
Latte 拿鐵

Type of Coffee poster

最近收到朋友轉寄給我的Coffee Chart,一看見便會心微笑,令我想起第一次與“拿鐵”相會在廣州.咖啡對我來說是西方玩意,所以沒有留意它們的中文/台灣名,直至有次在廣州一間Starbucks 尋找 Latte 的踪跡時,才發現它原來叫作拿鐵,真有趣!難得今次這張圖不單有齊各種譯名,更有清晰的製作份量,簡單的平面設計,實用之餘又有親切感,謝謝好朋友!

A friend of mine share a Coffee Chart to me recently, I saw an English version many years ago but not this, in a format with their Chinese name (actually I think there are Taiwanese translation). It reminds me the first time when I was looking for a cup of Latte in Starbucks at Guangzhou, if translate directly it called "carrying iron".......well well, of course it sounds in Chinese is good fit to match with the pronouncaton of "Latte", but nothing related to it's actual meaning. Same goes to Espresso Con Panna, no related meaning to it's 3 Chinese wording of "Health+treasure+blue". 

But no matter how, a simple graphic design which clearly indicates the proportion of different ingredients to make a cup of your favorite coffee...it's really a good idea and especially touchy in Chinese, thank you, my dear friend:)