Kenya Honduras Uganda
Kenya Masai
100% Arabica coffee bean
French Roast
Acidity #3
Body #3
Strength #3
Aroma : moss, slight fruity sweet
Honduras Cristobal
100% Arabica grinded coffee
Italian Roast
Acidity #1
Bitter #1
Body #1
Strength #1
Aroma : mud, dry
Uganda Erussi
100% Arabica coffee bean
French Roast
Acidity #1
Body #1
Strength #1
Aroma : caramel sweet, slight moss
Well, well, well...I am so lucky to have a chance of tasting all three of them. Basically they are quite mild but balance overall; according to my note of rare data provided, you can see how "junior" I am :P
But, no matter how, as I've always said : Enjoy ! You don't need to be an expert.
Enjoy your cup of coffee, enjoy you relaxing moment, or simply the beauty of these bucket's design...
P.S.: Thank you to my sweet sister-in-law Catherine 😘
Wednesday - 7 in a week
it will be wonderful
if ..
only if...
I can escape
for 15 minutes...
hey! anybody there?!
Yes, we can !
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The Lady and The Peacock |
Due to the Anti-extradition law movement in Hong Kong in this month, I've decided to re-read this book again, in deep; and seriously think of what the meaning of non-violence and peaceful demonstration should be.
It may not appropriate to compare with what Burma and Hong Kong's political condition, but the mind set behind shall be clearly and in common - Democracy.
Freedom that everyone shall deserve to have, without Fear!
It's heartbreaking for every citizen especially the youth to experience this movement, as well as the pressure and hatred that being put onto the front line simply because of a wrong move of the decision made by our government. Could this be repaired?
By re-read this book, I think,
YES! if only if we really want to, in a way of non-violence and peaceful way.
May God be with us !
原本打算用點時間整理好手上的資料オ再重新投入寫網誌, 但今天早上, 仍是在忐忑不安的心情下醒了過來......
也許是為着明天遊行...又ー次為着我們所愛的香港, 不得不行出來的原故;
又或許是為着2014年, 黄雨傘運動, 相繼入獄, 承擔着沉重責任的ー班香港人的原故;
更或許是, 三十年前, 1989年6月4日, 天安門事件, 至今仍然連基本被悼念的權利也沒有, 的ー群愛國者及其家屬, 那種未能釋懷, 公義未能張顯的原故...心中確是沉重.
六月份的電視媒體, 多番提問, 是我們已經漸漸把這些事情都淡化了, 遺忘了嗎? 只剩下一群"心懷不平"的參予者及家人繼續無止境地等待公義重臨的一天?
沒有! 我們並未忘記. 怎會忘記? 怎能忘記!
然而, 我們卻曾給予當權者時間, 去明白, 去反思, 去面對; 期望他們可以嘗試, 承認一點點, 補救一點點, 努力一點點, 愛人民多一點點...只此而矣.
三十年了, 不是ー個短時間, 歷史留下的一絲絲痕跡, 只會隨着時日加深.
公平? 公義? 愛國? 造反? 和平抗爭? 暴亂?......難道我們的良知連這些也不懂分辨嗎?!
"不少人仍然相信有一天, 公義會重臨, 我們不用再為着言論/政見提心吊膽; 真正為愛國而犧牲的人終可得到平反及肯定.
不少基督徒仍然為着當權者不停禱告, 求神賜予他/她們純正無私的心懷; 愛, 神所愛的人民."
我們何嘗不渇望可以坦然去愛我們的國家, 去為着她的進歩及成就而驕傲呢?
可惜! 當一切都不是建基於愛和公義之下, 沒有生命的強國又有何用呢!
P.S.: 如果因着這篇文章, 網誌被封; 明白, 接受, 不甘心卻不絶望 :D