Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts



Poster of Ghost Tropic
今天終於有些時間,坐下來靜靜地寫網誌。翻查觀看香港國際電影節的網誌,原來並沒有寫第43th 及44th界的紀錄,回想一下,為什麼呢?還記得在第43th和朋友一起看由Robert De Niro 及Gérard Depardieu 在大館上映的1900 ,上下集全長五個多小時;再加一套The Eyes of Orson Welles, 也似乎我是有打算為它們寫一篇觀後感的,因為圖片也預備好,而兩套戲也實在好看.…不過,應該是"忘記鳥"足足兩年多😅

而第44th 呢?應該是因Covid-19 而取消了。 今年,HKIFF45雖然有實體場,我還是在網上購票觀看,也只選了這一套 Ghost Tropic (Director: Bas Devos);不知是否因為疫情關係,多少也影響了片源,能吸引我的不多;幸好沒有失手,又是一套好戲。
由 Saadia Bentaïeb 主演的一個中年穆斯林婦人,因為夜班工作在回程的布魯塞爾尾班車上睡過頭,結果要步行回家。一小時廿五分的劇情,差不多全由主角一手包辦;全套戲稀有的對白,夜靜的街角,便利店,大宅,醫院…遇見的人、物、狗… 隨着燈光、場景、配樂,彷如置身其中,和 Khadija (主角名字)一起在寒冷的夜空中遊走,很靜,很靜… 感受她的疲憊、失望、關注、擔憂、無奈、放下…



重看星聲夢裡人~La La Land

Poster of La La Land
Written & Directed by Damien Chazelle
今天是農曆新年初二, 説真的, 假期對我們這些自由工作者來說和平日是沒有太大分別的, 正如一個朋友年卅晚問我, 我也是一樣的回應. 但畢竟, 地盤是收爐了, 課堂仍未開始, 疫情下沒什麼聚會, 街頭上也相對冷清… 除了可以專心寫作, 寧靜地渡過節日也是幸福!

適逢最近電視重播明珠930~還記得是我多年前每每不用加班便在家追看的節目. 昨晚重播 La La Land 星聲夢裡人, 其中一部我較喜愛的電影. 它的"名氣" 不用我多説, 有齊電影賣座的元素, 而電影中的歌曲實在好聽. 主角  Ryan Gosling 及Emma Stone 把我們帶入如幻似真的追夢之旅, 原創歌曲 City of Star 是百聽不厭, 他們的演譯, 爵士樂演奏和舞姿也是細緻和優美.…

第二次重看, 卻被一場講述 Emma Stone 試鏡時所唱的一首歌深深吸引, 非常可能, 它會取代City of Star 在我心中的位置… 對了! 正是 The Fools Who Dream (節錄如下)


一個唱出來的故事, Mia ( Emma Stone) 劇中角色, 一心夢想成為演員; 述說姑姑在巴黎塞納河 的一次 ‘瘋狂’ 行為...

“Leapt without looking 
And tumbled into the Seine
The water was freezing 
She spent a month sneezing
But said she would do it again

Here’s to the one who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here’s to the hearts that ache
Here’s to the mess we make...

... A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see
Who know where it will lead us
And that’s why they need us...   “

(Song:Justin Hurwitz/ Lyrics: Benj Pasek & Justin Noble Paul/ Performed by: Emma Stone)

無論對追尋成為純爵士樂手的 Sebastian (Ryan 電影中角色) 還是演員的Mia 而言, 對他們內心的爭扎, 還能有更貼的形容嗎? 追夢似乎是愚不可及, 尤其當我們山窮水盡, 生活拮據之時, 我們會懷疑自己的能力, 不確定的所謂才華, 甚至可能枉費了的時日.…但這裡卻再次告訴追夢者
追夢的瘋狂正是令你生命不再一樣的鑰匙 !   
你願意和我們一起瘋狂嗎 ?!



Midnight in Paris - The Unforgettable

The Unforgettable watercolour centre-page in ebook Chat Noir
Click to enlarge

Years ago, I had received a souvenir from my client, a lovely box of chocolate - from Maxim's, Paris. I'm sure the chocolate was delicious but the box was my favorite, always. Whenever I've looked at the illustrations on the "tin", I'd wonder what exactly this place was looked like in the year of Belle Époque?

In fact, this 1893 bistro found by Maxime Gaillard is not far from my hotel, located at No3. rue Royale, 8th arrondissement; travelers can still enjoy an unforgettable night there now a day.It's not only famous in its Art Nouveau decor, but linkage of those well known peoples who were there once before...
Maxim chocolate tin

..."Midnight in Paris", One of my favorite movie (written & directed by Woody Allen), which is also another motivation of my Paris trip.

Cd cover of Midnight in Paris
When Gil (Owen Wilson) and Adriana (Marion Cotillard) being transported further back from 1920's Paris to a bistro in the golden age, there, is Maxim's.

In the movie, Gil was getting lost in the street corner after a gathering with his fiancée & friends, while walking back to his hotel; a mysterious old Peugeot appeared & invited Gil for a ride...which drove him back to 1920's. Since then, every single mid night, he found himself participating in the life of F.Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, Man Ray, Dali, Picasso...a dream-able circle of people for this dis-enchanted Hollywood screen writer who are writing his first book. But the one who captured his heart was Adriana - Picasso's mistress.

Whether Gil would finally stay in 1920 with Adriana, or further back to the Belle Époque which Adriana is willing to die for? I will leave this for you to discover!

Everyone who watched this movie love the story line and equally the location of those mysterious scenes. I was drown in this 90mins illusion every time I am watching this movie.

Let me tell you there is another "unforgettable" moment that you shouldn't miss - the opening scene : a 3,5 mins. of postcard show of the Vintage Paris with the background music of "Si tu vois ma mére"(Sidney Bechet)...don't miss it, you'll know why!

p.s.: the watercolor for Chat Noir was inspired by all of the above and salut to those "unforgettable".


Alone is not lonely

scene of a light up room in a building
There's a difference between lonely and being alone ... quote from LUCKY

You may still feeling lonely 
even if you are in a party, 
with friends, or 
being occupied by tons of task.....
it's time for you to be alone.

Everyone needs time to be alone, 
but it doesn't mean you are lonely. 
You can find your best moment, 
your place 
where nothing can interrupt 
your thought, 
how nice it will be!




HKIFF 42 catalogue cover_福伯的不老傳説
昨晩在又一城欣賞今年所揀選的最後一套電影 : 由 Harry Dean Stanton 主演的一部遺作. 90歳向來消灑, 兩袖清風的老伯, 如何面對可能隨時發生的死亡?!

真的能如此豁達, 沒有遺憾, 沒有眷戀, 憤怒或驚恐嗎? 福伯帶領我們親身走過這一切的思緒, 短短九十分鐘, 彷彿上了人生的一課.

片中有太多太多値得回味的片段, 卻是一套没有刻意營造什麼大道理的電影,

Alone 與 Lonely 的不同; 烏龜逃走事件簿; 永遠没有人懂解釋的所謂"退化"; 生日會上福伯觸動人心的歌聲; 買保險不能改變的事實; 渺小的身形相對在旱地經年屹立不倒的巨形仙人掌; 由厭惡變成能處之泰然的墓園; 曾幾何時昔日服役的光輝歳月...即使只是一個厨子; 人生從來沒有帶什麼到世上, 走時兩袖清風也很合理......

要不洩氣地為着"退化"死氣沉沉地日過ー日, 又或者擁抱着周邊的關懷, 探索未知, 享受毎天的呼吸...明顯, 福伯選了後者.

我想是福伯的精湛演技, 在電影完結時, 影迷不期然地鼓掌, 似是回應着主角的智慧; 又或是早上剛剛陪伴朋友開始歩入生命的尾段令我有點彷彿活在戲裡戲外, 深知這是知易行難的一課.....無論如何, 福伯令"我的電影節"畫上完美的句號!



HKIFF42 catalogue cover_紐約公共圖書館
在大會堂劇院看這套戲實在別有ー番滋味, 因為我最愛的圖書館就在這裏.

入場時是意外的多人, 也許是適逢復活節假期罷; 無論如何, 很是熱鬧, 全院有九成滿座.

帶着期待的心情等開場之際, 後排一位男仕説: "嘩!成三個鐘, 睇完要急急脚趕下場... " 心想,  "好彩我淨係會毎日訂一場, 就係避免咁樣; 更加怕"消化不良" ,哈哈! 不過, 三個鐘, 都有D驚..."

開場了! 約20分鐘過去 , 心想, 這套戲如何能延續多百幾分鐘呢? 

這是一套以位於紐約公共圖書館整年運作計劃, 由一班熱心的管理層花盡心思, 由籌劃, 籌募 (因為其實這是公私型機構, 而且有多間分館), 以至實行, 維修, 改善體系等等...的半紀録式電影.所以片中有不少"會議"時間. 亦藉此介紹圖書館所提供的各式各樣服務, 藏書, 架構以及毎天發生的一些人和事.

差不多看了45 分鐘, 有趣的事發生了...彷彿我們不再是電影院内的觀衆, 而是成為"他們"的一份子, ー同去:

- 聽書評, 見作者, 詩人, 文學家, 音樂家; 感受他們所想所期盼的世界.
- 欣賞藝術藏品, 百年相片所紀録的古今.
- 學習關心手語/視障的推廣; 種族問題, 貧窮人口, 無家者的需要.
- 歩觸未能同歩接合互聯網世界的ー大群人; 又或者教育子女等日常看似普通, 卻日漸令父母吃不消的實况.

餘下的時間, 你會感受到管理層及員工為何會日以計夜, 年復年, 在政客及捐募者中籌集資源令圖書館得以運作. 不停的大小項目, 探訪, 分柝, 陪訓...成功或失敗.... 目的是要為着不同社區的需要, 調配各有地區性的公共圖書館: ー個"人性" 的空間, ー個不單單擁抱着被遺忘的過去; 更擁有無止境知識的泉源, 可見或未知世界探索的地方.

公共圖書館 :把人帶回希望的橋樑...感激片中所有人的付出.
我的三個半小時, 算不上什麼!



HKIFF 42 catalogue cover_遺忘詩篇




 提示:唔好話我唔提你,記得聽埋片尾 Vivaldi 隻 Summer 先好離座呀!


Where are you at this moment ?!

Before Sunrise CD cover

If you like Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, these are the must see movies. Before Sunrise was the first one I had watched on T.V. at Pearl 930.... well, years and years ago. Two young strangers met on a train in Europe, they spent a whole after night at Vienna together, sharing hopes, joys, dreams, and love....then returned on train at dawn and aparted to their own destination.

Before Sunset was the second one I had watched on T.V. again late night at year end, right after Before Sunrise, Yes! movie double up :D So the feeling and emotion were even much stronger as the story carried on : Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) met after nine years in, can you imagine...... 

Before Sunset CD cover
They were both more mature, having their own business and experience. Once again, they unfolded as much as they could before they had to apart again at dusk.  Life altered after the first met, but love remains.

There was an open ending in this story, whether Jesse could/would capture his plane back to US?  or stayed with Celine?

Another nine years pasted, I had to find out the real face of true romance between Jesse and Celine. This time, I went to the theatre, flied to Greece, learned a lesson before midnight.

Before Midnight poster
Life is amazing, because it is a learning path that everyone has to participate into, no short cut, no forever romance, no unawakened dreams. It mold you to become what you are from teen to mid age. 

Beautiful faces, stunning environment, meaningful dialogue, romancing moment...all you can find in this series of movie. Even though some people may say the last one is far too reality and they are too old which diminish the past romantic atmosphere of the whole film;
this is what we need to walk and grow together with Jesse and Celine, not only in their but our life, too.

I have to leave you now and enjoy my "triple up" !
Au Revoir!



不遷不拆水瓶座 Aquarius

最後一套電影是巴西作品, 除了有風景怡人的海邊小樓, 還有非常悦耳動聽的配樂及精湛演技的女主角Sonia Braga. (雖然已經年華老去, 仍然美麗動人!) 此外, 便是一個普通的地産迫遷故事.

如果不是被主角牽動 着我的思緖, 相比之前的兩套, 感覺略嫌遜色!
幸好故事結尾有個較為震感的twist, 令整套電影留下較強烈的控訴性.

總結今年小試參予學習欣賞第41屆國際電影節的經驗, 感覺還是很不錯的 . 雖然偶遇一些"發燒友"在狂買戲票之餘, 忙於趕場及評論的有趣情景. 也有不乏獨自靜心享受, 或即興入座的朋友; 又或是打扮很"文青"的女生/ 男生...電影内外, 人生百態.

也許, 不論你我屬於那一類觀衆,撇開影評, 親身顴賞後所帶給我們, 或喜、或悲、興奮又或失望的體驗......オ是最寳貴的得着!


最後的藝術家庭 (The Last Family)


今天下午欣賞了第一套外語片,是波蘭作品,講述知名畫家兼攝影師 Zdzislaw Beksin'shi 的人生。本身熱愛藝術,因着有位賢內座,即使有個躁狂抑鬱的兒子及兩位需要照顧的年邁母親及岳母,仍能得以專心作畫。但隨著身邊一個一個親人的離世,即使本身豁達又富幽默感的他,也無法理解命運、死亡這一回事⋯⋯而他自己的結局,也充滿着悲情。

電影這門藝術對我來說是陌生的,但也正因為這樣,更能單純地感受到戲中對人物、現實、生活壓力、惶恐、無奈…的細緻描繪; 尤如主角的畫作一樣。




向左走。向右走 vs You've Got Mail

向左走。向右走 male figure最近番看了由 Tom HanksMeg Ryan 於很多年前主演的 
You've Got Mail 。 


向左走。向右走 female figure如果你有看過他的插畫作品"月亮忘記了",也必定不會錯過這個故事, 是同樣出色的繪本。故事道出一對居住在隔鄰的單身男女,由於每天早上,一個必定朝左邊出發,另一個則朝右邊, 因此總是碰不見而沒法互相認識......直至一天,基於地球是圓的道理,他們終於遇見。美麗的偶遇,期待着下一個約定,卻因為雨水洗掉了手上由對方留下的電話號碼而落空......

同是都市愛情故事,幾米藉著簡單優美的畫作,純樸地演繹。而 You've Got Mail 則利用網絡空間的相遇,使原本在事業上對頭而且屬於兩個世界的人連結在一起的這個意念,藉着電影浪漫地上演。

兩個故事最終大圑圓, 安慰了不少在煩囂鬧市中寂寞的心靈. 雖然兩者的演繹方法各不同,但看後卻得着相同的訊息和觀感。我想......

如果把這兩個標題套用在朋友關係之上, 將會變成一套怎樣的電影和一本如何的繒本呢?


Start from zero 由零開始

Character created by Pixer
每逢臨近農曆新年, 總是無所事事, 突然心血來潮上網看"米報", 驚覺最近巿場竟然再聘請一些消失良久的職位, 單看設計行業巳有不少久未露面的空缺; 其中一個便是Visualizer.

嘩! 這是廣告設計達人必經的入行途徑之一, 此人不單要有良好的領悟能力, 更要畫得一手好畫, 把上司腦中一大堆概念用手繪(hand sketch)轉化為圖像.,不少美術或創作總 監前身也是visualiser. 但隨着電腦的出現, 有 hand sketch 能力的人漸漸被忽視, 對! 是忽視不是淘汰, 因為再好的電腦動畫背後仍得有繪畫基礎的美術師協助. 如果你們有看前陣子在香港的 Pixar 展覽便得知. 我們也曾在此介紹過 彼思動畫25年. 廣告創作也一樣, 要把訊息傳遞給用家, 必需要把意念轉化為圖像才行.

最後, 就讓我借用怪獸公司這兩位主角的手繪肖像向這群默默耕耘的專業visualizer致敬!

Christmas, New Year's Eve than follow by the Chinese New Year, what a holiday mood and quiet market these days; so I crawl over Jobs DB & accidentally discover a big change in the design market recently. It's not easy to find a design post from the newspaper ad. but usually through head hunter agency, especially for some specify post such as Visualizer - which has been vanished for years.

But in fact, quite a lot of the art director or creative director in the advertising field did worked as an visualizer from the very beginning. These guys have a good sense of visual communication, they can retrieve conceptual ideas from the art director, express them immediately through hand sketch for further delivery to the end users, therefore a good sketch/ illustration technique is crucial. 

When computer technique seems conquer the design field, we think there is no more visualizer in the world, but they are still the most important support even in Pixar now a day; together with artist, they assist most of the animation character to be created successfully. 

At the end, let us salute to all these visualizer who dedicate their professionalism in so many decade by these two famous Monster company characters.



A scene of The pursuit of Happyness _ father & child
You may easily recognize this photo is from the film of "The Pursuit of Happyness", one of our recommended film. I am not going to tell you the detail, I hope you can take a break from your work, watch and feel it by yourself.

Happiness - something abstract, can be easily reached; but can also be so apart which seems we don't know each other. The "happyness' that Will Smith come across here  is nothing to do with luxury or desire; but simply SURVIVE. Why is it so difference? so touching, even though we may not have the same experience......

because at the bottom of our heart, we did have the same scenario, some days, some times before - to die for something. Do that "Happiness" still here? or just gone within seconds? hours? days or months?

There are different level of happiness, I believe; to have a long lasting or a most touchable one, will be the total sacrified of our own for somebody we treasure, without calculation of reward or lost.

Official site : The pursuit of Happyness