而第44th 呢?應該是因Covid-19 而取消了。 今年,HKIFF45雖然有實體場,我還是在網上購票觀看,也只選了這一套 Ghost Tropic (Director: Bas Devos);不知是否因為疫情關係,多少也影響了片源,能吸引我的不多;幸好沒有失手,又是一套好戲。
Written & Directed by Damien Chazelle |
適逢最近電視重播明珠930~還記得是我多年前每每不用加班便在家追看的節目. 昨晚重播 La La Land 星聲夢裡人, 其中一部我較喜愛的電影. 它的"名氣" 不用我多説, 有齊電影賣座的元素, 而電影中的歌曲實在好聽. 主角 Ryan Gosling 及Emma Stone 把我們帶入如幻似真的追夢之旅, 原創歌曲 City of Star 是百聽不厭, 他們的演譯, 爵士樂演奏和舞姿也是細緻和優美.…
第二次重看, 卻被一場講述 Emma Stone 試鏡時所唱的一首歌深深吸引, 非常可能, 它會取代City of Star 在我心中的位置… 對了! 正是 The Fools Who Dream (節錄如下)
一個唱出來的故事, Mia ( Emma Stone) 劇中角色, 一心夢想成為演員; 述說姑姑在巴黎塞納河 的一次 ‘瘋狂’ 行為...
Click to enlarge |
Years ago, I had received a souvenir from my client, a lovely box of chocolate - from Maxim's, Paris. I'm sure the chocolate was delicious but the box was my favorite, always. Whenever I've looked at the illustrations on the "tin", I'd wonder what exactly this place was looked like in the year of Belle Époque?
Everyone who watched this movie love the story line and equally the location of those mysterious scenes. I was drown in this 90mins illusion every time I am watching this movie.
Let me tell you there is another "unforgettable" moment that you shouldn't miss - the opening scene : a 3,5 mins. of postcard show of the Vintage Paris with the background music of "Si tu vois ma mére"(Sidney Bechet)...don't miss it, you'll know why!
HKIFF 42 |
HKIFF 42 |
1995 |
2004 |
2013 |