可可照相館 Cocoa Studio


It's been a long time for us to look for a space here and build up our photo gallery.We did try to use gadget before but not as good as we've thought, may be it's because of the display size, or the location at sidebar..., etc.

We love photography like most of you, even though we are amateur; it's fun, creative, relaxing and exciting...we shall say. So finally, here we are...hope you enjoy :)


ー直以來我們也希望可以在這個平台上與大家分享攝影樂趣, 亦曾經嘗試用預設格式在sidebar 上運作過一段時間, 只可惜感覺未如理想. 也許是因為相片尺寸太細及位置問題罷...

正如大家一樣, 很喜歡拿着相機攝影時所帶給我們的樂趣. 即使只有業餘程度的我們仍可享受那份自由創作,悠閒卻隨時在尋覓拍攝對象期間所遇見的意外刺激感...所以, 今天我們決定重開



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