it's a kind of not named petal with the combination of fruity scent. No matter what, just wear a little, you can jump into the poetic world of Spring through out all day long, so relax. 
Try one and start to embrace this season.

* The one in front is the famous oil plotting paper of the same brand, a souvenir from my brother.
   The mini version of perfume on top is from my friend, Jessie; love both and thanks all :D


tuesdays with Morrie

Book cover of Tuesday with Morrie
凌晨 05:43 的香港, 天空仍是漆黑ー片, 窗外很冷, 隠約聽見冷空氣在人煙飄渺的街道中迴蕩, 偶爾路經的車聲把我喚醒. 心中一直想着近期發生的人和事..., 還有...這本書,

相隔12年, 重看 tuesdays with Morrie, 是人長大了?! 經歷多了?! 又或是真的對死亡看得更通透了?!

作者Mitch與教授Morrie重遇, 展開一連14個星期二的人生課程: 他們談及 (We talk about...)
lesson 1:  the World
lesson 2: feeling sorry for yourself
lesson 3: regrets
lesson 4: death
lesson 5: family
lesson 6: emotions

lesson 7: the fear of aging
lesson 8: money
lesson 9: how love goes on
lesson 10: marriage
lesson 11: our culture
lesson 12: forgiveness
lesson 13: the perfect
lesson 14:to say goodbye  
(抱歉沒有把這14課譯中文, 因為我想, 從原文的字裡更傳神.)

面對不治之症和必死的事實, 教授可以處之泰然, 甚至能藉着僅餘的時間, 再次燃點他人的生命; 我想, 這並不是"臨別贈言" "正能量理論" 云云. 如果Morrie不是活著, 經歷, 學習, 感受, 實踐於他的歳月裏, 以上的一切只會是空談, 卻不能感動人心, 令我們再次反思生命.

重看這本書, 感受良多. 經過摯愛及親友離世的人, 要把握的不是"14個星期二", 而是毎一天, 毎一刻. 能接受自己機能上的衰敗, 用智慧去活到最後的一秒, 是送給自己一生最大的禮物.

He patted my hand weakly, keeping it on his chest. 
"This ...is how we say...good-bye..." 
(The Fourteenth Tuesday)

****Thank you, Morrie - A Teacher to the Last. ****



Rainbow forever

Casing of the mini colour set
Time flies, I've find this cute souvenir from my drawer, it's hard to remember how long has it been sitting there...why?

Because it's so lovely and so mini, 4,5mm long by 4mm dia. each, that I even don't know how to use them, you know? Once you've begin, the beautiful "rainbow" will break unevenly, it seems the whole product will be spoiled. 

If this is yours, what will you do?
Mini colour pencil in rainbow shadeIf this is a gift you've chosen for your friend, what do you want her to do? 

Use it or keep it?

I've decided to use it this year! 
Yes, I think this is the real meaning of a product even though it looks so perfect and gorgeous, if it is only for decoration, it's another thing.  

But when they can be transformed into a picture or colorful liner in my book, they means a lot more. So, finally what are they look like now?......

As beautiful as they were forever, thank you, Peggy!


Good Taste

Colourful package of the soy sauce
"Hey, pal; this Black soy sauce is almost expire, can you help?"......one of my friend who traveled and returned from Okinawa, brought this souvenir to somebody and/ or due to whatever reason, it can't be delivered......"Well, my pleasure!"

Ha, ha! the real attraction to me of course is not the content inside, but the package outside. It's always an eye candy for those traditional products' packaging found in Japan; no matter the color, wrapping material used, typography or the "accessories",

Even though the taste of soy sauce is not too special, it was enhanced by the package which creates the favor and aroma of Ryukyu :  

colorful printed fabric of sunshine + 
dry sea weed from the sea under the blue sky + 
natural wood block printing like label and tag......
generations after generations.

Yes! the taste of freshness, pureness and uniqueness. 

The Magic of Packaging Design ! Thanks Kwan.



Alone is not lonely

scene of a light up room in a building
There's a difference between lonely and being alone ... quote from LUCKY

You may still feeling lonely 
even if you are in a party, 
with friends, or 
being occupied by tons of task.....
it's time for you to be alone.

Everyone needs time to be alone, 
but it doesn't mean you are lonely. 
You can find your best moment, 
your place 
where nothing can interrupt 
your thought, 
how nice it will be!


Irresistible Souvenir

chibi maruko-chan face mask unfold
Lots of my friends and relatives do travel a lot within a year and that's why souvenir accumulated progressively. It may be a good idea to "build" a Cocoa Souvenir Street here as a return of thanks to all of them.

It's always joyful when receiving gifts especially cutie item from Japan - the favorite vacation choice of Hong Kong peoples. 

Here it is...if you may know Chibi Maruko-chan : a Japanese cartoon character of a small girl who has weird thought and childish ideas, well, you may say "innocent" if you like :P

So, if you know the story, you will not be surprised by seeing this, not inside the package, but onto you own face :D

Relax, and return to your childhood for 10 minutes, you will definitely be rejuvenated, enjoy !
Japanese full gift package for summer spa
Full gift package, thank you Jessie !





HKIFF 42 catalogue cover_福伯的不老傳説
昨晩在又一城欣賞今年所揀選的最後一套電影 : 由 Harry Dean Stanton 主演的一部遺作. 90歳向來消灑, 兩袖清風的老伯, 如何面對可能隨時發生的死亡?!

真的能如此豁達, 沒有遺憾, 沒有眷戀, 憤怒或驚恐嗎? 福伯帶領我們親身走過這一切的思緒, 短短九十分鐘, 彷彿上了人生的一課.

片中有太多太多値得回味的片段, 卻是一套没有刻意營造什麼大道理的電影,

Alone 與 Lonely 的不同; 烏龜逃走事件簿; 永遠没有人懂解釋的所謂"退化"; 生日會上福伯觸動人心的歌聲; 買保險不能改變的事實; 渺小的身形相對在旱地經年屹立不倒的巨形仙人掌; 由厭惡變成能處之泰然的墓園; 曾幾何時昔日服役的光輝歳月...即使只是一個厨子; 人生從來沒有帶什麼到世上, 走時兩袖清風也很合理......

要不洩氣地為着"退化"死氣沉沉地日過ー日, 又或者擁抱着周邊的關懷, 探索未知, 享受毎天的呼吸...明顯, 福伯選了後者.

我想是福伯的精湛演技, 在電影完結時, 影迷不期然地鼓掌, 似是回應着主角的智慧; 又或是早上剛剛陪伴朋友開始歩入生命的尾段令我有點彷彿活在戲裡戲外, 深知這是知易行難的一課.....無論如何, 福伯令"我的電影節"畫上完美的句號!



HKIFF42 catalogue cover_紐約公共圖書館
在大會堂劇院看這套戲實在別有ー番滋味, 因為我最愛的圖書館就在這裏.

入場時是意外的多人, 也許是適逢復活節假期罷; 無論如何, 很是熱鬧, 全院有九成滿座.

帶着期待的心情等開場之際, 後排一位男仕説: "嘩!成三個鐘, 睇完要急急脚趕下場... " 心想,  "好彩我淨係會毎日訂一場, 就係避免咁樣; 更加怕"消化不良" ,哈哈! 不過, 三個鐘, 都有D驚..."

開場了! 約20分鐘過去 , 心想, 這套戲如何能延續多百幾分鐘呢? 

這是一套以位於紐約公共圖書館整年運作計劃, 由一班熱心的管理層花盡心思, 由籌劃, 籌募 (因為其實這是公私型機構, 而且有多間分館), 以至實行, 維修, 改善體系等等...的半紀録式電影.所以片中有不少"會議"時間. 亦藉此介紹圖書館所提供的各式各樣服務, 藏書, 架構以及毎天發生的一些人和事.

差不多看了45 分鐘, 有趣的事發生了...彷彿我們不再是電影院内的觀衆, 而是成為"他們"的一份子, ー同去:

- 聽書評, 見作者, 詩人, 文學家, 音樂家; 感受他們所想所期盼的世界.
- 欣賞藝術藏品, 百年相片所紀録的古今.
- 學習關心手語/視障的推廣; 種族問題, 貧窮人口, 無家者的需要.
- 歩觸未能同歩接合互聯網世界的ー大群人; 又或者教育子女等日常看似普通, 卻日漸令父母吃不消的實况.

餘下的時間, 你會感受到管理層及員工為何會日以計夜, 年復年, 在政客及捐募者中籌集資源令圖書館得以運作. 不停的大小項目, 探訪, 分柝, 陪訓...成功或失敗.... 目的是要為着不同社區的需要, 調配各有地區性的公共圖書館: ー個"人性" 的空間, ー個不單單擁抱着被遺忘的過去; 更擁有無止境知識的泉源, 可見或未知世界探索的地方.

公共圖書館 :把人帶回希望的橋樑...感激片中所有人的付出.
我的三個半小時, 算不上什麼!



HKIFF 42 catalogue cover_遺忘詩篇




 提示:唔好話我唔提你,記得聽埋片尾 Vivaldi 隻 Summer 先好離座呀!


Real Distortion

Lotus pond of Yiu Chung Yee Museum in Hong Kong

I've took this photo quite a long time ago, which was on the same day as the "fluorescent butterfly" in my Anti-gravity blog post , in Oct 2017. 

This is a really nice and tranquil place at Yiu Chung Yee Museum in Hong Kong, as far as I've remember, that was  a rainy day, so tourist were rare; i.e.: the best time for "photo adventure". I was looking for interesting view angle and by chance, this was what I had discovered. 

It looks a little bit weird, right? I mean the angle of view. The truth is, by normal, the direction of vanishing point should be 45 degree at NE, but I twisted my camera + my head, of course :D, to capture this almost isometric view, everything become weightless in a second, especially those furniture, so cool!

If the building at top left can be compressed a little bit more, it will be perfect, but as my usual practice, minimum PS touch is the best; so I  better leave it as it is to remind me they are distorted in real ! Hope you'll like it.





原本諗住係工餘時間以外,一方面認識多D冇利益關係嘅人,平衡吓生活 :D,另一方面又可以將自己熟識嘅室內設計知識同同學分享吓。初時以為已經係成人嘅同學們都係係咁意,柴娃娃搵D嘢學吓,消磨吓時間;不過真係估佢哋唔到,大部份同學唔單只唔係玩玩吓,好專心甚至好認真咁抄筆記,都令我幾意外......即係我都唔可以hea 教,要認認真真啦 :P



第一位 :究竟牆身油漆好定貼牆紙好呢?

呢幾條差不多係我嘅必答題 :D




It began with STAEDTLER

Staedtler Triplus fineliner
Around half years ago, one of my student gave me ten numbers of these Staedtler Triplus Fineliner, simply because she learned from my lesson about 斷.捨.離 (a method invented by a Japanese of how to organize your stuff and refresh your simple life/mind), which had to be proceed prior to re-design the interior of her house...as a result, they are the "useless stuff" that needed to be cart away from her place.

At the very beginning, I just used them as another writing tool, but one day, I had another idea, how about this....
Blue tone drawing by Staedtler Triplus fineliner 1
 I started to draw on some of my aging illustration board, well, it seems it's yellowish tint did match with these too blueish liner; so I drawn another one...
Blue tone drawing by Staedtler Triplus fineliner 2

followed by 
another one
and another one...
Blue tone drawing by Staedtler Triplus fineliner 3
Blue tone drawing by Staedtler Triplus fineliner 4
...finally, I've got a series of landscape, ha ha :D 

They were put aside in my drawer for a while but one day , I had another idea, again...what if I edited these image by Photoshop to become these...

Digital editing from blue line drawing
It looked amazing, just added a lit bit of mysterious, which suited our Twilight Zone series in Cocoa Grocery...so, another day, what I thought is...metamorphosis!


 Here is what I've finally got as my wish !
Tranformed into cushion sale in Redbubble
Blue Dye Garden floor pillow
 Yes! It was all started by STAEDTLER !



Anti gravity!

Yellow butterfly at Yiu Chung Yee Museum

A beautiful pale yellow butterfly,
enjoying her lunch 
after rain;

"so delicious...la, la, la...
hey, you!
you are in a wrong way! "

Think out of the box,  pal! 
this is the reality :D

Urban Beauty






Where are you at this moment ?!

Before Sunrise CD cover

If you like Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, these are the must see movies. Before Sunrise was the first one I had watched on T.V. at Pearl 930.... well, years and years ago. Two young strangers met on a train in Europe, they spent a whole after night at Vienna together, sharing hopes, joys, dreams, and love....then returned on train at dawn and aparted to their own destination.

Before Sunset was the second one I had watched on T.V. again late night at year end, right after Before Sunrise, Yes! movie double up :D So the feeling and emotion were even much stronger as the story carried on : Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) met after nine years in Paris......so, can you imagine...... 

Before Sunset CD cover
They were both more mature, having their own business and experience. Once again, they unfolded as much as they could before they had to apart again at dusk.  Life altered after the first met, but love remains.

There was an open ending in this story, whether Jesse could/would capture his plane back to US?  or stayed with Celine?

Another nine years pasted, I had to find out the real face of true romance between Jesse and Celine. This time, I went to the theatre, flied to Greece, learned a lesson before midnight.

Before Midnight poster
Life is amazing, because it is a learning path that everyone has to participate into, no short cut, no forever romance, no unawakened dreams. It mold you to become what you are from teen to mid age. 

Beautiful faces, stunning environment, meaningful dialogue, romancing moment...all you can find in this series of movie. Even though some people may say the last one is far too reality and they are too old which diminish the past romantic atmosphere of the whole film;
this is what we need to walk and grow together with Jesse and Celine, not only in their but our life, too.

I have to leave you now and enjoy my "triple up" !
Au Revoir!


Ikea Coffee Bean : Surprise !

Coffee bean from Ikea
Everybody knows that I am an IKEA and a Coffee lover, will it be lovely if they are merging?

Each year I will take a visit to see if there are any new products arrive, but unfortunately not many in the coming of 2018 in Hong Kong. Well, truly a little disappointed, so I am going to grab my favor almond pie before leaving, and accidentally discover this!

I am not a super fans of organic product especially in food, my past experience reminds me the "mild" taste of "everything" which are "boring". So I did hesitate a while when I saw this. In addition, because they are not freshly roasted, a certain compromise to aroma is expected.  

This espresso coffee bean is 100% Arabica, UTZ certified.
Produced in Sweden (I doubt whether it is the origin ).
Acidity 3, Body 5, Roasting 5....that's it, not much detail in terms of aroma or after taste...,etc. 
Cost: $46/250g. 
If compare with others, it is obviously very economical. 

To my surprise, the bean size are quite big, even though it looks like an Italian Roast, I will say a City Roast is more appropriate with a slight cinnamon favor is noted. 

Although this kind of ready packed coffee bean can not be compared with the freshly roasted and high quality single origin coffee; it is good enough for a morning coffee with sugar & milk, the overall taste is quite balance. So, give a try and you may love it :P




上回介紹了由王其鈞博士著作的中國民居,今次再介紹他另外兩本資料更詳盡的圖解詞典; 集合了中、西古今的建築特式及部件解讀. 圖文並茂,更是按着時序編排,所以從頭開始一直看下去,徬彿由古代穿梭到現代一般,非常有趣味性.

如果你有看過上次我介紹的那本中國民居,你便不會驚訝這兩本書內的資料何奇豐富. 如果你留意書內的插畫,亦會發現是來自不同人的手筆,正是作者的學生和他一起努力的成果,當中不少插圖繪畫得極之細緻。

翻看後記,原來部份原稿非常大,只是放到書內縮成約50mm 方的小插圖。全書差不多1000 幅插畫及內文,實在提供了很多寶貴和方便的資料,是兩本很值得珍藏的書籍.

兩本詞典尤以西方建築那本較為我所喜愛,因為當中提到不少古埃及,古羅馬,希臘,哥德式及文藝復興時期的教堂建築,解釋了不少當時常見的建築結構及圖像由來,看完後會對一些聞名已久的建築物:如巴黎聖母院,佛羅倫斯主教堂,古羅馬鬥獸場等等, 有較清楚及深入的理解; 更會懂得欣賞古時工匠的心思和高超手藝.

因此我極力推介,無論你是行內或外人, 這兩本也是值得一看再看的好書,希望你會喜歡!




話說自從無印良品開始賣書之後,其實也沒有太大期望,因為心想還是賣一些日式家品悠閒書或雜誌罷,但是竟然給我發現 這本有趣的書籍!

雖然我不是建築師,但對中國民居也實在有點興趣. 奈何很多建築書不是太商業味(超靚實景相),便是內容沈悶非常,而且昂貴.

那天,還是隨意看看,卻被這本書封面的插圖所吸引. 仔細看看內文,清楚簡潔地把主要中國民居的特色、佈局、結構等一一紀錄. (抱歉因版權問題不方便打開內頁)而且紙質及插畫十分樸實,很有味道.

內容除了我們熟悉的四合院,  江南水鄉民居,圍屋,土樓之外;更有竹樓,碉房,吊腳樓等較有特色的民居.


喜歡看書,是因為可以隨時穿梭時空及地理的限制,藉作者的解讀而學會一些新的知識或趣味. 初時我以為這本書售價應該不少於二佰塊錢,事實上卻出乎我意料之外的便宜,雖然我興高採烈地即時把它據為己有,卻也同時感到一陣悲哀.

我在想:是我們對閱讀這一回事已變得沒趣從而影響了書籍的售價? 還是重來低估了一些有水準但沒用名氣來包裝的作品呢?!



上星期,廁所板突然宣告死亡,咁啱唔得閒,唯有勉強捱到今日。係好熱嘅中午,唔係同客睇, 買自己嘢就梗係鎖定目標,想快快趣搞掂啦!可能你會覺得好易啫,買番同一個型號就得啦 ; 咁又唔係喎,因為從來我都覺得D廁所板跟個馬桶一套,除咗有冇油壓之外就冇咩選擇,而且淨係得白色, 悶到發慌! (以前好多色揀) 


A)$800 白色Roca油壓板
B)$480 新進白色德國油壓板
C) $250 湖水綠歐洲普通板 
D) $180 白色唔知咩牌子油壓板


好明顯我揀咗 C 啦, 不過仲有下文, 係塊板用不銹鋼鉸,木蕊(重也), 而且係十年倉貨,返嚟要再自行清潔膠紙及汚漬…...好啦,講到呢度我應唔應該放棄呢?

1)Jacob Delafon 
5)原價700 大洋


Jacob Delafon WC cover


做個 " 愛國" 的設計師

2014年10月26日, 發放了一篇 做個有承擔的設計師, 把好不容易累積了的中國流覧本網誌數量付於流水.可惜, 但無悔.

今天, 終於把流量稍為穩定, 更剛剛發佈了"可可雜貨舖", 在期待着吸引多些讀者之際, 我還是決定要寫這篇網誌; 即使, 我的期待或許將要再次落空.

 剛剛在電視上看了一個關於劉曉波先生的特輯.那一刻,我竟然能感受到身為"中國人"對國家没有看待人權, 人民沒有真正自由的那種傷痛, 真的很痛!!!

一個帶着崇高理想, 以和平心態去期待國家變得更好的學者; 卻為此而賠上自己, 甚至最愛的一生,  値得嗎? (我敢説在他心中一定認為値得!)

自問對什麼政治, 國家...不算熟識; 但人權, 自由, 理想和愛, 是正如你我一様, 天生便懂得, 也應該可以隨時享用. 可是, 在2017年的世代, 中國在高舉什麼一帶一路, 讓全國接軌的同時; 另一邊廂卻仍然像"野蠻人"一樣. 思想守舊, 腐敗, 專横...視人命如草芥!

劉曉波先生和劉霞的付出, 其實, 這オ是真正的愛國, 只是國家不愛國民罷了. 

以言入罪, 軟禁, 網絡封殺, 囚禁異見人士......這一切並不會隨着他的離世而終止; 但可以肯定的是, 人可以被囚, 心卻不可以! 只要有這個信念, 他(們)的付出必不會白廢!


Cocoa Grocery Launch!

Cocoa Design Life Grocery banner in Redbubble

Although it is not our original intention when the first date we blog here, 
it is our desire in certain extent. 

It was started almost ten years ago, when we had discovered Spoonflower; as most of you may know that, you can create your own fabric pattern by using of any media and technique; which is fun and creative. But unfortunately, they are quite "limit" in manufacturing; even though they team up with Sprouts Pattern and Roostery later on, wall paper and fabric oriented products are still their only main stream. So, it's a bit of frustrating when some potential pattern that can fit into our daily life product but can't be made.

Well, I have to confess that I spend too little time to further explore this issue until this year, the world is changing so fast especially in e-commerce, numerous of build-on-demand platforms had already been mature and doing well in the market. So, here we are in Redbubble

Usually, throw pillow is a standard product, 
Coffee Fantasy throw pillow in Redbubble
Coffee Fantasy

but we want something else such as this one :D

Coffee Fantasy iphone cover in Redbubble
iphone case

The best offer in this platform is the possibility of pattern re-sizing and orientation to different product under the designer's control. This is what I wish for so long.

Coffee Fantasy fabric design in minky fabricYou may ask then why we are still built our Cocoa Fabric shop in Spoonflower, because it do provide a number of good quality fabric choices that others don't. 

Like this "minky" fabric, so......fluffy and cute !

Therefore, before a real creative online "Grocery" is found on earth, these are still the best channel for us in the mean time.

So, take a visit to our shop if you have a minute, 
we will upload more design in the coming future. 
Enjoy !



City aurora fabric design

Collection : City dream
Pattern : Aurora

Original :  Photo of light trace in the city
Style : Modern, Western
Tone : Warm
Effect : Graphic illusion


Inside Out

view from inside or outside
Inside Out

Abandon vs Freedom
Lonely vs Tranquility
No way out vs Change
Death vs Move on
To love vs Be loved

It all depends which side you are standing!


Minolta XD : My third camera

Minolta XD SLR camera
First of all, I have to apologize for your waiting to the review of my third camera, because it had already gone to somebody years ago, and that's why I need to find a photo online and thanks to WIKI.

O.K., here it is, my Minolta XD, actually in black. Yes! it's model no. is XD in Japan version :D

As far as I've remember I bought this in a kit set together with a standard lens of 50mm, which cost me a total of HK$1,600 something. My first 135 camera in almost 30 years ago; well, that's why there is no more "Minolta" today; but Konica Minolta. 

It's handy, rigid, easy operate, affordable price range that suits me as a design student. When I save enough money, I bought another Minolta zoom lens 70-210mm; followed by a Fuji 19mm wide....is that strange? Ha ha! 

As you know, wide angle is expensive but I do need one for my interior shot, and I was lucky because by the help of Ricketeer's friend who modify his second or even third handed Fuji mount to fit into my XD, Voila' !

1 Body + 3 Lens became my companion and partner for almost five years. So, they were my good memories of my "Good Old Days!" Thank you Minolta :)


It's HOT!

3 white duck at the pond in hot summer's day
let's swim 02

Yesterday, what a sunny weather for me to act : Ping Shan Heritage Trail. 
Well, obviously it was a visit for the traditional Chinese architecture, a village mainly developed by the Tang's generation at Hong Kong in the 12th Century.

The temperature was over 30 degree C, there were merely people around. I was attracted by the the reflection of a pond nearby, while I was focusing thru' my viewfinder;  a few school boys passed by and said "hello" to me, followed by some very noisy "UFO" language that I couldn't classify until three of them appeared into my screen range.

After a vigorous discussion, they had decided to cool down in the pond...enjoy!

let's swim 01
This immediately reminded me another scene, well, actually to call it as "set" may be more appropriate - when I was visited the Wet Land Park at Hong Kong in February this year.

Same hot day,  tranquil pond, three of them...relaxing!
if only if you can imaging :)


To Kill A Mocking Bird

book cover of To Kill a mocking bird
To Kill A Mocking Bird
"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." (from Chapter 10)
Each time when I've hanging around in a book store, I will come across this little book, and every time I have to leave it behind cos' my quota only allows me to grab others; but this year, I've decided to get it.

To those who study Literature is for sure, will be familiar with it, right? But not me, I don't have the idea of what it's related to and why it is a famous American Classic! That's why I want to read it and find out the answer myself.

The first few chapters makes me feel that I am entering 3 kid's world (Scout/ Dill/ Jem)  in a small town call Maycomb. They live with their lawyer father Atticus, who looks a bit emotionless ; and a black maid Calpurnia.

School life, teacher, classmate, neighborhood...every thing happens day by day as usual together with a routine adventure of tracing the mysterious Boo Radley; not until these kid facing the real life of mercy, humanity, death, races, unfair, righteousness......they are actually grown up under Atticus's role model and love.

They are kids, helping us to view in the angle of purity which we had once before. We may not intend to but kill a mockingbird while achieving our goal somehow. In this book, you will discover those "mockingbird", they are really touching and inspiring; hopefully we can all find those in our real life and treasure them with our greatest effort. 

P.S.: highly recommend to read it :)


不遷不拆水瓶座 Aquarius

最後一套電影是巴西作品, 除了有風景怡人的海邊小樓, 還有非常悦耳動聽的配樂及精湛演技的女主角Sonia Braga. (雖然已經年華老去, 仍然美麗動人!) 此外, 便是一個普通的地産迫遷故事.

如果不是被主角牽動 着我的思緖, 相比之前的兩套, 感覺略嫌遜色!
幸好故事結尾有個較為震感的twist, 令整套電影留下較強烈的控訴性.

總結今年小試參予學習欣賞第41屆國際電影節的經驗, 感覺還是很不錯的 . 雖然偶遇一些"發燒友"在狂買戲票之餘, 忙於趕場及評論的有趣情景. 也有不乏獨自靜心享受, 或即興入座的朋友; 又或是打扮很"文青"的女生/ 男生...電影内外, 人生百態.

也許, 不論你我屬於那一類觀衆,撇開影評, 親身顴賞後所帶給我們, 或喜、或悲、興奮又或失望的體驗......オ是最寳貴的得着!


最後的藝術家庭 (The Last Family)


今天下午欣賞了第一套外語片,是波蘭作品,講述知名畫家兼攝影師 Zdzislaw Beksin'shi 的人生。本身熱愛藝術,因着有位賢內座,即使有個躁狂抑鬱的兒子及兩位需要照顧的年邁母親及岳母,仍能得以專心作畫。但隨著身邊一個一個親人的離世,即使本身豁達又富幽默感的他,也無法理解命運、死亡這一回事⋯⋯而他自己的結局,也充滿着悲情。

電影這門藝術對我來說是陌生的,但也正因為這樣,更能單純地感受到戲中對人物、現實、生活壓力、惶恐、無奈…的細緻描繪; 尤如主角的畫作一樣。

