Showing posts with label bird talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bird talk. Show all posts


Maybe It's Time Now


It's been a while since I wrote here, and you may probably notice I am working on something else. Although we just completed the yearly renewal of our Cocoa Design Life domain~ a blog we have been writing since 2009, we consider it may be the best moment to end our journey this year, when Oiseau's author site is finally set up.

Originally I thought it would be a big deal if I closed this blog, which preserved all the memories in these 15+ years. The transformation from Coffee Break (by Protowork) to Cocoa Design Life by antleeli, ricketeer and Oiseau Distrait. 

All the hard work we put into this blog, to modify HTML by two non-I.T. guys, ( now remaining one since 2014); the recording of our ups & downs, the fun & interests we found in our daily life, and those special moments we went through together in Hong Kong, our beloved homeland...that can in fact, vanish within seconds in the online world. Fifteen years is a spark in our cosmos. 

I used to say it seemed there was no one reading because I rarely received a response, but in fact, there are 392K views recorded. Is it still too little compared with others?'s far more than enough for us.

Whenever I re-read our posts, there was always a trace of metamorphosis, the step-by-step changes from a designer & blogger to a writer & an author at the end. The pseudonym of Oiseau Distrait on my pseudo antleeli...sorry! but it's fun which marked my important chapter as well since 2020.

It was a struggle whether I should keep Cocoa Design Life and I wish I could if I had more time. After considering all the pros & cons, I decided to close it by the end of December 2024. A mini-blog (bilingual) will be incorporated into but all the published blog posts here will not be transferred. 

Last but not least, I must say Thank you to all of you, who once stayed with us, no matter for how long, from how far...I hope you did enjoy your coffee break with us. 

Now, you are invited to join me, Oiseau Distrait to explore our new chapter together, see you! 

May God's blessing be with you & your family as always!

Au revoir!

Oiseau Distrait (Antleeli)


This is the last blog post of Cocoa Design Life Blog which will remain accessible until 31 Dec 2024.

You can contact me at



最近時常在 Medium 平台上寫作,主要是用英文,因為大部份的讀者也是外國人,而且我亦曾經多次提及過打中文是我弱項,如果打字太慢,確實會窒礙思路。例如這區區幾十字已經用了我接近十多分鐘才完成,是否有點兒那過呢?

還未說在冷氣房內,一邊打字,一邊用老花眼查字典,額角上一邊冒汗•••不是說笑的啊!所以還是決定用Apple pen 在 iPad 上繼續這篇文章,否則寫到晚餐時段也沒有完成的可能。

其實近日每天在Medium 寫作期間,都想到它的中文版,曾經嘗試在當中尋找華文作者,希望可以聯繫並互相支持,一起繼續在平台上寫作,但可惜找到的數量很少,又或者早已在2020年左右停止出稿,覺得很可惜。




不過也許有一個事實是無可否認的,就在我身邊的朋友而言,他們也寧可在IG, YouTube, FB 等多以影音元素為主的平台作為逍遣或消息來源,要看一篇長達四分鐘或以上的純文字,對他們來說,吸引力不大,除非內容有相當的可觀性吧?!



兩個月的Medium 生涯

不知不覺間已經在Medium 寫了兩個月稿,有趣的是,原來在剛加入時,內部正在調整政策,導致作者在九至十月間的收入大幅下降,對一些在此寫了多年並賴以為生的作者影響很大。你沒有看錯,真的有人可以以此為部份生活的收入來源,不過還好的是,對於我這個初到貴境的小人物,也就沒什麼影響了。而且早些改革,也會較易適應,可以逃過被一些舊有機制或漏洞影響,滿以為隨隨便便寫幾隻字便可以賺大錢⋯(從來也是不要得的想法)。



The first thing for a writer to learn is Humble!




Medium & Blogger, why not both?

i'm grateful to write under this beautiful sky
Hi hi, 

It's been a while that I'm writing nothing here, but actually I am writing in some where else - a platform I've discovered recently call  Medium (not new); which is a bit different from blogging, because first of all, you need to open a free account by start reading articles including you can view a maximum of 3 nos. of member-only articles per month; then you can write of course, but why is it so? 

The member-only articles can generate a small amount of income to the writer in several different ways, although it may not support a full time writer, at least we can buy a cup of coffee to continue writing, that's great, right? and the most important is , the overall reading / writing atmosphere over there is different, more sincere, I would say.

You will find longer and deep dive posts, readers just willing to read more even if you don't put any images along with. I've been using half months time to go through articles and was being inspired a lot. I think it's really the culture of different platforms that could affect the overall reading or writing experience.

Being an author/writer needs to go through a deep learning curve, you may not agree because it seems there are so easy for us to publish anywhere online, but it's so true and I keep this in mind seriously. Unless you are well trained in advance, most of us are keep learning to improve ourselves while keep on writing and reading simultaneously, years after years. (except for the talented and the celebrities). 

I have to tell you, as a reader, I do feel tired to find quite a huge amount of so call "coach" blogs which teach you "how to get 1000 followers" " how to get paid within a months blogging...",etc, etc. And on the other hand, as an indie author, what I really want to learn from our online mentor, is not the "TEN things I have to do", or "TWELVES tips to help you become a successful writer"..., etc, etc. Finally, I did find some good pieces over there, which helps me to write in another perspective; again, it take times but it's worth, I'm sure.

So, you may ask, am I saying that Blogger is not as good an Medium, and I am going to leave? No, no, no! As I've mentioned they are different, I always feel relax to write here, even when I am not promoting my book...Oh! my book, that is for another story to tell, may be later :P  

Cocoa Design Life has always been a leisure & relaxing corner that we can bird talk , just like what antleeli & ricketeer's originally designed, that's why I would love to fly over here, stay for a while and keep talking to you if you don't mind; I wish you do feel the same, too! No stress, no target to reach, no expert webinar to attend but just a quiet bird talk.

See u :D










Unveil the art


Hi, hi,

There is no way for me to skip writing this post because I really want to show you what exactly I saw...introduced by Li...created by an fabulous artist...a beautiful art piece in the window shop that was mentioned in Au Revoir on my last night in Paris. 

Yes, they are real, they are for sale, they were in the arrangement of a hemisphere, the one Li said that she has to stopping by every time. I am totally agree that they are truly stunning when I saw them that night, the overall size is within one meter, hanging right above eye level of the passenger but you will never miss them. 

There are some others in different colorways, smaller but cool ! I do wish to tell you where they can be found, but sorry again...I forget, because it's not the matter of where it were, if you love it, it will always in your heart, au revoir :)


Christmas is…



Some year end review

 A few more days to go will end the year of 2022, usually it’s the best moment for us to review everything, including the content of this blog. 

We always wish we could concentrate into a specific genre of blog posts, so readers can search the content more easily and the  reading experience of this blog can be more unique & consistent, but unfortunately it‘s not the way we were. In reality, not all things are related to design : beautiful, attractive, creative, impressive…lots & lots of “pebble & stones” could ruin the scene (hopefully not :P).

Sometimes we did want to end this blog and start all over again but when we reconsider deeply, after years of building a whole new blog, the result may still be the same, because this is us,  the life of Cocoa, the implication of design, life of sweet & sour…as we shall say, what a complex but on the other hand fruitful. 

By trial & error, this is the 14 years since the first post was published in Coffeebreak, our former name…time flies. It seems we have to be truthful of what’s going on, but we are thinking of removing “Cocoa Fabric Store” “Cocoa Grocery” and “Bird Talk” ~ another way to simplify our “complicated life”, what do you think?


自由、平等、博愛~ Liberté , Égalité, Fraternité

Giggle girl fly to cut & release balloons


Liberté ~ 自由。是每個人都擁有的基本權利,如果各自運用得宜,天下太平;要是滲入了自私和霸氣,就在不知不覺間搶奪了他人的一份去成就自己的所謂自由。並非只有掌權的人才有機會妄用自由而誤置人民生死,即使是無權無勢的平民如我,也有可能在高唱“自由之歌”的同時影響到其他人,每當我想到這裏,心中不禁亮起紅燈。但為什麼原本是美善的質素卻可以變得“邪惡”呢?


Giggle girl with giant monster

Égalité ~ 平等。或許這就是自由與平等必須共存的其中之一個原因吧!要是世界上所有資源,包括機會也是較為平均分配的,只要每人再為自己的未來努力一點點,便可以安然居住,活在穩定及充足供應之下。但同樣地,要是有人被慾望和貪念所遮蓋,貧富懸殊隨即出現,因為有的想要更多,比基本需要的再多,即使佔據了其他人可得到的一份也在所不計,因為無止境的慾望得不到滿足~這,又何嘗不包含在我們想擁有的“自由”而言呢?!平等:讓每個人也可以有機會活下去、被尊重、被等同,享有生存的自由!

Giggle girl with cats

Fraternité ~ 博愛。要是能考慮到其他人,甘願放棄擁有更多,甚至保留比應有的更小,我想,沒可能沒有愛的成份在內。人性大多為自己的一生籌算,包括家人,特別是摯親;但除了在這個圈圈之內,會為著不認識甚至是本土以外的人,在各式各樣的事情上付上心神的…大有人在,也許就在你我的身邊。地球上有很多事情令人憤怒、無奈與歎息,唯有愛能化解一切,把不平衡和失去的挽回。在神人之間如是,在人與人之間也如是。自由、平等、博愛並非不可實現的空談,要是我們每一個肯付出一點點或更多,地球還是有希望的。


Drawing Giggle Girl

Hi. Hi,

I love drawing, painting, illustrating, sketching…whatever you call, it’s always a pleasure to escape the reality for a while and creating anything possible. Sometimes, I doubt whether anyone, especially for those who are talented or well trained in painting as an artist has the struggle using digital apps/ software to draw. I am neither talented nor an artist, I just love to draw but recently, I do have some thoughts about it.

The fact is, both techniques require a learning path and lots of practices which consume time, a lot of time…, for sure if you are serious enough. Although some basic theories may be the same, such as use of colour, layout, lighting, texture (brush stroke)…, etc; and most of the drawing apps can imitate all of these smooth and nicely; there are differences still, in my experience, when I hold a real paint brush vs an apple pen in hand, the control are so different as some of you may aware, too. 

Recently, I did try to use Fresco + iMovie to play with a “giggle girl series” , it’s easy to learn with fun; but I want more after all , then I may have to jump into GarageBand, Final Cut, Premiere, Lightroom….a never ending list in the digital world that could bring more satisfaction to my painting with motion in bonus. Then, how about my watercolour hand drawings ? I am lacking of the third & fourth hand…. :(

Digital drawing allows me to redraw and redraw until satisfy, whereas hand drawing is one off (mostly except oil painting may be a bit more flexible) but this is the exact challenge and goal for me to achieve, which also directly related to the effort of hard work that I’ve paid; a greater joy of satisfaction that I would assume if I draw a good piece one day.

So, what to do?  I have my answer in my mind when I come to the end of this post, but let’s have fun with giggle girl for a minute, why not?

Remember to turn on the speaker, one more for you, enjoy!


Forgotten Chap 02

Buildings in shadow highlight

Come, dramatically  
without a sign 
rejoicing…before thee

Vanish, instantly 
not for another second 
mourning…in front of me


Oiseau Distrait 
Autumn 2022 Hong Kong






已經不是第一次作這"短暫抽離"行動,始於"盲搶鹽"的年代。無論是由官商富豪,專家政要,各國領袖以至某某關注組的市民⋯所發放的N個資訊;再由從不手軟的傳媒、網媒及小民群眾無限轉發"forward",終於令我開始覺得"短暫抽離"行動的重要性,就等同電腦需要定時Defragment 重組一樣,否則似是而非混亂不堪的內容終有一天會令電腦死機!

行動於翌日(即現在寫網誌的今天)完結了,一覺醒來仍是八號風球的籠罩之下,沒有什麼大改變,甚至有時更加橫風橫雨;但是經過"執機"之後,不單平靜了,頭腦也清醒了多些,應該可以繼續迎接新一波的訊息轟炸,放馬過來吧 :D 



Happy rainy days

Watercolor of walking in rainy day - La Rue of Petit Paris

Unexpectedly shower is the norm in Paris, locals told me “never leave home without an umbrella” and it’s absolutely true. They said the weather here may drive you nuts sometimes, the extreme cold & wet days in Winters continue for a whole week, it makes them feeling emotionally sad. That’s why whenever the sun comes out, everyone gather in the park, along the Seine & café . I did experience a few times here, a great hug by the warmth of the sun was wonderful, relaxing joy & laughter’s around the place, so enjoyable.
And if you know this norm, to explore under the rain on street is interesting, too. Unlike Hong Kong, due to the lower Haussmann building skyline here, I will always feeling there are more spacious even walking on a street or alley; if you are not in the busy office hours, the momentum is much slower, people rarely in their rush mode, except in metro station. So, I can enjoy the water color like scenery in rain…j’adore !
That’s why I choose to record this moment in my book, although the painting is not good enough as I think, I start to enjoy painting rainy day for its neon like color way , hopefully I can practice more & more to finally create my perfect rainy day.
In the meantime, wish you can walk with me with lots of imagination! :D


自由~ 我的…他的…他們的?

我想:除非我身處荒島, 否則我的言行決定, 總有機會影響到別人,

"我的自由,我的權利"也包括在其中; 昨天晚上反覆思想以下兩種地球人的反應 :

地球人 A

我怕沒有廁紙供應, 我怕沒有新鮮蔬菜吃, 我怕沒有必理痛應急, 所以我去搶購囤積

⋯ 我有資金, 我有自由運用, 我有權保障自已及家人的供應.

我怕疫苗有不良副作用, 我不信藥廠數據, 我不信政府, 反正打了疫苗也會被感染

⋯ 我沒有不適合接種疫苗的因素, 但我有自由決定自已健康的權利, 

我有資金可以買補健品排毒強身, 所以我決定不接種疫苗.


地球人 B

我知可能廁紙蔬菜會短缺, 或有需要用到必理痛應急, 即使我有資金, 我也只買所需份量, 讓他們也買到所需.並小心衡量, 不散播傳文, 以免不經意地製造了恐慌, 令物資分配不均, 更見短缺.

我知道疫苗也許會有未可預知的副作用, 但此刻我沒有不適合接種疫苗的因素.
更知可以為保護因身體有病或年齡限制, 願意卻不能接種的他們;
倘若這是我所能付出一點點我想, 這也是所為的公民責任, 所以我決定接種疫苗.

我在思想, 除了為維持生計的其中一個原因之外, 他們可有自由?



必需日以繼夜運作, 接觸及追蹤可能已確診者, 因為他們要與疫情擴散的時間競賽.


醫護~必需無休止地拯救生命, 因為人人平等, 也基於愛.


清潔員工~必需維持公共衞生日常, 否則可以衍生更多疫症.

我們可以視自已的自由權利為首, 正所謂"不自由無寧死"這也是民主精神之一, 


我們可以仍然視疫情為傷風感冒, 但事實已把他們拖跨.


在我們的"自由國度"之內, 如果可以把目光由"我"轉移向"他、他們",

此刻我應該要明白自由不是一個單獨的個體, 它必需與平等、博愛共存, 


包括免被壓力拖跨、免被感染、和生存的權利 ⋯ 這才是我認為值得持守價值!



來來去去 / To & From...where

Book cover of La Rue - Petit Paris by Oiseau Distrait
click to enlarge

我想,今次La Rue 的網誌,應該先用中文寫,因為這本書所涉及的內容,在今天,對身處香港的我們尤其切身。

兩年前去旅行的時候,完全沒有想過香港又再次出現移民潮(上次是1997年);如果你有看第六本書Hear Me, 也許會記得當我回來的時候,心繫巴黎的其中一件事,便是繁華背後,瑟縮在街頭巷尾的一班移民;其實我所眼見的也只是冰山一角,在不遠的市外,流浪著幾十萬的非法移民~這是昔日法國為着補充勞動人口而大開中門的後果。過多的移民突然衝擊着整個社會的結構,包括文化、經濟、生活配套、民生等等;但是,為什麼即使法國處於這個局面,仍有人離開故土而遷到這裏呢?





An Asian lady on the street in Paris

A local lady on the street of Paris

I think it’s better for me to write this blog post for La Rue in bilingual, because what this book addresses is emigration, a direct impact to us in Hong Kong even under the haunting of Covid since 2019. 

There was no clue for me to imagine the emigration wave appear once again in HK (last time was in 1997 & 2014) when I was returned from Paris, I did plan to include this topic in one of my book but simply for the scenario I saw in Paris, i.e.: of those who struggle to survive there…the uncontrollable result for the government of France to bear due to the drawn in of required working power…influx as a result which crashing the vulnerable society.

Actually what I had seen as mentioned in the book of “Hear Me” was only the tip of the iceberg, millions of immigrants are still scattered outside the boundary of Paris without any support behind a “hidden barrier”. But why people keep on leaving their homeland to somewhere which might not be their real “heaven”!

A chance for future of their own & the next generation, freedom, better living standard, to survive, escape from the mess of their own countries? all these could be the reasons to emigrants around the whole world, as well as in Hong Kong today; is it barely resigned or just a basic instinct of survival !

There is for sure more & more of my friends are going to leave in 2022, a huge decision they have to  make,  especially for those who are in their middle age ~ time of their harvesting period but now has to be started all over again somewhere. It’s hard but it has to keep moving forward by all means, I am pretty sure they will make it because they are “Hong Kongers”, the toughest to survive - a genetic code that we all have.





Drawing the Magic Moment

Magic Moment watercolor drawing in the book City Of Light

Twilight time is always my favor moment wherever I am, the mysterious blue is stunning and attractive, it's the perfect time to enjoy before dark.

During the trip, I rarely took photos at night. There are some reasons behind such as Tired - after walking a whole day long, sometimes without eating enough (to save time especially during visiting museums :P); it will killing me to bring along with a tri-pot for shooting night scene. Well, I can increase the ISO of course as an alternative, but I have to confess I am stubborn, I don't like the noise resulted of high speed. How about to use my light weight titanium tri-pot? it’s a bit small for my D300…the one that fits, my Manfrotto, sooooooo….heavy! I quit :P

Temperature - it’s quite cold at night, usually in single digit or even 1-2 degree only, it takes time to explore stunning scene, not knowing for how long to discover one, because my target are definitely not the tourist spots; so, the cozy and warm hotel room always win.

Safety - I should be pretty safe at night in the tourist zone such as 1er of where I stayed, and most others zones up to 8er. But photo shooting is not “safe” sometimes, the desire of chasing a perfect scene makes me lost of my way, it happens often in Hong Kong (but it’s never a problem because H.K. is small & familiar to me). 

An exhausted normal height Asian with a camera getting lost in the dark alley of an unfamiliar city…I guess I could be… or, if I am safe by luck, return late night by metro is not a good idea either; unless by taxi or…

Drawing the Magic Moment watercolor with photo reference
Am I having too many concerns? I think so. When I was writing this book, I did regret of not taking more night scene photos, I have to assist by recap of my memories with the help of online reference – not a perfect experience, feeling there are something missing… 

The watercolor drawing as well as the book cover are really my wishes to “be there at that moment”, not only in twilight time, but also at night on the roof top; hopefully someday, I shall return to Paris … together with my proper gear for a midnight walk.



Autumn Breeze Sale - Jardins Secret

Autumn Breeze Sale of Oiseau Distrait ebook Jardins Secret

Hi, Hi!

There is always a lot to learn besides writing, but why not?! writer can't write 24/7, we need some rest and space to clear our mind, otherwise it got stuck, for sure :P

A newsletter or at least a Sale/New release notice is what I always wanted, so I spend some time recently to design one for my Final Autumn Sale before entering Winter. This is only a static notice, ha ha! because a lot more technical issue has to be prepared, so, hopefully you don't mind to go to the Oiseau Distrait Page with the bookshops link if you would like to get a discount copy.

Promise, a real subscription page for my books' newsletter will be completed before I forget :D 
Btw, it's time to return my writing desk. Happy reading !


Color of the Pebble"s"

Walking on the street in the Autumn of Paris, especially for the first time, I was truly impressed by the richness of color wherever I go.  

I’ve remembered some of my friends said, reasons for they didn't like Paris...yes, didn’t...were because of the old & deteriorated surroundings in some arrondissement; pebble roads that were difficult to walk on, some alleys are "dirty", people are "not friendly" with a sense of "pride", not safe after dark, pick pockets around, Paris is small...., etc, etc. (don‘t shout to me if you are an instant Paris lover, like myself :D)

Even though it‘s part of the truth except with reasons behind: history, cultural, multi-racial, interaction, mindset...they are the elements to form this city, bit by bit for us to explore.

By walking almost 90% within these 12 days, my feet did overloaded. I can take bus or train, of course but walking on pebble pave, to me, is enjoyable (without my luggage :P), one of my favorite activity here; they are extra beautiful after the touch of shower - Nostalgia romance I would say. 

Pebble alley after rain with low rise apartment around in Paris

Strolling around the “deteriorating” alleys with ancient buildings, stories behind, the color of memories...whether it’s sad or cheerful, it’s a mark, always. A mark of people who live or died, who gave or took, stay or left...and that’s how I wrote Palette October.


"Multi-color" link in October

multi-color tree leaves  in pink, green, yellow & purple in Paris
I had no idea I will write my ebook when I was in Paris, so the photos I took did not had specific intention besides the “beauty” that attracted me.

Usually we may have an idea of rotten dull or deteriorated shade that reflects in Autumn. When I‘ve returned home to review my photos, a much wider range of colorway were discovered, some are bright & refreshing which reminded my feeling when I was there... plein air (open air/ outdoor in French) and words flow into my head: nature beauty, God‘s creation, freedom, belief, hope, bonding, life cycle, decade & transform....

Roadside trees with Autumn leaves & low rise apartment in Paris
Due to geographic & culture difference, huge blossom tree/ greenery together with low rise buildings are easily found everywhere in Paris, plein air in another word. Hong Kong is quite the opposite, but what is the major core issue that is bounding us, the citizen who live in the city?!

Sometimes, I wonder for those frequent travelers or guru, as we say; after their millions & millions of travelling around the world, will they still prefer to live & stay in their homeland of where they were born at the very end? Even though it may be imperfect, cos’ there is always an invisible link, I guess...

Turning to another country to look for a better or more stable living could be a simple and reasonable act compare with staying to face the reality. But I‘m sure for most of the emigrants, they love their homeland so much & so deep that they just can’t tolerance the unexpected changes, that “hurt” to bleed, the only way out for them is not to face it. 

I've once told myself to leave behind of everything in Hong Kong in these 12 days, no whatsapp, no email, no phone calls, etc...I tried, it‘s difficult because the “link” never breaks no matter where I am ...and where you are!

May God‘s blessing be with you wherever you are!


Bird Food 雀粟


Over 90 book cover collage
自從離開校園(遠古時代:p)=離開教科書,反而開始喜歡閲讀,原因離不開是工作需要;設計書藉,月刊,工具書等。由於在專注修讀室內設計之前,花了兩年多的時間初探不同的設計類別,例如:平面設計、服裝設計、攝影、珠寶、舞台、產品、書法、篆刻…等等; 所以也同時會看相關的設計/美術書。在未有電子書的當年,可想而知我花了不少資源在當中,也是每一個設計人都要付出的;所以相對現今可以從不同電子媒體定期接收最新設計資訊,甚至遊走於世界博物館的藏品資料庫中,真是幸福啊!

漸漸地,亦受到 ricketeer 的影響,看不少散文以至後期的小説,fiction  & non-fiction ,而且越看越厚。我想,在消閒之餘,也能得着相當的知識;久而久之便享受到箇中樂趣及完成每一本書的滿足感了。


一直也很想為看過的書本拍張全家福(至2021年九月),今天在一個閲讀平台內總算整合到一部份(約1/4),看着這些美麗的書面,又"飽餐一頓"。希望在往後的日子,可以有一天完成整幅"虛擬書架"是自己定下的一個長遠目標 ~ 超級大滿足!