If you are not new to this blog, you should remember we were borned 10 years ago, started by using the name of "Coffeebreak" - a very leisure blog, photo & drawing being arranged in a "polaroid" format, talking about miscellaneous issues, "light" as feather :D
Then we've moved on to a more design oriented blog as "Cocoa Design Life", the one with a stool logo on an orange ground, still remember? More contents were added related to different era of design; as well as those experimental online Cocoa shops of fabric & grocery store, different departments such as library and pin board,...etc.
The coming year of 2020, we would like to spend more time on writing/drawing picture book. Originally we did consider to create another new blog but we do think a blog should has the ability to grow up with the author as well as their readers, like the transformation from Coffeebreak to Cocoa Design Life; so finally we've decided to make this move by introduce Oiseau Distrait to share of what she has discovered while "flying around" on earth, recording by write/draw or take a snap shot before she forget.
We've fine tuned the color scheme and logo into a softer and calm tone, you are always welcome to grab a cup of coffee or cocoa, of course; while enjoying your moment here.
Hopefully you will love this changes and grow with us for another 10.....20....years.