How pretty this book cover is !!! - the first impression when I found it in a book shop yesterday. It was wrapped up by a plastic bag, so I really don't know what's inside?! But the fabric cover, the drawing, the title...all attracted me so much that I really want it, so I grabbed it without second thought.
I will say it just like starting an adventure whenever you bought a new book, imagine how it will lead you to another mysterious virtual world.
Aroma and touch of paper immediately bring me to the starry night of a forest. The orange red stitches inside is the color of this little fox, unfortunately I can't unveil all the amazing drawings of this book due to the copy right issue, trust me, they are so beautiful.
You can only find 3 colors here except the neutral white, black and grey, but it's more than enough to present the whole world of Mr. Fox.
The story is a simple one, but with open ending for you to explore much more than you can imagine.
If you see this by chance, bring it back to your bed side, it's worth and you will absolutely love it !