
地面頻道 Floor Discovery Channel

Floral pattern iron floor cover protecting trees along street最近往澳門走了一圈, 除了五光十色的大小賭埸酒店, 更遊走了不少街頭巷尾, 也許這些往後再遂一分享. 今次倒想介紹的是一個頗有心思的設計.

每逢往外地, 我們的視線總被當地的靚人靚景或奇人奇事所吸引; 但只要多點往地面搜索, 也有不少有趣及有特色的事物, 正如以往在日本也發現一個很精緻的公園地標Vanishing Beauty 一樣, 只是今次的發現是在澳門街頭.

也許不用多解釋, 一看便知, 沒什麽特別,  四塊彫花鉄皮用來蓋着路邊樹根. 但精緻的樹葉圖形有半立體效果, 疏水丶地燈位齊全, 裝飾及實用性兼備; 相比香港用磚頭或花棚等圍着"裝垃圾"的要好.

簡潔之餘有效果, 易打理之餘又耐用......不是推薦什麽產品, 而是小小一個公共設施, 只要肯花點心思, 己經可以令生活環境變得更舒適. 成功運用 Form follow Function 這個設計理論, 也會有佳作的.

Casino hotels,  neon neon neon....these are the images of Macau, but there are local culture alley that worth to be discovered; I had a chance to take a walk in May and may be I can share my experience with you in later posts. But this time, I would like to share a delicate design with you.

Wherever we travel to another city, our eyes are busy with all the beautiful faces & scenes, or whatever fresh and extraordinary; if we take some time to look DOWN, there are even more interesting things waiting for us to discover, like what I had found before in Japan's local park - the Vanishing Beauty, this time, it's in Macau.

Well, as simple as a cover for the tree roots along the street, it can be like those found in Hong Kong - brick or plastic fence to create a "rubbish bin" as a result; or like this, a crafted metal cover with semi emboss floral pattern, with proper light fitting & drain vents - simple, decorative, easy maintenance and durable. 

If we can spend just a little more effort to enhance the design of the local facility in our city, the design theory of "Form follow Function" is still applicable to sustain a good design that brings a better life to us.