

Gift card of Page One book shop
葉壹堂 - 這是我所認識的Page One. 
很喜歡它的中文名, 帶點古早味.

差不多所有設計人都是這裏的常客, 而自從它進駐香港之後, 書店文化及室内設計上也有很大的改變. 

年初時, 競成美術用品+書店(Keng Seng)結業; 我帶着沉重的心情逗留了幾小時, 帶回最後的幾本書回家. 想不到今個月, 剛從葉壹堂帶回來的兩本書 
The Fox and Star  及 The Paris Winter 仍未看畢, 卻原來是"告別之作".

又一城分店的設計書架, 是我的靈感泉源及工作伙伴. 而它的Fiction 書架 , 更是我的"避難所"; 毎當心情差或有大堆不能解決的問題時, 只要在此處逗留一會, 煩惱盡消.

兩年前, 好友送了一張書卷給我, 開始了看傳記及古典系列. 一直放在書店内心儀的Classic 書, 本打算在"餘生"遂本買下, 好好"享用", 只可惜等不到了!

或許你會説, 這間結業往另一間買便可以, 何需"哭喪"似的?  説真的, 我確實有"好友離世"的那種心情. 書店是心靈及精神上的另一個家, 這是網上書店或電子書不能替代的. 而毎一間書店所帶給我們的感覺及書種, 眼界, 思維空間, 回憶,也是獨特的. 

PageOne / Dymocks / Swindon / Keng Seng / Prologue /  商務印 / 中華/ 大衆/ 誠品/三聯.......其中的體驗, 各不相同.  一間好的書店,你會流漣忘返; 否則,只會被一些沒有生命的書籍重重圍繞及壓逼下,不得不奪門而出.

無論如何, 別了! 葉壹堂! 感謝您為我的生命添上無限精彩, 正如您的格言:

every book begins with PAGEONE !!! 


It's respectable

Color chart of blue daisy

A soft touch of dignity and memorable.

Tone:  Cold
Fashion: Autumn, calm and elegant
Packaging:  gift wrap, card, stationery
Retail: floral boutique, gift shop, daily living
Residential: living room


The Fox and The Star - by Coralie Bickford Smith

Book cover of The fox and the star
How pretty this book cover is !!! - the first impression when I found it in a book shop yesterday. It was wrapped up by a plastic bag, so I really don't know what's inside?! But the fabric cover, the drawing, the title...all attracted me so much that I really want it, so I grabbed it without second thought.

I will say it just like starting an adventure whenever you bought a new book, imagine how it will lead you to another mysterious virtual world.

Orange red stitch book binding
Aroma and touch of paper immediately bring me to the starry night of a forest. The orange red stitches inside is the color of this little fox, unfortunately I can't unveil all the amazing drawings of this book due to the copy right issue, trust me, they are so beautiful.

You can only find 3 colors here except the neutral white, black and grey, but it's more than enough to present the whole world of Mr. Fox.

Inner page of beautiful illustration
The story is a simple one, but with open ending for you to explore much more than you can imagine.

If you see this by chance, bring it back to your bed side, it's worth and you will absolutely love it !


Happy Halloween

digital graphic of Happy Halloween





零售租約愈縮愈短, 流動辦公室嘅工作模式, 住屋空間愈嚟愈細, 師傅人工愈加愈貴...... 等等,仲有各式各樣嘅原因都令我覺得係時候準備辭官歸故里。


其實早係十年前已經嘗試係Spoonflower設計布欵(因為成日揾唔到一D啱心水嘅布欵俾客人用),但係一方面當時佢哋 啱啱成立冇幾耐,支援好少; 而我哋又忙緊正職,所以只係隨意設計咗十幾欵就擺低, 估唔到呢粒種子到今時今日又可以重生。

十年人事幾翻新, Spoonflower 今時今日已經發展到好大,唔少平面/布藝設計師已經係常客,而我,就係一個初哥!雖然因為從事室內設計會對布料及製作軟件有一定認識, 但係今次當我認真對待嘅時候,就發覺要設計一D市場受落又唔太"行"嘅布藝,係當中大有學問……所以, 呢個就係我要重新投入同學習嘅一個教室。

雖然要投放嘅時間,資源同心機肯定唔少, 但係身為設計行業嘅人,唔多唔少都會有份勇氣去嘗試同發掘新可能性嘅心態;期望有一日可以擁有一個CocoaDesignLife 品牌嘅"可可布館",設計出一D較有個性嘅室內布藝。或許,呢個都係另一個職場上嘅延伸都未定?

短短半年嘅時間,令我對網上銷售有多D了解; 重新再強化自己嘅攝影技巧,平面設計,混合媒體及至Photoshop 嘅運用係必需嘅。所以話世界上永遠冇學得完嘅事物,亦唔可能會悶,只要你肯向前行出一步,奇妙旅程又再度展開!

banner graphic of Cocoa Design Life of Spoonflower shop



Fabric sample colorwayWhat do you think an interior designer got most? Money? Client? Software? Paper? ........ Material Samples !!!

Even thought we are now using images and photos to present sample board to our clients, but actual material still plays an important role because we need to feel the real texture + to see the true color.

So...what it comes to the end, we stock tons and tons of fabric, plastic laminate, tile and mosaic, metal, timber, glass, etc. 

Well, of course it can be simply throw to the rubbish bin afterward, but if you love Interior Design, you love them especially the high quality fabric in full colorway.
                                             A new cover to my manual ! 

Fabric jacket for a manuel(Yes, user manual is also one of my "stock item" because I love to read with the real paper touch) 

"A double face" pocket that can protect my almost dead manual, two pieces of fabric are just enough to sew one, simple and unique. 

Add a bit of detail inside 
to secure the booklet.

DIY manual fabric jacket

Voila! Reuse project done :) 
How about you? 
Got some ideas to reuse yours?


向左走。向右走 vs You've Got Mail

向左走。向右走 male figure最近番看了由 Tom HanksMeg Ryan 於很多年前主演的 
You've Got Mail 。 


向左走。向右走 female figure如果你有看過他的插畫作品"月亮忘記了",也必定不會錯過這個故事, 是同樣出色的繪本。故事道出一對居住在隔鄰的單身男女,由於每天早上,一個必定朝左邊出發,另一個則朝右邊, 因此總是碰不見而沒法互相認識......直至一天,基於地球是圓的道理,他們終於遇見。美麗的偶遇,期待着下一個約定,卻因為雨水洗掉了手上由對方留下的電話號碼而落空......

同是都市愛情故事,幾米藉著簡單優美的畫作,純樸地演繹。而 You've Got Mail 則利用網絡空間的相遇,使原本在事業上對頭而且屬於兩個世界的人連結在一起的這個意念,藉着電影浪漫地上演。

兩個故事最終大圑圓, 安慰了不少在煩囂鬧市中寂寞的心靈. 雖然兩者的演繹方法各不同,但看後卻得着相同的訊息和觀感。我想......

如果把這兩個標題套用在朋友關係之上, 將會變成一套怎樣的電影和一本如何的繒本呢?


I love "Classic" !

Gaggia Classic Espresso machine unpackActually, I should write this post 2 years earlier, unfortunately those days were a bit messy, so today is the time to share this experience with you, and hopefully it's not too late :)

Well, you may already know that we have an espresso machine, that was bought 5 years ago. For people using it daily, sometimes twice or up to xxx times  a day meaning, it is quite heavy loaded.

Basically, daily cleaning and occasional back flush should be good enough, plus a yearly descaling process will be perfect, too.

One day, it stopped working, totally - no more coffee comes out from the blew head = clog as assumed ?! Even though I went through all basic cleaning and checking procedure, it refused to work again.  You may think sending back to the manufacturer will be the only solution......

......the magic happens to Gaggia Classic because it is a mechanical machine, i.e. no chips or complicated computerize parts and therefore, we can try to repair ourselves. But, how to start??? This is what I've found from the Internet


Tools to repair Gaggia ClassicA detail step by step guide to teach you how to open the machine, what to check and what to clean. So, I tried by ready all tools + the print out guide and began with the "operation".

It took me 4 hours to complete the task and make sure no clogging inside the solenoid (detail please refer to the above link as the picture are much more clear), then re-assembling everything together, started the de-scaler process, that took another 2 hours......

I have to say the "Overhaul of Gaggia Classic Espresso Machine" blog post is gorgeous, but,  still not working. It's a frustrated before a clue that suddenly woke me up : the group gasket was deteriorated, Yes! it was as hard as a metal after four years working. So... a replacement makes everything alive !

If  there is not a good blog post to guide me, I can never using deduction method to reduce the affecting issues; and if this is not a true CLASSIC,
I can never try to repair it on my own.

Thank you Christopher Reed and Gaggia !



Making Pictures in the Rain

photo in the rain of old buildings
Before I write anything, I would like to share this article that really inspiring and  
Making Pictures in the Rain  a lot more fun :)

I am not a professional photographer thus can only shoot when not in work, plus "a Sunny Day"......which I thought it should be, at least to be easier to deal with the light source; in addition, I don't have any waterproof accessory for my camera, so it may be a disaster if it get wet.

May 2015 was so humid and kept rainy all days, even though I was free, I could only stuck inside house. By chance, I read the above article and fascinating to the photos inside, I wondered, might be I should try one day...so I charged and packed my stuff, I told myself no matter what the weather tomorrow would be, I was ready to go!!

Ha Ha! God gave me a big challenge! It was Black Rain Signal when I saw the notice at MTR station, what I've got was an umbrella and a towel with my camera, then I thought, why not, just go......

To capture the special color tone and mood, interesting passengers' behaviour, or try using the "vivid" mode to brighter your target...these are wonderful experience that difference from taking pictures in sunny weather. 

Forgettable places express their emotion strongly in the rain, color appears more attractive when dust are clear from the dead air; a soft melody presented by rain drops act as your companion, the street is more remote for you to make use of every corner to set your camera, no one will bother you as they are sheltered inside store ......

A truly tranquil and enjoyable moment that I would like to experience more in this year ! Hope you get your moment, too !

street photo in Sheung Wan
no holiday 02




話説最近呢幾年有幸參予一D成人興趣班嘅教學. 有同學覺得我(好似)好斯文, 奇怪我點同師傅溝通仲可以支持佢哋D "問候語"?

首先要澄清唔係個個師傅都咁"粗皮"嘅, 尤其而家, 好多都好斯文有禮. 我同同學講, 如果想係裝修期間大家做得開心, 令工程順利完成, 有三個人好重要:-

一個將心比己, 明白事理 嘅顧客
一個有專業操守, 氣定神閒 嘅設計師
一個細心老實, 尊重自己行業嘅師傅

當然, 時間/ 金錢/ 各方面嘅能力就不在話下喇. 始終一個住宅裝修工程由設計到完成分分鐘搞成五六個月; 除咗要兼顧大小事項之外, 突然期來嘅問題都唔少. 基本上顧客同師傅都承受一定壓力.

所以, 如果身為設計師嘅我哋唔能夠凌駕壓力, 毎次落地盤都令氣氛變得過份緊張, 搞到D師傅好似樣樣都做得唔好咁, 係"委屈"或"不被尊重/信任"嘅感覺下面, 好難令整件事美滿咁完工.
而我認為氣定神閒 嘅設計師擔當好重要嘅角色, 因為我哋係顧客同師傅嘅橋樑. 經驗話我知如果我哋可以心平氣和, 恰如其份咁處理整個工程運作, 好多時D問題都係可以解決到嘅.

雖然要集齊以上三個人辧, 有時都要靠彩數, 咁我就祝願大家好運啦!


月光光 Up Up in the sky

Mid Autumn Festival acrylic painting on tile

Whatever the weather is going to be,
here is the full moon that will always
shine in your heart.
Mid Autumn Festival 



Red flower in vintage picture shot
It's Summer
2015年6月, 非常炎熱的一天, 一早經東涌乘車往大澳, 己經忘記了有多少個年頭没有到訪......

那種久違了的魚村風貌隨着年日消磨, 亦己改變了許多. 正當艶陽高掛, 我不知不覺間歩入了村民的"後花園", 被這從樹梢垂吊下來, 隨着熱風擺動的"小燈籠" 吸引着.

懂得攝影的你也會知道毎當要拍攝正午下背光景物時是需要稍為曝光過度オ可以把主體反映清晰, 所以心知這張照片會over. 

或許是我的壞習慣 : 喜愛正午影相卻又不大喜歡在電腦做太多後期調較; (因為雖然現在科技便利, 但仍然會眷戀着菲林時代的那種曝光限制)不過最基本的level 檢示是必需的, 但結果......我卻保留了沒有調較過的這一個版本.

Nikon D300
ISO 320
f 4.5


你會喜愛那個版本呢 ?


Nikon AF600 : my second camera

Nikon AF600 camera
You may wonder after my first 120 roll film camera, it's normal that an upgrade of 4x5 format should be used...ha ha!

This is what I bought at last: a 35mm roll film camera for "dummy", i.e.: fully auto. 

As far as I've remember it is a tiny size negative of 24nos. picture film, very cute when you compare with the 120 format side by side.

That's for sure it is a very handy camera, not much to be adjusted, absolutely risk free snap shot expert, easy to use and light weight. 

I used it not only for leisure but when capture site work when I was a junior......long...long...time ago :D . Look at the bottom right corner, see that "Panorama" mode? Yes, this was her strongest feature that attracted me; I still remember how she did her good job but unfortunately I can't find those old photos in my file. But no matter how, she was my best assistant...thank you!

P.S.: Even thought a fully auto camera or "A" mode can do most of the job, remember to use the focus lock (or half press shutter release) to lock your target image before framing - otherwise a blur image as a result but it's not the camera's fault.


Signal lamp in good old days
Creative works can be in team but most of the time, we are alone. Like many of other photographers, writers, sculptors, painters, designers...,etc. That's why we love the moment after mid night.

There is always another "world" for us to enter, once the shutter wide opened, writing paper and pen are ready, colorful acrylics are on the palette.....and, we are ready to be "Alone"!

Not everyone like this feeling, especially when we are not in good mood; but it definitely gives us an environment to have free thought, no burden, no reality, no right or wrong, just concentrate...so concentrate onto the next move, bit by bit, so quiet that it seems we are the only living creature at that moment.

I love to do editing of what I've shot in the day at night, too. When photos appear on the screen, they were framed not only the scenario, but the background "music", aroma, people and things happened around at that specific moment...now, "act" once again in front of me..."at Night" "Alone" !

You will be surprised to see there are much more other then what you've intended to capture, take your time, enjoy!



bookcover of 斷捨離
山下英子的 斷。捨。離。

還記得開始教"自在人生自學計劃-美化家居"課程的第一課, 當説到學員們在任何"美化"的大前提下必需先執拾, 捨棄沒有用,不合用或很久沒有用的物品; 才能騰出空間去美化家居。 課室內即時起哄, 大家嚷著這是一個天大難題, 要做到甚至單是想起也是"比死更難受!!! "

當時這本書仍未面世(但原來山下英子一早已在日本開設講座談及這個問題)。 由於我本身有"執嘢癮",所以對我來說不難享受到執拾、捨棄之後,那種在空間及心靈上帶來的輕鬆感覺。 不過當"斷"及"捨"在年復年的運作中, 慢慢便會步入難捨難離這個層面了, 也正好是今年我所面對的。

書內所談到似乎是很簡單,可以按步就班去實踐的方法; 其實當中更包含着一些令我們對事物執著而不願離棄的解讀…我想, 這就是本書可貴之處:心靈的釋放。

那天晚上, 一口氣看完, 立刻有當頭棒喝的感覺, 腦海中也即時浮現家中可以再次納入斷。捨。離。的事物; 翌日亦急不及待介紹給學員。 

如果此刻你正處於生活的樽頸位,何不來一個現實與心靈的大掃除? 也許會有意想不到的出路!



tree with a rhythm
曾經學習攝影的朋友, 總不會忘記導師必教題:   構圖 . 沒錯, 構圖好與否絶對會影響相片出來的效果. 處理得好的話可以突出主題, 増強畫面透視感, 甚至可以帶領觀相者身歴其境, 一同感受拍攝當時的氣氛. 否則, 就只會變成凌亂鎖碎, 相中無物.

還記得初時因為用菲林機, 為着省錢 (避免後期裁放), 所以取景入鏡盡量計算準確, 希望曬出來的畫面構圖和拍攝時一樣, 也因此甚少拍下這一類較多線條及錯縱複雜, 色彩接近(容易黏地)的相片.....結果, 影相時"太手緊" 令我享受不到"隨意"的感覺, 也間接減低了環境事物的可塑性.

隨着進入數碼年代, 電腦後期裁放及加工已排除了這方面的制爪, 取景可以較隨心, 從而今我發覺有不少事物也是亂中有序, 頗有觀賞性的......不過我並沒有因為科技的進歩而放棄構圖的基礎. 最少, 甚至不裁放及後期加工仍是我努力學習及維持的目標. 因為只有這樣オ能不斷提昇對畫面比例和構圖的把握能力, 而不會仗着科技而"自我放縱" .

老實説, 如果這張相把左邊裁至樹幹位, 右邊裁走行人, 畫面會較緊凑....但願下次會把握得更好!



秦觀 (鵲橋仙)

纖雲弄巧, 飛星傳恨, 銀漢迢迢暗度.
金風玉露ー相逢, 便勝卻人間無數.
柔情似水, 佳期如夢, 忍顧鵲橋歸路.
兩情若是久長時, 又豈在朝朝暮暮.

適逢今天是農暦七月初七,  七タ; 也即是傳説中牛郎織女相會的一天. 令我想起這首優美的宋詞. 總覺得古人有份優雅的情感, 簡簡單單56個字, 便把整個詩情畫意,離愁別緖的情懷表達出來. 除了是文學修養之外, 清閒淡雅的生活能使人有空間去感受. 

也許在今夜, 大家不妨暫且放下手機雜務, 與掛念的人相聚ー刻.


Agfa Isolette III ...my first camera

As far as I've remember, up to now, I am using the 8th camera in my life and the one above is my first "lover", which was also my dad's partner in his good old days.

Agfa lsolette III - produced in 1951-1960,  made in Germany. It is a Compact Horizontal Folding Camera using 120 type Roll film, and this one was designed for 12nos. 6x6 cm roll film. Cast aluminum top housing, i.e.: a Post-War design....COOL !

My first roll of film was almost a "total lost". 

My father taught me all basic operation at the night before my first "date" with Mr. Isolette; the location was Lamma Island in Hong Kong. It was a sunny day, the scenery was awesome, even thought a black and white negative should did a good job. I shot seriously because I've only got 12 chances, ISO setting, exposure combination, framing, lighting...step by step and it took almost the whole afternoon for me to complete those 12 shots.

Then, what's next ?

My first Film Processing lesson : all tools and chemical were ready, unloaded the film in total darkness , while developing not even fixing........" OMG!!! Where are the landscape gone?" 

There was only one image appeared within the whole roll of negative! = film rolled unsuccessfully inside the the cartridge :( because I rolled too little from the beginning which didn't securely winded and this was my first photography "lesson" in my life . Ha Ha !

But truly speaking, l love this camera even though the first experience was a bit
embarrassing. Not only because of the overall design is so elegant, the shutter sound is amazing, mechanism of 100% manual operation is so attractive by only one careless move, you failed....

one of the breathtaking feeling that 
you will never have by using a digital camera !


Vacation is over

outdoor bar in Sai Kung
It's been almost one and a half years - such a long vacation from posting; sorry for leaving so long, but sometimes, you have to go... when you was stuck into something; life's changing, lack of inspiration, losing your mind...whether you are willing or not!

Same as design, even thought there are new technique, new material, new design firm, new client , new trend in every minute ...when you discover the circle was kept rotating but sucks...you have to go!

Simply leave everything behind, time will do it's job, not only to the matter but you.

Blogging is very interesting, when time pass by, it's not a matter of take it or leave it. Most of us imagined to earn a living from here sometimes before, or should say long time ago; but once you've found the great difference between a commercial blog or a really sharing blog, you will have to choose and face the reality. 

Blogging is very attractive, especially you can "almost" post anything you want, no instant reaction that will interrupt your next thought, just share generously. 

But Blogging is also very energy consuming if only if you write it by your heart......so let's see what's next :)


首先必需向大家道歉一聲, 原來轉眼又一年多了. 生活上不能自控的變化也就是我們這些業餘博客所遇到的最大問題; 如果你是一個"自給自足的設計師", 被逼暫停"副業" 更是無可避免的; 畢竟...要生活嘛 :D

希望你仲記得上年呢篇網誌(一), 老實講, 我都要睇番先記得自己寫過咩??
"自給自足"係一段日子之後己經唔多適用係室内設計師身上, 如果你要佢學呢學路仲要自己攪, 真係睬你都儍. 一係叫公司發俾 Freelancer, 再唔係就師傅自己地盤搞掂. 

返工一定準時收工, 唔想亦唔期望升職, 去學點樣有效快速咁捉多隻精靈好過. ..我諗, 咁會啱聽D. 

點解我唔想繼續寫點様自給自足法呢? 一方面係社會環境, 客人需求同新一代年青人係心態上都改變咗好多. 係有限時間入面揀去做D咩同學D咩, 已經唔係咁理性. 要去趕科技, 例如3D 打印, 環保物料應用; 調較人際關係去改善見客或者工程管理等等... 似乎學得嚟又有新嘢, 面對面遘通更加係最無興趣, 既然對呢行無慾無求, 咁又何必搞咁多呢!

不過聽完以上一段"現實感歎" 之外, 又唔好太灰. 因為有部份無論係在職或者打算入職嘅一群, 仍然好有心想學多D, 做個全面一D嘅設計師. 不求人或至少危急時自己都頂得住嘅DNA仍然會令佢哋至終擁有自給自足嘅條件, 絶對會係終極求生嘅優勢, 加油!!!