如果我不告訴你這是什麽東西, 你能猜得到嗎?
巳不記得是何年何月何日?趁午飯時間, 走到荷李活道逛逛. 當然我不是以遊客身份來觀光, 更不是什麽古董專家來尋寳, 只是隨意看看有什麽得意趣味小品罷了.
走了好一段路, 看到的不是那些" 精品" 毛澤東頭像, 便是那些銅錢鼻煙壼...等等, 心想, 有多少人仍會對這些" 國際商品"有興趣呢?! 正當不是味兒, 準備打道回公司之際, 被一粒奇怪的黃色雀仔頭吸引. 是什麽東西呢? 擺設? 樽蓋? 印章? 吊飾?
老板見我似" 混吉" 多一點, 也沒有特別招呼, 但我卻是賴着不走, 結果還是開口問個究竟. 終於, 謎底揭開: 是針頂! 知道是什麽嗎?針頂即是用針線織補時, 套在左手中指, 防止被針刺到的手指套. Wow! 這麽大, 真的可以用嗎?
不過它的設計實在很有趣, 中式雀仔頭加一些隨意的線條圖案; 又是紅黃藍色的組合, 再配上一對疑似毛筆繪畫的雀仔眼......終於,我掏出五個大洋把它買下, 用來做什麽? 老實說, 原本真的打算當作針頂用, 只可惜...手指套不入, 唯有當送給自己一件"古董"來鑑賞鑑賞, 何妨?!
上星期往科學館看展覽, 相信大家對這個設計大師也不會太過陌生 - Leonardo da Vinci 達文西. 也許你是從電影Da Vinci Code (達文西密碼) 認識他,又或是從講述文藝復興時代的書籍認識他;甚至是旅遊期間在羅浮宮欣賞"Mona Lisa 蒙娜麗莎"的時候深深被他/她吸引着...總之,多少你也會聽過這個名字罷?!
今次展覽內容有驚喜也有失望. 驚喜是發覺達文西除了在繪畫, 雕塑及建築設計上, 竟然在軍事, 力學, 飛行學上也有不少有趣的想法和研究. 我不會一一說明, 留待你們自己觀賞, 也許你會發現當中有一些是你我兒時也曾妙想天開過的想法,只是從未認真對待, 何不妨在這一刻回味.
展品中不乏出名的畫作, 但我們認為更值得看的是其人體解剖筆記圖. 雖然看不懂他的"鏡字意大利文" 筆記, 但當配合着精準而線條優美的人體繪圖, 實在令人讚嘆. 如果我們現代人能夠有這般專注及毅力去造學問或處理事情, 世上很多難題也許可以解決.
不得不提 的是一套關於達文西心中理想城市的動畫短片,雖然動畫製作粗劣, 但當中的城市設計正是我們現今社會所謂的建築所缺乏, 或正在摧毀的環保建設 ,有時間不妨慢慢用心觀看, 你會發覺人類真的不需要住豪宅,更不應把商場代替廣場!
好了! 失望 : 是大部份展示品都是低至普通水準的複製品, 所以多少也影響其觀賞價值, 特別是當大家欣賞心愛的畫作時,要感受到顏色所帯出的豐富層次, 實在是有點大打折扣.再加上香港人那種何時何地也實踐的"親子教育" 及"到此一遊" 的拍友, 我想, 此刻正是運用"專注" 的好時機了.
究竟這個展覽值得一看嗎?只要有心理準備及在星期三, 絕對可一看.
今次展覽內容有驚喜也有失望. 驚喜是發覺達文西除了在繪畫, 雕塑及建築設計上, 竟然在軍事, 力學, 飛行學上也有不少有趣的想法和研究. 我不會一一說明, 留待你們自己觀賞, 也許你會發現當中有一些是你我兒時也曾妙想天開過的想法,只是從未認真對待, 何不妨在這一刻回味.
展品中不乏出名的畫作, 但我們認為更值得看的是其人體解剖筆記圖. 雖然看不懂他的"鏡字意大利文" 筆記, 但當配合着精準而線條優美的人體繪圖, 實在令人讚嘆. 如果我們現代人能夠有這般專注及毅力去造學問或處理事情, 世上很多難題也許可以解決.
不得不提 的是一套關於達文西心中理想城市的動畫短片,雖然動畫製作粗劣, 但當中的城市設計正是我們現今社會所謂的建築所缺乏, 或正在摧毀的環保建設 ,有時間不妨慢慢用心觀看, 你會發覺人類真的不需要住豪宅,更不應把商場代替廣場!
好了! 失望 : 是大部份展示品都是低至普通水準的複製品, 所以多少也影響其觀賞價值, 特別是當大家欣賞心愛的畫作時,要感受到顏色所帯出的豐富層次, 實在是有點大打折扣.再加上香港人那種何時何地也實踐的"親子教育" 及"到此一遊" 的拍友, 我想, 此刻正是運用"專注" 的好時機了.
究竟這個展覽值得一看嗎?只要有心理準備及在星期三, 絕對可一看.
可可設計榜 - Euphoria by Calvin Klein
香水 - 很多人都認為是奢侈品, 你說得對;而每每就是因為這個原因,設計師總會花心思在其包裝上, 令消費者不單為了它獨特的香味而選購, 更為着其美艷的外表而甘願多付銀兩. Euphoria 便是其中一個好例子了.
葡萄酒色的香水配上原塊度身剪裁的不銹鋼"外衣",造工細緻精美, 十分華麗. 50ml 的瓶身放在女仕手心上, 大細剛好可以單手操作, 很方便. 雖然這是女性香水, 樽蓋卻保留着一點硬朗, 貫徹Calvin Klein 的形象, 領產品整體設計不會太過嬌媚.
造型,色彩, 物料運用, 全部影響着人們對製成品的觀感, 直接帶動及刺激消費意慾;我想...Euphoria 已經造到了.
What left behind?
If you see my drawing on this photo, you may think I am going to talk about architecture, lost of culture & memories...yes! this is the original preference. But when I finally decided to post this photo, I am in a situation of whether to continue blogging or not?
This morning, the last week in October 2010, I am struggling whether this should be the last post and therefore I can complete my whole one year of blogging life perfectly...and then, after this post, what left behind?
I keep on asking myself, "coffeebreak by protoworkannie" will be vanished, lost in this internet world which only takes a few seconds via a years' time, but in reality, this is nothing compare with others. How about to myself, what left behind? A memory of sharing? A moment of joy? A time to take a break? A chance to make friends? A channel to learn from others? A page to draw? ......A valuable experience in my life !
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all followers & readers, reading this post in purpose or just by chance. Especially thanks to:
Wasaweb - he brings this blog alive, I can always enjoy good photos from his posts.
Patrice - her always support and brings sunshine to me, especially when I am depress.
Margg. - a little bird who whistle every morning so I can fly in my dream.
I have to take my break now, if one day...may be one morning, I start to write again, I wish you are still here. May God bless you all :)
Paradise Visa
I have this photo "sitting" in my file for a long long time, I always think it has already been posted, but whenever I checked my record, it was not.
May be I am having too many posts for telling people to take a break, eventually this scenery was etched onto my mind.
It's always enjoyable for us to prepare our vacation, especially after a hard working period. Starting from choosing a destiny, looking for companion, applying the annual leave, planning the itinerary......finally start packing... ; all make us so exciting but sometimes exhausting, too.
I was busy in last month and still have to be ready on call in October for my site work, so I can't get a vacation any how, but I did travel to "paradise" with my "boundless visa".
I went to a cafe at late dinner time, finished the tasteless dishes as expected; but when I was having my cup of coffee, looking window outside by my tire eyes and non-reacting body, I felt I was in paradise - a piece of glass separating the world outside, I left my work, my phone call...just behind this glass, right outside..."I am relaxing here, a corner in the last 15 minutes before it closed."
Some days later, I was walking on a street with my "dead shell", it was a place for local people who could only afford their basic living there, rarely enjoy a vacation - what we normally interpreted to be out of town. But I felt peaceful, just so relaxing to walk around, people living in reality, no crazing shopping, no high tea, no net-book, no i-phone...all back to basic - at that moment, I felt I was in paradise again.
See, I travel twice ! Simple and un-predictable. I am now having my "boundless visa" in my pocket at anytime, I hope you will get one too, it's free...enjoy :)
May be I am having too many posts for telling people to take a break, eventually this scenery was etched onto my mind.
It's always enjoyable for us to prepare our vacation, especially after a hard working period. Starting from choosing a destiny, looking for companion, applying the annual leave, planning the itinerary......finally start packing... ; all make us so exciting but sometimes exhausting, too.
I was busy in last month and still have to be ready on call in October for my site work, so I can't get a vacation any how, but I did travel to "paradise" with my "boundless visa".
I went to a cafe at late dinner time, finished the tasteless dishes as expected; but when I was having my cup of coffee, looking window outside by my tire eyes and non-reacting body, I felt I was in paradise - a piece of glass separating the world outside, I left my work, my phone call...just behind this glass, right outside..."I am relaxing here, a corner in the last 15 minutes before it closed."
Some days later, I was walking on a street with my "dead shell", it was a place for local people who could only afford their basic living there, rarely enjoy a vacation - what we normally interpreted to be out of town. But I felt peaceful, just so relaxing to walk around, people living in reality, no crazing shopping, no high tea, no net-book, no i-phone...all back to basic - at that moment, I felt I was in paradise again.
See, I travel twice ! Simple and un-predictable. I am now having my "boundless visa" in my pocket at anytime, I hope you will get one too, it's free...enjoy :)
又有"新種發見"?每次行入便利店, 很容易便被pucca 魚仔餅吸引, 因為它的包裝盒永遠是那麼色彩繽紛, 加上印刷精美, 從遠處已經能把我的視線聚焦到它身上 - 這已是包裝設計成功的第一步.
只是十圓八塊的零食, 包裝盒也用了兩個專色. 配合簡潔的圖案照片, 把新口味清楚地介紹. 再仔細留意其不同大小字體安排,不但沒有混亂, 反而增添趣味; 可見這是一個專業水準之作.
很多朋友也懂得紅綠, 黃紫, 藍橙,等對色效果.在這個包裝盒上, 對色的變化亦處理得很舒服. 所以一個好的包裝設計絕對影響產品銷售......至少以用家角度來說, 欣賞完外在美之後, 內在美已是其次.
只是十圓八塊的零食, 包裝盒也用了兩個專色. 配合簡潔的圖案照片, 把新口味清楚地介紹. 再仔細留意其不同大小字體安排,不但沒有混亂, 反而增添趣味; 可見這是一個專業水準之作.
很多朋友也懂得紅綠, 黃紫, 藍橙,等對色效果.在這個包裝盒上, 對色的變化亦處理得很舒服. 所以一個好的包裝設計絕對影響產品銷售......至少以用家角度來說, 欣賞完外在美之後, 內在美已是其次.
My minute
Just finished my "Google reading" that accumulated for over a months time, so enjoyable. Although some good news and some bad news, everybody are basically fine and keep up with their living. That is the strange but lovely feeling that we have while reading blogs, to care some one who may not know you and existing in different corners of the world, so amazing.
Sometimes when I read posts that talk about the season change in their country, or having heavy rainy days throughout the week...,etc. I can almost feel the same here...may be it's because of the nature, all in common no matter what culture you are, what language you've speak; we are living under the same space.
Last month I was too busy and couldn't spare a minute to write or read blogs, but truly speaking, I had some spare time, but no spare mind. To sit down and write something is not difficult, but to write my heart...I need peaceful and quiet environment, like what I am having right now.
It will be the first birthday of this blog in the coming November, my original decision is to finish my last post in November, I am not sure, still thinking of it, may be it's cruel of just giving my blog one year's life, and may be it's too cruel either, to stop communicate - seems it's not a perfect choice...I have to figure out, promise!
Sometimes when I read posts that talk about the season change in their country, or having heavy rainy days throughout the week...,etc. I can almost feel the same here...may be it's because of the nature, all in common no matter what culture you are, what language you've speak; we are living under the same space.
Last month I was too busy and couldn't spare a minute to write or read blogs, but truly speaking, I had some spare time, but no spare mind. To sit down and write something is not difficult, but to write my heart...I need peaceful and quiet environment, like what I am having right now.
It will be the first birthday of this blog in the coming November, my original decision is to finish my last post in November, I am not sure, still thinking of it, may be it's cruel of just giving my blog one year's life, and may be it's too cruel either, to stop communicate - seems it's not a perfect choice...I have to figure out, promise!
Coffee diary 04
Year 2007,Beijing, a second visit to this city, after my business matter, I decided to stay for a few days to look around.
Almost 7:00a.m. in the morning, I don't want to spend a huge sum for the buffet breakfast, what I need is just a nice cup of coffee and some bread or toast to wake me up.So this is all I've got...yes, it's true, the only thing they have in the lobby's cafe.
Well, to me, better than nothing at least I see my "pal- Mr.coffee". To serve with cookie as breakfast is a little bit weird, I think; but I do need some energy before I can get start to find other food to eat, which may take me for another hour to discover.
It's difficult to finish this meal except the glass of water, but I try my best and stay peaceful until I pay - RMB 110. This story tells us, don't be lazy and always prepare, otherwise you will "pay" one day. (no matter how - still a memorable experience :)
Almost 7:00a.m. in the morning, I don't want to spend a huge sum for the buffet breakfast, what I need is just a nice cup of coffee and some bread or toast to wake me up.So this is all I've got...yes, it's true, the only thing they have in the lobby's cafe.
Well, to me, better than nothing at least I see my "pal- Mr.coffee". To serve with cookie as breakfast is a little bit weird, I think; but I do need some energy before I can get start to find other food to eat, which may take me for another hour to discover.
It's difficult to finish this meal except the glass of water, but I try my best and stay peaceful until I pay - RMB 110. This story tells us, don't be lazy and always prepare, otherwise you will "pay" one day. (no matter how - still a memorable experience :)
Hello Autumn
Hi! I am back, almost a month away from here, miss so much. The fact is simply busy for living, that's the reality. But nice to be back in Autumn-my favourite season.
We've just pass our Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong, as we are adult now, it's seems this kind of festival is not so amazing, especially we need to work whatever festival we are in.
But on that night, 22 Sept, 2010, when I was on my way home, a couple on the street shout - hey, there is the moon...
I looked up, it was in the sky covered by a sheer of cloud, a bit pale in her face, but I just kept on looking at her three times...she was still so pretty, so familiar to me. There was no more celebration, no family gathering caused I was working late, but I still had her as my companion, never need to make appointment, just look up and she will be there- Good night my dear !
We've just pass our Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong, as we are adult now, it's seems this kind of festival is not so amazing, especially we need to work whatever festival we are in.
But on that night, 22 Sept, 2010, when I was on my way home, a couple on the street shout - hey, there is the moon...
I looked up, it was in the sky covered by a sheer of cloud, a bit pale in her face, but I just kept on looking at her three times...she was still so pretty, so familiar to me. There was no more celebration, no family gathering caused I was working late, but I still had her as my companion, never need to make appointment, just look up and she will be there- Good night my dear !
相信有不少設計師也聽聞Google 有個3D Freeware 叫做SketchUp, 甚至巳經用過. 反應好壞都有. 有的說易用, 很快便學懂, 不消一會便可以建成立體模型. 也有人說太簡陋, 十分小朋友, 做出來的效果粗糟, 一點也不專業, 難登大雅之堂, 還是用3dS 好!
其實各用家的意見也有其原因, 以我自己為例, 我會說這是一個簡單易用的軟件, 對做室內設計的人來說, 可以在短時間內對現塲實際環境作較深入的研究, 從而幫助進一步發展及改良設計. 這個軟件在外國尤其普及, 不少建築師, 工程師, 產品設計師甚至畫家也用於他們的作品上. 但為什麽會有粗劣感呢? 原因很簡單, 沒有做適當的預設及render.
跟其他軟件一樣必需做預設的改動, 如線條,背景, 光源列印模式等等. 尤於Sketchup 看似十分簡單, 大家便忽略了一些需要較深入的設定, 以配合及達至所預期的完成效果. 另外是沒有附加Rendering 的後期加工軟件, 以致圖像老是不真實, 沒有燈光效果或質感. 其實這一切也需要配合其他應用軟件如Vray, Podium, Maxwell render...等才能成事.
首先我會叫大家先看完SketchUp由Google 自家製作的tutorial, 學會所有技巧, 再到Smustard 學用一些幫助SketchUp操作得更暢順及精確的Ruby Script; 再返回sketchup 尋找適用的Plugin和Render軟件, 經過一番苦工及較深入的應用, 相信大家會對這個3D 程式有新的看法.
其實各用家的意見也有其原因, 以我自己為例, 我會說這是一個簡單易用的軟件, 對做室內設計的人來說, 可以在短時間內對現塲實際環境作較深入的研究, 從而幫助進一步發展及改良設計. 這個軟件在外國尤其普及, 不少建築師, 工程師, 產品設計師甚至畫家也用於他們的作品上. 但為什麽會有粗劣感呢? 原因很簡單, 沒有做適當的預設及render.
跟其他軟件一樣必需做預設的改動, 如線條,背景, 光源列印模式等等. 尤於Sketchup 看似十分簡單, 大家便忽略了一些需要較深入的設定, 以配合及達至所預期的完成效果. 另外是沒有附加Rendering 的後期加工軟件, 以致圖像老是不真實, 沒有燈光效果或質感. 其實這一切也需要配合其他應用軟件如Vray, Podium, Maxwell render...等才能成事.
首先我會叫大家先看完SketchUp由Google 自家製作的tutorial, 學會所有技巧, 再到Smustard 學用一些幫助SketchUp操作得更暢順及精確的Ruby Script; 再返回sketchup 尋找適用的Plugin和Render軟件, 經過一番苦工及較深入的應用, 相信大家會對這個3D 程式有新的看法.
A corner for me
Mow, I am a kitten living in the toy house of protowork annie, it is a small place, no luxurious decoration, but cosy. Actually what I need is only a small corner right next to her bed, you may find I always like to take a nap here, I feel relax because I trust this is a safety place.
Trust-is something seems simple but not easy to be developed. Although it should be the natural character of human beings, what they call a mutual trust; they can easily be ruined by anything which we, as a pet don't quite understand.
We trust our master, a simple and pure relationship, no extra demand, just "love" and "comfort" that we can shared between each other, is it too simple in our world but not in humans' ? I am not sure but I wish everybody on earth can enjoy this as easy as we have.
Trust-is something seems simple but not easy to be developed. Although it should be the natural character of human beings, what they call a mutual trust; they can easily be ruined by anything which we, as a pet don't quite understand.
We trust our master, a simple and pure relationship, no extra demand, just "love" and "comfort" that we can shared between each other, is it too simple in our world but not in humans' ? I am not sure but I wish everybody on earth can enjoy this as easy as we have.
No Answer
Today is supposed to be a happy day to me because there is something worth to be celebrated. But I am sad...very sad.
24 H.K. tourists were hi-jack by a local police in Manila yesterday, it ended after 9 hours, 7 died and 8 injured, the people and the "body" are still in Philippine. Whole process was broadcast on T.V. last night, the reason behind is only because that police wish to resume his duty after being fired, he lost his life...couldn't make his dream come true...and destroyed the innocent's rigth to survive.
Everyone is talking about this, news and FB...,etc. I just can't relief, those tourists are our citizen, they were planning to return H.K. last night after visiting the last tourist spot, and we've lost them within a day, why?
Life is so fragile, we can't ask for one more second if it comes to an end. It can be or be not predictable, when we are fell asleep, in the hospital, in our "journey"...I am not expecting any answer from anyone, I know there is no excuse for the killer or even the helpless police force, but I also know they are all victims, living in a country of unfair without justice.
24 H.K. tourists were hi-jack by a local police in Manila yesterday, it ended after 9 hours, 7 died and 8 injured, the people and the "body" are still in Philippine. Whole process was broadcast on T.V. last night, the reason behind is only because that police wish to resume his duty after being fired, he lost his life...couldn't make his dream come true...and destroyed the innocent's rigth to survive.
Everyone is talking about this, news and FB...,etc. I just can't relief, those tourists are our citizen, they were planning to return H.K. last night after visiting the last tourist spot, and we've lost them within a day, why?
Life is so fragile, we can't ask for one more second if it comes to an end. It can be or be not predictable, when we are fell asleep, in the hospital, in our "journey"...I am not expecting any answer from anyone, I know there is no excuse for the killer or even the helpless police force, but I also know they are all victims, living in a country of unfair without justice.
可可設計榜-Sony Cyber Shot P8
" 因為是好設計囉!"
首先相機外型與鏡頭己連成一體, 有足夠的空間擺放鏡頭之餘,握手位, 觀景器等沒有過份凸出的部份, 比例恰當, 所以整體造型流暢服.
厚度適中,不會過厚令造型呆頓,但也不會為求美觀設計得太薄, 以至不附合人體工學,難於掌握操作. 其實即使影數碼相, 握機穩定性也不應忽略, 否則相片質數仍是會受到影響的. 很多人還老是說相機效能不好, 其實問題大多在於基本操作及運用的知識上罷了!
機身表面的珍珠白塗層, 半光啞, 頗細緻, 卻又有另一透明塗層用以保護防汚及磨損, 所以看起來有點像搪瓷面. 而事實上除了手感舒適之外, 也不須太擔心易括花或汚漬等問題. 雖然, 近年市埸上有不少其他牌子的相機或手提電腦也用這種表面處理, 但以效果來說, 我們認為到目前為止仍是這件產品造得表較優勝.
Sony 的操作介面不多提了, 用過它們產品的也應該沒有什麽投訴. 當然此機的性能不能與現今的數碼相機相比, 但尤於我們不是產品推銷, 只希望從它的設計上向大家介紹其過人之處. 始終simple is the best 這個理論是有一定道理的. 而產品設計也應以form follow function 為大前題, 否則即使外表如何"美艷", 也只停留於一件裝飾品罷了!
Something out there !
When we are walking in fog, fear, uncertain, danger...lots of thoughts rushing in, leading us to an imagination of something bad is waiting for us. Well, if you say, No! I am not, in a contrary, I will feel exciting, curious, expecting something special that is waiting for me; may be another heaven like garden in front, a man whom I loved, or a sunshine just right behind...Great, this is what I was & what I am now.
I was afraid of fog, especially right in the center of it, because I had an experience of total lost in mind when I was standing alone on the hill side and surrounded by a thick layer of fog which appeared suddenly, I couldn't see my friend and all the nearby environment within 1 foot. The feeling was horrible, seems I was in another planet and something bad was going to be happened - say "vanishing of myself".
But if we can take a break , take a deep breathe and wait, the fog will gradually "run" away, everything becomes clear, or even a surprise for us - last time, a beautiful garden appeared right in front of me and sunshine. So, it may not be a dead end, it only depending of what we drive our expectation towards the good or the bad side.
Today, I may still feel helpless when I am in the fog again, but I am sure what I've expecting to see afterward is something good, so I can move on.
Rococo - 洛可可
設計也有風格之分, 例如後現代(Post modernism), 巴洛克(Baroque), Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Hi-tech, Neo-classicism...等等, 但總離不開古典(Classic)與現代(Modern)兩個大範圍. 而在十八世紀文藝復興時代(註1), 不同的設計風格在歐洲甚延至美國更是百花齊放.也許你會說這與我們有什麽關係呢?
What's next?
It's not a problem for us to relax inside a train because we know what is the next station and what is our destination. But in our life, we always have the same question : What's next?
It is normal, say, for a student to start working in a company after graduate; an adult to get marry after dating and find his loved; to start a new job after quit the existing one; to be promoted after dedicating to a company for a certain years...but sometimes the next page of our life can be unexpected and out of our plan.
Relationship between friends/ lovers can be broken when both gets to know each other more, instead of becoming steady and closer. No more job is waiting for us due to our age issue after quit the existing one; our dream that make us to work so hard day by day, hour after hour, cannot be achieved & suspended due to the sudden health attack, but the goal is nearly there, so close...all should not happen in our next step, there must be something wrong ?! And what's next, what shall we do?
Take a break - I will say, then ready to face for another day. Life is the meaning of "happening", full of surprise no matter you enjoy it or not, if everything are well planned and happen as it is scheduled, what we've experience will only be a story of another person, not the life of our own - the unique creature in this planet.
It is normal, say, for a student to start working in a company after graduate; an adult to get marry after dating and find his loved; to start a new job after quit the existing one; to be promoted after dedicating to a company for a certain years...but sometimes the next page of our life can be unexpected and out of our plan.
Relationship between friends/ lovers can be broken when both gets to know each other more, instead of becoming steady and closer. No more job is waiting for us due to our age issue after quit the existing one; our dream that make us to work so hard day by day, hour after hour, cannot be achieved & suspended due to the sudden health attack, but the goal is nearly there, so close...all should not happen in our next step, there must be something wrong ?! And what's next, what shall we do?
Take a break - I will say, then ready to face for another day. Life is the meaning of "happening", full of surprise no matter you enjoy it or not, if everything are well planned and happen as it is scheduled, what we've experience will only be a story of another person, not the life of our own - the unique creature in this planet.
Internet without boundary ?!
I am starting a Chinese blog in this few weeks talking about Design Life, you may know it is always been a difficult decision for me to blog in Chinese or English, I prefer using latter as it is more international, meaning more people can have a chance to read what I wrote. But during the research, I've finally discovered that, Internet world are not always connected in some countries, like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Japan.
Besides of the political reason, it will be the language and cultural difference. Most of the bloggers in H.K. & Taiwan blogging in Yahoo (Chinese) instead of Blogger, we have only 1-2 active forums here, even worst than Taiwan. China condition is self explanatory, whereas Japan has their own specific language...that's why, as those experience bloggers said " we need to do a lot of work behind for the exposure of our blogs", or even MORE in Asian world.
I had an experience while scrolling blogs randomly, the first visit was my last because the author was so frustrated to continue blogging due to no or less followers/ readers. I feel sad and hope they can continue after recovery.
Internet world makes our life so difference and it is affecting our emotion, too. We feel the joy and sad of others, no matter they are true or not; when you find others is working hard for their living or life, you gain energy,too; but if someone quit, you feel the "pain".
There are so much time and effort we need to dedicate into our blog world, is it worth at the end? I can hear from you...definitely, yes! At least I am sure it will be a learning experience in our life to share and to hear.
O.K. finally, if you do have interest to view our Cocoa Design Life, be my guest. But I didn't put a translator there because it is not working in Cantonese (hopefully I can find a better one in future), just let me know if you what to understand any of it, I will translate it manually and re-post here for you. No matter how, your click will be my treasure, thank you all.
新產品 - Milliken Fretwork Collections
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Image from Contract Magazine |
從廣告上看似顏色不怎樣吸引, 但從圖案的設計及製作上, 肯定是精準、較含蓄和耐看, 比起已往用於辦公室系列的設計來得細緻及高雅. 用在會客室或接待處也是一個不錯的選擇.
由於產品仍然是頗新, 如果要多一點資料, 便要向Milliken查詢了.
創意無限- 日本Tokyu Hands (下)
上回題到的日本 Tokyu Hands, 其實己經於2003年在本土以外登陸......
我一直希望是香港, 但可能是我們的 DIY 土壤不夠肥沃, 所以她們還是選擇了在台灣開設第一間海外分店,
我一直希望是香港, 但可能是我們的 DIY 土壤不夠肥沃, 所以她們還是選擇了在台灣開設第一間海外分店,
上回談了一些關於做設計師要考慮的狀况, 你可能會發覺我所說的是圍繞着一個室內設計師而言, 其實除了工作範圍會因應個別設計類型而有所分別之外, 大家所面對的壓力和困難也是大同小異的, 所以我還是以比較熟識的一行作為範本.
City on the rock

Chongqing is one of the most special city in Sichuan Province of China that I've ever visited.
In Summer, it is so hot up to 40 degree C, as what people said it is one of the "Three Furnaces" in China; but in Winter & early Spring, it is cold and humid, so damp that everywhere are covered up by a sheer of fog, so it is also know as the "Fog Capital".
I had a chance to visit it in both seasons, although it was only a one day business trip, I loved this city, what I've saw were so unforgettable.
There was only 20 minutes distance from airport to downtown (by taxi), very convenience; the first picture I've saw after leaving the airport was a highway on Jialing River, the highway was running in a South to North direction, where the river was from East to West. I had an amazing experience during the dry season, when the water level was so low that I barely saw the river bed and then while looking outside from the window, I discovered that the river was in a valley shape, so deep and I ...together with the taxi was so tiny...Wow! this was the "craftsmanship of nature".
Not a second, we were in the entrance of the Fog Capital, the buildings of downtown were almost right in front of us, but suddenly they all vanished...and appeared again...and vanished. I knew, we were in Sichuan now, where lots of mysterious stories created here, then a music tune of "X-file" appeared in my head.
My taxi driver brought me to reality...I reached Hilton Hotel, it was located in a commercial area along the mountain slope. Yes! there were mountains everywhere, what I've saw the residential building around us, they were constructed on the hill slope, so interesting and special; if compared with those modern high rise, these were more harmonize to this city.
To keep this post short, I have to stop by telling you the "morning walk in the mist" in the morning after breakfast, must do and don't rush. They are definitely the best "distilled water" for our mind after a busy day. Hope you can feel all these one day, trust me, an unforgettable experience that can't be expressed in my text.
曾幾何時見過類似的門簾沒有?是否有一點點印象? 如果你是80後就很難說了, 否則應該會在陳寶珠年代的"粵語殘片"見過.
其實這是一幅很有創意的門簾, 它不是用珠仔串成, 估估是用什麼物料? 初初我還以為是用汽水鋁罐剪開摺成, 但想清楚應該不可能, 因為條邊太鋒利; 於是走近看看, 才發覺是用香煙的煙包剪開, 一粒一粒對摺捲成串起; 再結合顏色的配搭, 真有心思啊!
你可能會問, 那麼是否防水呢? 我想不大會罷, 但以它的細小結構及強硬度, 理應可以支持一段頗長凡時間呢! 要不然請煙民們奉獻一下以作維修之用, 相信也不會太難.
如果你說, 這樣不大好呢, 好像在鼓勵吸煙啊? 非也, 只是有時創意也不一定要等同健康罷了!
其實這是一幅很有創意的門簾, 它不是用珠仔串成, 估估是用什麼物料? 初初我還以為是用汽水鋁罐剪開摺成, 但想清楚應該不可能, 因為條邊太鋒利; 於是走近看看, 才發覺是用香煙的煙包剪開, 一粒一粒對摺捲成串起; 再結合顏色的配搭, 真有心思啊!
你可能會問, 那麼是否防水呢? 我想不大會罷, 但以它的細小結構及強硬度, 理應可以支持一段頗長凡時間呢! 要不然請煙民們奉獻一下以作維修之用, 相信也不會太難.
如果你說, 這樣不大好呢, 好像在鼓勵吸煙啊? 非也, 只是有時創意也不一定要等同健康罷了!
Cocoa - 可可, 一種我們既熟識又喜愛的飲料 : 熱朱古力或熱唂咕. 可可豆經過發酵及加工後又會變為女士們最喜愛的朱古力.這種代表著現今悠閒享受的食品,其實早在瑪雅時代已經出現, 並於十六世紀中期由西班牙人帶入歐洲, 加入糖調味後成為流行一時的美味飲品.
大多數人都嚮往法國或意大利的生活文化, 有品味,高格調, 悠閒又瀟灑. 其實在香港生活的我們也一樣可以藉著學會欣賞設計及感受週遭事物, 從而獲得相同, 甚至更高的享受. 正如你在冬天拿著一柸熱辣辣的唂咕, 總能感受到那份溫暖和滿足一樣; 不須要在高級餐廳享用, 那管只是裝在一個舊瓷柸內, 那種窩心的體會是不會改變的.......這就是我們想藉這個網誌跟大家分享的生活態度了. Wikipedia :Kakaofrucht_mit_Kakaobohnen.jpg

Coffee diary 03
Hello cappuccino, what makes you so beautiful today? ah, the sun of Phuket, so warm, I can feel it, too.
It's really enjoyable to be with you in this small downtown cafe, look around to see people passing by, there is no rush here, not only tourist but local people as well; they are nice and leisure, I am sure this is the attractive elements of this country, right?
Similarly, early before, I don't know why the same cup of coffee like you will taste so differently in different places at different moment, of course the brewing technique and serving environment counts, but now I know the most important is the attitude of mind that I take while tasting you. I am sure you will will be so lovely today.
My Saturday morning
It is a sunny morning, wind breeze that wakes me up, soft and comfort...sometimes it is a bit lonely in this small house, but I love the tranquil, especially on Saturday morning.
No computer, no mobile call, the silent moment that cost not a penny, what we need to do is let it happen and "enjoy".
Who ring the bell?
Life can be so peaceful when we are settle down and familiar with the routine. Job, house, car, savings, family & pets are all there, well planned; what we need to do is keep working hard to sustain all these conditions in a safe mode.
But how about if one day, everything is no more in the control of our hand? Unstable market, health problem, lost of job, broken relationship...it's just the start of a nightmare. No matter how hard we try to reverse the situation and wish all can be back to normal, we are still stuck into the dead end without a glimpse of light.
We need to take a break now, then you may notice someone who is ringing the bell right outside of your door, the door of your heart? Do you know them? "Mr. Change & his son Mr. Chance!"
We do know them in a lot of occasions, but it needs too much courageous for us to open the door; because we know once we let the father in, we have to face unexpected changes, we don't know whether we can still have strength to walk through, especially at this exhausting moment. Could his son brought us a chance of survive or just another chance to be destroyed even further?
Go now! just open it and let things to happen, it's the only chance for you to change the worst; don't wait or otherwise it will be too late.
But how about if one day, everything is no more in the control of our hand? Unstable market, health problem, lost of job, broken relationship...it's just the start of a nightmare. No matter how hard we try to reverse the situation and wish all can be back to normal, we are still stuck into the dead end without a glimpse of light.
We need to take a break now, then you may notice someone who is ringing the bell right outside of your door, the door of your heart? Do you know them? "Mr. Change & his son Mr. Chance!"
We do know them in a lot of occasions, but it needs too much courageous for us to open the door; because we know once we let the father in, we have to face unexpected changes, we don't know whether we can still have strength to walk through, especially at this exhausting moment. Could his son brought us a chance of survive or just another chance to be destroyed even further?
Go now! just open it and let things to happen, it's the only chance for you to change the worst; don't wait or otherwise it will be too late.
Reading blogs
Recently, I have changed my habit of reading blogs from daily to once a week. It seems it is more suitable to me, instead of a bit rush every morning to complete something follow by starting my daily project, I spare 1-2 hours on one morning within the week, get ready with my cup of coffee and start reading from my Google reader, wherever there are posts attracting me, I will click into the blog and read in details.
Originally I thought ready blog should be fresh everyday to follow the author's post, but it is even more enjoyable for me to read all posts at once, like to see a movie from the beginning till the end.
Another change is to find new blogs from the blogs I followed, instead of from "The coffee shop", I discover that there will be greater chance for me to find suitable blogs to read in this way, may be it's because the bloggers I like are unconsciously selected good blogs for us. Thankssss...
Originally I thought ready blog should be fresh everyday to follow the author's post, but it is even more enjoyable for me to read all posts at once, like to see a movie from the beginning till the end.
Another change is to find new blogs from the blogs I followed, instead of from "The coffee shop", I discover that there will be greater chance for me to find suitable blogs to read in this way, may be it's because the bloggers I like are unconsciously selected good blogs for us. Thankssss...
Twilight Zone
Many years ago, there was a T.V. show called "Twilight Zone", talking about all supernatural things that happened in this area. I was attracted by every stories and not willing to miss any; but unfortunately, it showed only one season and finished, not like now a day, we can have 3 or 4 seasons, like House - my another favourite.
Everyday we will go through this twilight period, but may be we are usually in our school or company, especially for those who always need to O.T. like myself. When I started to have my own company, my working time is more flexible, so I can have more chance to enjoy this special moment of a day...which I loved most.
When the sun is gone in the afternoon sky, the "twilight blue" replace as a curtain behind; dull yellowish street lamp begins to glow, neon sign brings out all fabulous colour that reflect onto the street, it suddenly transform from a concrete surface to a semi-transparent one, seems it is not actually there. The air humidity is different now, the air flow is still but not forever, within a minute, you know somethings happening out there...it's not the end of a day, but just a start of another period.
To me, this moment represents a miracle time to people who wish to take a break from a hard day, who want to remedy of anything done wrong in the afternoon, or who regret of what he said to his pal in the early morning...there is a chance in this special moment. When the sky turns into a deep dark blue, we can choose either stay still in our miserable or act to prepare for another new day.
Everyday we will go through this twilight period, but may be we are usually in our school or company, especially for those who always need to O.T. like myself. When I started to have my own company, my working time is more flexible, so I can have more chance to enjoy this special moment of a day...which I loved most.
When the sun is gone in the afternoon sky, the "twilight blue" replace as a curtain behind; dull yellowish street lamp begins to glow, neon sign brings out all fabulous colour that reflect onto the street, it suddenly transform from a concrete surface to a semi-transparent one, seems it is not actually there. The air humidity is different now, the air flow is still but not forever, within a minute, you know somethings happening out there...it's not the end of a day, but just a start of another period.
Yes! I always stop in the center of the road whenever the "twilight blue" arrives, and wait for everything to happen...every time! It just totally capture my thought, I am addicted to it.
To me, this moment represents a miracle time to people who wish to take a break from a hard day, who want to remedy of anything done wrong in the afternoon, or who regret of what he said to his pal in the early morning...there is a chance in this special moment. When the sky turns into a deep dark blue, we can choose either stay still in our miserable or act to prepare for another new day.
Shanghai Lawson
In my memory, it's not easy to find a proper 24Hr convenience store in China, most of those so call convenience store are actually local store selling cigarette & wine, very dark without air conditioning, with one local people sitting in the dark & smoking behind counter. You have to pay extra attention to what you want to buy is what you've got.
I had this experience in Dalian before, I was tired after leaving the site, the sky had already dark; I was hungry and very cold on the street, I need to buy my distilled water before I got back to the hotel to have my dinner; so I rushed into a convenience store instead of a supermarket (not close to my area)......of course I failed, when I looked closer to the brand name in my room, it's something else, but the package was almost the same. This was due to my 3 mistakes = too rush, too lazy to find a supermarket and too concern to use a torch.
So, when I discovered "Lawson" in Shanghai, you can imagine how excited I was. Yes, I am sure it is a franchise operation from the original one in Japan, because when I walked in, the arrangement was quite the same; neat and tidy, with oden near entrance, magazine zone and quite a lot of mini size convenient product.
Did I buy anything? Yes, one 3in1 Nestle coffee pack. Anything else? No, because this store has adequate lighting, so I know what I want to buy is not what I've got, except the one and only one brand Nestle coffee.
I had this experience in Dalian before, I was tired after leaving the site, the sky had already dark; I was hungry and very cold on the street, I need to buy my distilled water before I got back to the hotel to have my dinner; so I rushed into a convenience store instead of a supermarket (not close to my area)......of course I failed, when I looked closer to the brand name in my room, it's something else, but the package was almost the same. This was due to my 3 mistakes = too rush, too lazy to find a supermarket and too concern to use a torch.
So, when I discovered "Lawson" in Shanghai, you can imagine how excited I was. Yes, I am sure it is a franchise operation from the original one in Japan, because when I walked in, the arrangement was quite the same; neat and tidy, with oden near entrance, magazine zone and quite a lot of mini size convenient product.
Did I buy anything? Yes, one 3in1 Nestle coffee pack. Anything else? No, because this store has adequate lighting, so I know what I want to buy is not what I've got, except the one and only one brand Nestle coffee.
Coffee diary 02
It's raining outside, quite heavy; I just finished my breakfast, and now, waiting for the rain to stop, with you - a cup of Japanese coffee brewed in Shanghai.
My friend told me that this is not a Japanese Cafe but a Taiwanese instead, I can't figure out, at least not at that moment; but never mind,I enjoy the timeless with you.
Sometimes I do have a strange feeling here, it looks like Hong Kong, I can find proper coffee shop, 24Hrs. convenience store or even Japanese curry shop; lots and lots of luxurious retail store and commercial center around, but at the end I still can clearly define that I am in China, may be the air is difference, the voice, the mood, or the colour of the city...I'm not sure.
This is the first day that I left behind after my job completed, a whole day to discover the city, starting from here, Shanghai in 2005 before the Expo, with a dash of human touch.
Prince Bear
Hello! I am Prince Bear, I used to live in my palace with my parents, but recently I move to live with some of my friends, you guys may know them, Hea hea :) If you wonder why? it's simple, just live as a normal citizen, that's what every prince or princess will dream of.
It's not as happy as what you think to be a prince, although you have so many servants to serve you, nothing actually needs to be worried about, especially in terms of materials. You can do what you want (in a boundary), play or sleep whenever you wish; every body obeys you...that's the problem, you see : YES man!
While we grow up, we need advice, lots and lots of advice; not only when facing choices or difficulties, even during heart breaking and lost. If every body around us only provide the best living with a sweet mouth, it's not the real life that we can face in the future, it's not true, I don't like this.
I need someone who can direct me with their experience, telling me what I did wrong before I hurt somebody that may never has a chance to remedy.I need friends as my guidance or telling me that I should wait for a bit longer, think deep before act. Here they are, TRUTH and be TRUE to me, that's what I want and love, there is nothing in the world worth to exchange with a true friendship. I've got four, how about you?
It's not as happy as what you think to be a prince, although you have so many servants to serve you, nothing actually needs to be worried about, especially in terms of materials. You can do what you want (in a boundary), play or sleep whenever you wish; every body obeys you...that's the problem, you see : YES man!
While we grow up, we need advice, lots and lots of advice; not only when facing choices or difficulties, even during heart breaking and lost. If every body around us only provide the best living with a sweet mouth, it's not the real life that we can face in the future, it's not true, I don't like this.
I need someone who can direct me with their experience, telling me what I did wrong before I hurt somebody that may never has a chance to remedy.I need friends as my guidance or telling me that I should wait for a bit longer, think deep before act. Here they are, TRUTH and be TRUE to me, that's what I want and love, there is nothing in the world worth to exchange with a true friendship. I've got four, how about you?
Sudden Escape
Hong Kong people do have a weird habit : Shopping. You may say, why? this is normal, most of the people like shopping, don't you? I treat this as a weird habit because it happens during our long vacation as the major event, even our original plan is to take a break from our hard work so as to enjoy a pleasant moment with our loves. It finally turns out as a busy shopping trip, which is quite common in Hong Kong's family and bring back an even more tired body when return home.
In year 2006, while I was still busy in a project, but accidentally discovered that there would be 4 days clear from the schedule. An idea prompted up from my head: if I turned away from my computer now, gave a call to my travel agent, might be I could find two tickets to Phuket.
It happened within 24 hours from waiting list to step onto the plane, and here we were - a remote hotel in Phuket.
When I was sitting there, I still couldn't believe I had already left my office chair. I had no planning of what to do here, no schedule but only a sudden escape that I wanted. The sky in front of me was so blue, the air was still and peaceful, so tranquil; it took a few hours for me to settle my mind, to turn off my working machine, so relax!
I think sometimes we do need to have such kind of "sudden escape" as I call it, no itinerary. Do whatever the first thing that comes up to your mind when you wake up each morning; enjoy the simple fresh breakfast, free sun light and sea breeze, listen bird song every minute, covered by a light aroma of lovely flowers everywhere, learn the speech of tree in the wind......I am afraid my thought is having a "sudden escape" now......
In year 2006, while I was still busy in a project, but accidentally discovered that there would be 4 days clear from the schedule. An idea prompted up from my head: if I turned away from my computer now, gave a call to my travel agent, might be I could find two tickets to Phuket.
It happened within 24 hours from waiting list to step onto the plane, and here we were - a remote hotel in Phuket.
When I was sitting there, I still couldn't believe I had already left my office chair. I had no planning of what to do here, no schedule but only a sudden escape that I wanted. The sky in front of me was so blue, the air was still and peaceful, so tranquil; it took a few hours for me to settle my mind, to turn off my working machine, so relax!
I think sometimes we do need to have such kind of "sudden escape" as I call it, no itinerary. Do whatever the first thing that comes up to your mind when you wake up each morning; enjoy the simple fresh breakfast, free sun light and sea breeze, listen bird song every minute, covered by a light aroma of lovely flowers everywhere, learn the speech of tree in the wind......I am afraid my thought is having a "sudden escape" now......
Can we survive?
We all once dream to leave our parents, have a place of our own, a totally free and private area that we can enjoy our freedom.
But when face of the reality, we can only gain a small space in high rent; we have to do our daily laundry, cleaning, maintenance, cooking...,etc, etc. All power goes to bundle of human issues, company politics, day and day traveling, leaving behind is an exhausted body sitting in our super mini apartment in front of our one and only one window.
What a difficult life? Is this what we want?
Take a break, grab a cup of coffee and sit down, look around...I think, Yes! even this is not a luxury place, it is my tiny space that allow me to make my dream, to work hard for achieving my goal. I still can find a corner here to escape from hurt or sad......even it is not luxury.
Life may not be the same as those in fairy tale, but it is so real for us to experience...starting from our "dream corner".
But when face of the reality, we can only gain a small space in high rent; we have to do our daily laundry, cleaning, maintenance, cooking...,etc, etc. All power goes to bundle of human issues, company politics, day and day traveling, leaving behind is an exhausted body sitting in our super mini apartment in front of our one and only one window.
What a difficult life? Is this what we want?
Take a break, grab a cup of coffee and sit down, look around...I think, Yes! even this is not a luxury place, it is my tiny space that allow me to make my dream, to work hard for achieving my goal. I still can find a corner here to escape from hurt or sad......even it is not luxury.
Life may not be the same as those in fairy tale, but it is so real for us to experience...starting from our "dream corner".
Coffee diary 01
It's November? Or December? I can't figure out.
Where am I?...ah! Wuhan, alone again... with you.
Where are all the peoples, are they preparing for the Christmas? Where are the joy? Can I join them to celebrate?
Yeah...there they are, when I look back from the departure gate.
I feel sad because I will never be the one to enjoy Christmas there, at least not up to now.
I wish I could, some day.
Where am I?...ah! Wuhan, alone again... with you.
Where are all the peoples, are they preparing for the Christmas? Where are the joy? Can I join them to celebrate?
Yeah...there they are, when I look back from the departure gate.
I feel sad because I will never be the one to enjoy Christmas there, at least not up to now.
I wish I could, some day.
內地公幹101第二回 Business Trip in China 101 Chapter 2
事實上,愈來愈多人需要到內地公幹, 由一個發達國家去到一個經濟急速發展中的國家,所遇到的奇怪問題是無可估計的. 上回談了交通問題, 今次讓我跟你們說說旅店罷.
1) 如果要住所謂的五或六?星級酒店, 倒不如住一間中外合資的商務酒店比較穩當. 至少那個西式自助早餐是正常的.注意: 達標的自助早餐對一個商務旅人來說是十分重要的.
2) 如果打算在酒店內用膳,請第一時間查看每一間餐廳或飯店的營業時間.因為內地的用膳時間不一定連續,午間會休息. 所以常見午後烏燈黑火.
3) 酒店內的房間送餐服務也不一定是24小時, 有些約晚上11:00便會停止服務. 對於我們這些依賴房間送餐服務的小女子來說, 是很不方便的. 所以這是我每次入酒店房內第一樣必做的大事.
4) 自備咖啡,即使是三合一也好,除非你很喜愛淡而無味的雀巢三合一.幸運的話, 你會有一兩包本地名茶在桌上,不妨一試.
5) 千萬不要飲自來水,要不飲酒店贈送的樽裝水或自行往超市購買. 如果要沖咖啡, 更加要用樽裝水; 如果用自來水煲熱來沖, 保證你有"意想不到"的新感受.
6) 牙膏 - 切記自備.不是沒有提供, 而是那不肯定是否真是我們所認識的"牙膏" !
7) 我習慣在空調出口噴一點消毒噴霧,並會較大空調出風, 不論是冷或暖氣, 確保室內有大量流通空氣; 這樣較難受不潔的中央空調系統傳染.如果可以開點窗更好,但只限高層.
8) 如果要洗頭, 切記用護髮素; 沐浴後潤膚霜也不可缺,因為國內水質會使皮膚較乾.
9) 一般酒店是沒有潤膚霜提供的,即使有......還是自備好. 不然有錢也不容易買到, 因為在國內這仍然屬於奢侈品.
10) 房門的防盜鍊要全時間鎖上.
好! 暫且說到這裡.
Truly speaking, there are more and more people who need to stay in China for business, for people who lived in a developed country will face unimaginable things that may happen in a fast growing developing country like China. Last time we talked about traffic, lets have some tips in accommodation this time.
1) Instead of looking for a so called 5 or 6? stars hotel, you better find an international business hotel, (even owned or run by both local and foreign parties). Because you will have a guarantee of morning buffet breakfast in "real western style". For a business traveler, this is really important.
2) If you will most probably having your lunch/ dinner in hotel, make sure you've checked the operation hours of them once in your hotel room, which are listed in the booklet. Because in China, restaurant may not operate normally, say from 0800 to 2000; they may close for several hours after certain period. If you are not in a proper time of lunch or dinner, no one can serve you; the chef may already go home for a nap. And that's why you will always discover some restaurant are totally dark but having door opens on the street, or even in a hotel.
3) If you are a person like me who depends on the hotel room service a lot, especially at late night; please check the delivery time as a must do item. Most of them will not operate in 24hrs, some only up to 2300.
4) Unless you are a fans of Nestle 3 in 1 coffee packs, bring your own. For those served in China's hotel is only a kind of "coffee look powder".If by chance you have some local Chinese tea bag, on the contrary, you can have a try, sometimes they are bonus to your trip.
5) Never drink directly from the tap, drink the bottle water provided by the hotel with sealed or buy from the supermarket. If you need boiling water, boil those from the bottle water, especially for your coffee; or otherwise, it's for sure you will have an unforgetable experience to your "new taste" of coffee. Trust me - I've did some test before.
6) Bring your own toothpaste. Yes, the hotel will normally provide a mini size for you, but you will not be sure whether it is really "toothpaste" according to your knowledge after you've taste it.
7) I have a habbit every time when I arrive my room - to spray disinfectant onto the air grill, then turn lower of the thermostat no matter it is operating in cold or warm air.Just to make sure there is enough air circulation to reduce the chance of being affected by the poor centralised air conditioning system. It will be better too to open a bit of window if possible, but only for staying in high levels for security issue.
8) & 9) Remember to bring along and use with your hair conditioner and body lotion after wash, because the water type in China is special which result in dry skin. Don't assume you can easily buy body lotion in China, it is still a luxuary product and is difficult to find even you are willing to pay a lot more. You may find some hotel do provide them......I will still suggest......better use your own unless you have thorough read the ingredience or you are familiar with the brand.
10) Always hook on your safety door chain whenever you are in your room.
O.K. lets finish up to here and talk next time. Have a Good trip !
1) 如果要住所謂的五或六?星級酒店, 倒不如住一間中外合資的商務酒店比較穩當. 至少那個西式自助早餐是正常的.注意: 達標的自助早餐對一個商務旅人來說是十分重要的.
2) 如果打算在酒店內用膳,請第一時間查看每一間餐廳或飯店的營業時間.因為內地的用膳時間不一定連續,午間會休息. 所以常見午後烏燈黑火.
3) 酒店內的房間送餐服務也不一定是24小時, 有些約晚上11:00便會停止服務. 對於我們這些依賴房間送餐服務的小女子來說, 是很不方便的. 所以這是我每次入酒店房內第一樣必做的大事.
4) 自備咖啡,即使是三合一也好,除非你很喜愛淡而無味的雀巢三合一.幸運的話, 你會有一兩包本地名茶在桌上,不妨一試.
5) 千萬不要飲自來水,要不飲酒店贈送的樽裝水或自行往超市購買. 如果要沖咖啡, 更加要用樽裝水; 如果用自來水煲熱來沖, 保證你有"意想不到"的新感受.
6) 牙膏 - 切記自備.不是沒有提供, 而是那不肯定是否真是我們所認識的"牙膏" !
7) 我習慣在空調出口噴一點消毒噴霧,並會較大空調出風, 不論是冷或暖氣, 確保室內有大量流通空氣; 這樣較難受不潔的中央空調系統傳染.如果可以開點窗更好,但只限高層.
8) 如果要洗頭, 切記用護髮素; 沐浴後潤膚霜也不可缺,因為國內水質會使皮膚較乾.
9) 一般酒店是沒有潤膚霜提供的,即使有......還是自備好. 不然有錢也不容易買到, 因為在國內這仍然屬於奢侈品.
10) 房門的防盜鍊要全時間鎖上.
好! 暫且說到這裡.
Truly speaking, there are more and more people who need to stay in China for business, for people who lived in a developed country will face unimaginable things that may happen in a fast growing developing country like China. Last time we talked about traffic, lets have some tips in accommodation this time.
1) Instead of looking for a so called 5 or 6? stars hotel, you better find an international business hotel, (even owned or run by both local and foreign parties). Because you will have a guarantee of morning buffet breakfast in "real western style". For a business traveler, this is really important.
2) If you will most probably having your lunch/ dinner in hotel, make sure you've checked the operation hours of them once in your hotel room, which are listed in the booklet. Because in China, restaurant may not operate normally, say from 0800 to 2000; they may close for several hours after certain period. If you are not in a proper time of lunch or dinner, no one can serve you; the chef may already go home for a nap. And that's why you will always discover some restaurant are totally dark but having door opens on the street, or even in a hotel.
3) If you are a person like me who depends on the hotel room service a lot, especially at late night; please check the delivery time as a must do item. Most of them will not operate in 24hrs, some only up to 2300.
4) Unless you are a fans of Nestle 3 in 1 coffee packs, bring your own. For those served in China's hotel is only a kind of "coffee look powder".If by chance you have some local Chinese tea bag, on the contrary, you can have a try, sometimes they are bonus to your trip.
5) Never drink directly from the tap, drink the bottle water provided by the hotel with sealed or buy from the supermarket. If you need boiling water, boil those from the bottle water, especially for your coffee; or otherwise, it's for sure you will have an unforgetable experience to your "new taste" of coffee. Trust me - I've did some test before.
6) Bring your own toothpaste. Yes, the hotel will normally provide a mini size for you, but you will not be sure whether it is really "toothpaste" according to your knowledge after you've taste it.
7) I have a habbit every time when I arrive my room - to spray disinfectant onto the air grill, then turn lower of the thermostat no matter it is operating in cold or warm air.Just to make sure there is enough air circulation to reduce the chance of being affected by the poor centralised air conditioning system. It will be better too to open a bit of window if possible, but only for staying in high levels for security issue.
8) & 9) Remember to bring along and use with your hair conditioner and body lotion after wash, because the water type in China is special which result in dry skin. Don't assume you can easily buy body lotion in China, it is still a luxuary product and is difficult to find even you are willing to pay a lot more. You may find some hotel do provide them......I will still suggest......better use your own unless you have thorough read the ingredience or you are familiar with the brand.
10) Always hook on your safety door chain whenever you are in your room.
O.K. lets finish up to here and talk next time. Have a Good trip !
Introduction of Coffee Diary
I wonder how many cups of coffee we've already consumed in our life? Don't try to count, it will never has a figure.
I have a collection of snap shots in the Pacific Coffee corner of the airport, everytime I leave H.K., I will take a break here before departure.It's not only record the trip, but the weather, time and my mood, too.
As this blog is "Coffeebreak" by protowork, I think some sharing of my coffee moment is a good idea. So a new series of Coffee Diary is coming very soon, hope you will enjoy :)
I have a collection of snap shots in the Pacific Coffee corner of the airport, everytime I leave H.K., I will take a break here before departure.It's not only record the trip, but the weather, time and my mood, too.
As this blog is "Coffeebreak" by protowork, I think some sharing of my coffee moment is a good idea. So a new series of Coffee Diary is coming very soon, hope you will enjoy :)
Connected or disconnected ?
Each time when I've visited Japan and saw these cable pole, I will take a break to look for the greatest angle of perspective view that can be found along the street. I love the rhythm of wire connected pole one after another till to the far end and all disappear in a single vanishing point.
I will imagine they are peoples appear in different period of my life; at that moment, we are connected, their existing become the ripples of my lake, and therefore my life was built eventually. One day when I still think we are connected, part of them were disconnected sometime someday in silence.
My friend said : let go, it used to be happened in each of us; nothing has to regret, it's just a natural phenomenon.
Yes, it's true, I accepted and continue to walk, I once again look at my picture, the perspective is still as beautiful as before, even some of the cables are disconnected, they did take part to create this amazing scenery in their moment of connecting, that is life; a never ending connection to all people who once bring you joy or sad.
I will imagine they are peoples appear in different period of my life; at that moment, we are connected, their existing become the ripples of my lake, and therefore my life was built eventually. One day when I still think we are connected, part of them were disconnected sometime someday in silence.
My friend said : let go, it used to be happened in each of us; nothing has to regret, it's just a natural phenomenon.
Yes, it's true, I accepted and continue to walk, I once again look at my picture, the perspective is still as beautiful as before, even some of the cables are disconnected, they did take part to create this amazing scenery in their moment of connecting, that is life; a never ending connection to all people who once bring you joy or sad.
Let me out
When we were a kid: other kids might live better in a larger house, has more beautiful clothing, more toys, more chance to travel and a better parents...
When we were a teenager: other young ladies might has a more beautiful face thus has more chance to find a better job, and of course can choose a better boy friend...
When we have our own blog: others might has more talent in writing, more nice photographs, more followers, more readers willing to comment = more traffic...
When we have our family: other guys might has a more beautiful and helpful wife, more lovely children, more easy handle pet...
When we get old and ready to die: other people might has more fruitful of family members, better retirement life, a nicer land for RIP...
We always have an illusion that there must be something better and nicer outside, and what we are having right now that can not be compared with. We just want to break the glass, rush out to experience what we think other peoples might enjoying, even we know that we neglect all the bad side emotionally. If we can't we will blame others who don't let us leave no matter what the reasons are.
I myself may still have such silly thoughts now a day, but I will take a break from all the imaginations and have a quick review of my life again. What I usually end up will be back to the reality, treasure what I am having, looking for improvement when I am ready to take the challenge; I am sure the reward that I've got after my hard work will be more concrete, not only reflects the good side, but the power to overcome the bad side as well.
Never too early
It was 4:00a.m. in the morning, I just climbed onto my bed at 1:00a.m., as far as I've remember, I was in a hotel of Nanjing, a local called "5 stars" hotel; their buffet breakfast were delicious, but how come I've got these? The reasons was I had to catch up with an 8:00a.m. international freight, so I booked a taxi at 6:00a.m. and I should check out at around 5:30a.m. But the worst thing was I woke up earlier even I was so tired. If you were me, would you forced yourself to sleep for another 45mins.? It's difficult, really really difficult.
So finally I decided to pack and finish my instant noodle + instant 3in1 coffee for an instant "refresh".
In normal practice, to arrive the airport 2 hours earlier for international departure is quite common, especially in China, because you have to spare extra time of facing the unexpected delay by human issues; in addition, if you have hand carry luggage, you better boarding as soon as you can, otherwise your luggage storage above your seat will most likely be occupied by someone else; then you have to say goodbye to your bags and hopefully they are safe in 10 rows in front of yours.
But there are always an exception. I remembered I did arrive Nanjing airport at around 6:30a.m. assuming I could start check in immediately, but the fact was all passengers waiting outside the gate (the international departure zone is usually smaller then the domestic without much to shop or to eat) together with their huge packs of souvenirs, until 7:30 something, all rush towards the counter at once, you can imagine how messy it was?! Don't worry, I will leave those details.
At that moment, I regret to give up my sleeping time and deluxe breakfast to wait outside the gate; but if I have to re-arrange again, I am sure I will have the same schedule, because there is never too early; just like our life, by having one minute extra, you may have a chance to reverse the whole story.
P.S. - Blessing to people affected by the Iceland volcano ashes, wish they can return home very soon.
So finally I decided to pack and finish my instant noodle + instant 3in1 coffee for an instant "refresh".
In normal practice, to arrive the airport 2 hours earlier for international departure is quite common, especially in China, because you have to spare extra time of facing the unexpected delay by human issues; in addition, if you have hand carry luggage, you better boarding as soon as you can, otherwise your luggage storage above your seat will most likely be occupied by someone else; then you have to say goodbye to your bags and hopefully they are safe in 10 rows in front of yours.
But there are always an exception. I remembered I did arrive Nanjing airport at around 6:30a.m. assuming I could start check in immediately, but the fact was all passengers waiting outside the gate (the international departure zone is usually smaller then the domestic without much to shop or to eat) together with their huge packs of souvenirs, until 7:30 something, all rush towards the counter at once, you can imagine how messy it was?! Don't worry, I will leave those details.
At that moment, I regret to give up my sleeping time and deluxe breakfast to wait outside the gate; but if I have to re-arrange again, I am sure I will have the same schedule, because there is never too early; just like our life, by having one minute extra, you may have a chance to reverse the whole story.
P.S. - Blessing to people affected by the Iceland volcano ashes, wish they can return home very soon.