
會說話的相片 Photo that speaks

Murray Darling Basin by Amy Toensing

上月初曾在電視看National Geographic, 剛剛介紹十張由編輯們揀選的年度優秀作品, 也許節目是重播關係, 這巳是2009年的事, 但相片內容一點也不過時. 從來都知道National Geographic 的相片出色, 尤其以紀錄式的相片. 基本拍攝技巧巳不容置疑, 但他們的攝影師所拍出的照片, 總令人有點心動, 甚至乎震撼的感覺. 

上面一幅是由一位女攝影師Amy Toensing 在一個報道澳洲Murray Darling Basin 旱災時所拍攝的一幅照片. 相中的人物並非特約演員, 只是接載他們採訪的一個家庭, 一切就這麽自然地發生而在瞬間而被作者攝入鏡頭. 在節目中, 我們可以從評審口中得知多一點關於這幅照片優秀之處, 但其實相片巳把一切說明......其他內容留待觀眾自己去感受和聯想......這就是我們認為相片優劣的其中一個要素.

誠意推介大家登入National Geographic Photography 的網頁, 欣賞更多優秀的作品之餘, 也同時擴闊我們的攝影世界.

There was a National Geographic T.V. show last month, seems a replay of the Best Top Ten Photos of the International photo contest in 2009. A very good show, not only the amazing photos and photographers, but more detail analysis of the story behind. But truly speaking, neglect all of the technical know how that those photographers are familiar with, their photo tells story......that capture our heart and emotion.

The photo above was taken by Amy Toensing, who was asked to report the condition of Australia's Dry Run, there, is Murray Darling Basin. Everything in the photo was captured naturally happened at that incident, no actor, no props...but again, it tells the story,audience are free to explore within......we think, this is one major core of a good photograph.

If you have a minute, we highly recommend to click into the web page of 

you can enjoy more brilliant photos and at the same time to explore in the photo world without boundary.